We are destined.Let me pamper you




Lu Xion walked towards her and flicked her forehead, "Wake up! Forward me the coordinates" Xiu Mei snapped from her reverie and rubbed her forehead, looking at him with an angry scowl.     

Feng Jianyu got pissed off by this and lifts her chin up to look at the place where he flicked. "You bastard! How dare you hurt her?" He barked at Lu Xion while rubbing his thumb in a circular motion on her forehead.     

Lu Xion didn't pay attention to Feng Jianyu, his eyes flickered looking at something. When Feng Jianyu pulled Xiu Mei's chin up, unknowingly Xion saw a faint purple mark few inches below her jaw, towards the left.     

Moreover, he noticed Xiu Mei and Feng Jianyu were wearing clothes with turtle neck. Why? Knowing Xiu Mei, he was aware of how much she hates wearing turtle neck as it gives her the feeling of being strangled. She always prefers comfortable and loose clothes, made up of finest cotton.     

He gave her a sidelong glance. The look in his eyes became unfathomable as he understood what that mark is and how someone gets it.     

Noticing that Lu Xion was staring at them, she assured Feng Jianyu, "It's okay. Xion can never hurt me"     

"He did just now," Jianyu whispered.     

"Pay attention to her words" Xion retorted.     

Feng Jianyu: "You better stay away from her"     

Lu Xion: "Same rule applies to you too"     

Both men came face to face, covering the distance between them while Xiu Mei was pushed to the side by Feng Jianyu.     

She alternated her gaze between the monster and devil, listening to their senseless banter. Both of them care for her but not so surprisingly they hated each other. But thankfully their fight was limited to banter and have not turned bloody as per her expectation.     

Feng Jianyu is insecure because Lu Xion was with her during her most difficult times. He thinks Xion might have developed some feelings for Xiu Mei due to her unbreakable connection with Meiying.     

While Lu Xion is cautious of Feng Jianyu's presence around her. He obviously noticed that Jianyu takes cares of her, but is this really true? What if all this is a façade? What if he has an ulterior motive? What if Jianyu has any connection to the incident happened seven years back? He doesn't want to take any risk when it comes to Xiu Mei.     

"Let me remind you once more. SHE IS MY WIFE" said Feng Jianyu gritting his teeth.     

Lu Xion scoffed, "Is this your achievement?"     

"It's my good fortune"     

"Then where you when she was tortu…."     

"Lu Xion" Xiu Mei didn't let him complete the sentence and eyed him. "I hope you will respect the promise we made to each other. I'll never talk about Meiying's death and you'll never mention about the night seven years back"     

She pushed both of them away and positioned herself in between them to break this intense verbal banter. "Don't you think you both should fight manly? Why not take out your respective guns and fight? It will be more entertaining"     



"He started it, Mei"     

"He started it, Tomato"     

"Stop calling my wife with endearments"     

"This is the second time you reminded me that she is your wife"     

"Because that's the truth. I'll remind you a thousand times"     

"Tell me, who among you is the wife and who is the husband?" Xiu Mei interrupted and tried to act confident even when her knees were practically shaking thinking about uncertain. She was scared of what they might do to each other when she is not around.     



Both of them glared at her.     

"Exactly! You are fighting like husband and wife. SILLY BICKERING" She shrugged her shoulders and leaned against the glass railing with her hands crossed over chest and feet tapping against the floor. "Both of you listen to me carefully, I won't repeat it again"     

"You!" She pointed finger at Feng Jianyu, "You are my husband. The only man I loved, I love and will always love. From two strangers who met at the coffee house to husband and wife who share each other's life. We have not crossed this path overnight but by crossing many painful hurdles. And the most painful was when I thought you betrayed me"     

"And you!" She pointed finger at Lu Xion, "The man with whom I share a nameless relationship. From strangers to calling each other with affectionate endearments of Little Tomato and X. We too have crossed this path with similar difficulties. And the most painful was Meiying's death"     

"Guys… You both are special to me. Please don't force me to choose amongst you. That's IMPOSSIBLE!" She looked at them seriously, "If you can't behave then please find your way out of this country because I'm not going to babysit two stubborn and dangerous toddlers.     



Feng Jianyu: "I'm not stubborn and dangerous"     

Lu Xion: "Neither am I"     

"Hold on! Who did you called toddler? It better be Lu Xion" Feng Jianyu said.     

"Do you have comprehensibility problem? Of course she called you a toddler" Lu Xion gave a dirty look to Feng Jianyu "MY LITTLE TOMATO can never address me like that. Right?"     

"Grrrr…." Feng Jianyu growled. He was on the verge of throwing a punch on Lu Xion's face for addressing her affectionately. "Dare address MY WIFE with that name once more and I'll kill you"     

"Grrrr…" Now it was Lu Xion's turn to growl for reminding him again that she is Feng Jianyu's wife. "MY. LITTLE. TOMA….."     

Lu Xion's words were still hanging at the tip of his tongue when Xiu Mei ran at the lightening speed and stood in front of them to avoid the collision. "If I saw a single bruise on any one of your body, then I'll not only kick you out of this country but out of my life" warning both of them, she stepped back, "Now fight. I won't disrupt in between. GOODBYE!"     

"Clash of Titans" She scoffed and stride towards the stairs, leaving them alone.     



"Mei, where are you going?" Xiu Mei heard Jianyu asking her.     

"To the rescue camp. I got a lead" She answered truly, "But don't bother following me. You got much important work to do. Keep fighting with each other" She hissed.     

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