We are destined.Let me pamper you

I was bored

I was bored

The woman's eyes widened slightly at his response. Kong Da dared to speak in front of her. She stared back at him with a smirk, "I have got many other ways to get a donor for my son. It was just lucky of him that she was freely available. So why not use her? She was a waste after all. Isn't she should consider herself lucky that before dying she was put to some use?"     



Just when they were talking a gunshot was fired followed by the breaking of the glass table. As they turned around to see, Alice was lying face down on the broken glass pieces with some shards stuck near her eyes.     

The man on the wheelchair looked at everyone nonchalantly and shrugged. "I was bored. She was no fun"     


Another bullet fired that passed through and through her shoulder. With the second gunshot, her body shook a little because of the impact but remain lifeless otherwise. They already tortured her to the extent that she could feel nothing.     

"Y-You killed her" Kong Da looked at the girl who was breathing her last. He gritted his teeth thinking about Kong Zhi's property and looked at the young man who was unfazed even after killing someone. He collapsed onto the couch, holding his head. Gone his millions of dollar property.     

The woman cackled loudly, "Sixteen years back, my brother sent her to Country B to be cultivated into a deadly assassin at our base and use against her own family. But that Kong Zhi saved her and later you hide her from us. Although we cannot use her against her family, she gave me a lot more than that. Her software will make us rich and her bone marrow will save my son"     

The woman settled down on the couch and crossed her legs, "How I wish her family could see her dead body, but for them, she is long dead. It is true children pay for their parents' sins. Her father rejected my brother's business proposal and sided with Feng Dingxiong to help him set up Feng Corporation again. He even helped Feng Dingxiong to send my brother to jail. Later he rejected my marriage proposal and chose her mother. Damn that woman, she was a renowned beauty and dare to trap the man I love. I had almost succeeded in getting him if her mother had not come in between us"     

"Throw this stinking body at the old warehouse road. Let her rot at that abandoned road" Getting her orders, few men picked Alice's body and take her from there.     

"What about that diamond? We are the rightful owners of it. Today we planned Feng Jianyu's accident to get the diamond and avenge for my Uncle's death. But we still didn't get the diamond" The man on the wheelchair sulked and thrashed the gun on the floor.     

The woman contemplated rubbing her chin. She sensed something was off about the situation "Everything was well planned but a third party interrupted in between" She looked at her two bodyguards, "Find out what happened? Who took the diamond from Alice?"     

She patted her son's shoulder, "Relax! You should celebrate Feng Jianyu's accident. His chances of survival are zero. As far as diamond is concerned I'm happy that at least it is not with Feng's"     

"But I want that diamond for myself. I've heard it's one of the most expensive diamonds in the world and was once used to save almost bankrupt Feng Corporation" He banged his fist on the wheelchair in anger.     

Kong Da tried to sneak out from there with whatever he had with him. Alice's software. "Now that I don't have any work I'll take my leave"     

"Don't think of getting away with the software. Give it to me. I know that software is worth many diamonds" Kong Da instantly stopped hearing the woman's stern voice and turned to face her. "Above that, I know which genius clan she belongs to. If it was someone else I might have not trusted her, but this software came from this extraordinary girl. This is definitely worth a fortune" The woman spread her palm sideways.     

Kong Da reluctantly passed on the Pen Drive on which his man had copied the software. His dreams shattered as he looked at the Pen Drive being taken away by the woman. She checked it by turning it upside down and gave a smirk. "Your elder son did a marvellous job by impersonating Feng Jianyu to get the password. I'm impressed"     

Kong Da stealed a glance in the direction of the camera, indicating his elder son was with him all the time.     

The woman got up and gave the pen drive back to Kong Da. "Feng Corporation is the best company to sell it in the market. They know there game better than anyone. But remember, 60% of the profits of your share should be transferred to my private account. Along with that, you will transfer a fixed amount of income to one of our secret accounts irrespective of profits. Consider this as your punishment for hiding Alice all these years. Above that, I need insider information of Feng Corporation"     

"B-But this is…."     

"Hahaha…. Do you have any other choice? Just be happy with whatever profits you are earning from 'HIS' business. That illegal base is growing at a fast pace and so are your earnings. If you dare to step out of your boundary, 'He' won't take a single second to chop you into pieces. Don't forget how you become military General" The woman's warning forced Kong Da to shut his mouth and he left the place along with Kong Wei who was brought there to impersonate Feng Jianyu to get the password and discreetly record the video.     

The video recording continued even after Kong Da left the place. After coming outside Kong Wei kicked an empty can in anger. "Damn these people! They are using us. We planned so much to get the software but now they will be leeching on our profits"     

Hearing his son Kong Da laughed out loud and pointed at the camera attached to his collar. "This camera is the biggest proof against them. They clearly confessed that Feng Jianyu's accident was their handiwork. What do you think how Feng Dingxiong will react after knowing about the real culprits. With just a little editing we can easily remove Alice's part and any part where I'm visible. Let her win for some time. Just concentrate on that illegal base and whatever profits this software would generate for us. I'm planning to set Liu in Feng Family. Once she becomes future Mrs. Feng, fifty percent of the property would be hers. With this enormous wealth and power nobody can dare to go against us. Moreover, how can they forget their illegal base is set in Country B? Sooner or later I'll take over the charge of entire military power and you will take over political power. Just think we are taking a few steps back to take a bigger jump"     


After the video ended Wang Shi looked sideways at Feng Jianyu who was sitting like a robot. His posture stiff, eyes still glued to the blank laptop screen. Nobody could fathom out what he was thinking right now.     

Everything came right in front of him like an open book. He saw how they treated Alice, their motives and the real culprit behind it.     

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