We are destined.Let me pamper you

Let bygones be bygones

Let bygones be bygones

The next morning     

Xiu Mei woke up and nudged her face on pillow thinking it to be Feng Jianyu. She frowned on not getting the warmth and opened her eyes to check.     

Next second poor pillow was lying somewhere on the floor after receiving a few punches from the cranky woman.     

"Good morning chipmunk. I love you baby. Muahhh" Her eyes shot wide at the known voice and she looked around desperately. Her smile drooped when the voice was coming from the tab kept on the bed table. She checked the health watch on her wrist through which this app was perfectly co-ordinating Feng Jianyu's message.     

"Don't bother looking for me. This husband of yours is off to the office to finish some pending work. But I've set your schedule for the day. Please follow it and take your medicine on time if you want to heal quickly and do something naughty naughty with your husband" Her face turned beetroot red hearing Feng Jianyu's suggestive words. She kissed the tab soundingly, "Ahhh! How can you be such a cute monster ah! I love you 2 3 4 5 6..... Muahhh"     

Just as she finished the sentence a voice came from the tab that irked her, "Come-on you spoiled brat, get that lazy ass out of bed, brush your teeth, take bath and have breakfast. Your first meeting is with Joseph. He wants to talk to you"     

Xiu Mei "…"     

 'I take back my words. A monster can never be cute. Stingy monster' she mumbled feeling annoyed and went to freshen up.     

After breakfast, she headed downstairs to one of the Presidential suits where the meeting with Joseph was supposed to be held. Considering her security and hidden identity Feng Jianyu made sure that they meet inside the hotel instead of somewhere outside. Bodyguards will follow her where ever she goes but in order to not irritate her, they will be guarding her from a safe distance.     

Xiu Mei was surprised to see Yeti, Bai Xin and Huo Feng inside the Presidential suit. "Good morning guys. What are you doing here?"     

"Good morning XM" All replied simultaneously.     

"Actually Boss asked us to be with you when Joseph comes" Bai Xin replied and Huo Feng added, "Considering how Joseph treated you last time, it's not safe to be with him alone. You never know what weapon he might be hiding in his sleeve"     

At their reply, Xiu Mei rolled her eyes, "Relax! Brother Joseph won't harm me. And the biggest proof is that Kong's are still oblivious of my identity. Whatever happened at the medical camp was his outrage and nothing else"     

"Your team is right Alice" Everyone's head snapped at the door only to find Joseph standing there with a box of mint chocolates. "My intention was not good when I saw you at the medical camp. Upon seeing you healthy, I was enraged that my family suffered so much and you are living a happy life. I was feeling wronged for Rose, Aunty Martha and Uncle Xavier and wanted you to feel the same pain that my family went through. To hold you responsible for everything, I said all those things. But later CEO Feng told me something about you and I realized that the situation was not good for you either. I-I'm sorry Alice"     

Joseph tries to come near Xiu Mei to give her the box of chocolates but Yeti and Huo Feng stopped him and Bai Xin took a defensive stance as if ready to kill him if he dares to take one more step.     

"Guys please calm down" Xiu Mei pushed everyone aside and eyed them. But nobody paid attention to her and keep their guards up. She shook her head in disappointment and guided Joseph to sit with her on the couch, much to everyone's dismay.     

"Brother Joseph, don't talk about medical camp. Let bygones be bygones" She thoughtfully pours a cup of rose tea for both of them and passed pumpkin muffins and cardamom cookies to him. To make him feel comfortable she pointed at the box of chocolates, "Is it for me? Are these from that old lady's bakery" Joseph happily nodded at her question and she instantly took the chocolates from him and tossed one in her mouth.     

"XM!?" All three tried to stop her from eating these chocolates.     

Before anyone could utter one more word she eyed them sternly, gesturing to shut their mouth.     

"Mmm! That old lady is a magician. How can she make such delectable mint chocolates? Mmm… so creamy… so flavourful…. Thanks, Brother Joseph. I missed these chocolates so much"     

Joseph smiled but he was feeling guilty for his behaviour.     

"Alice, I've decided to take your offer" Joseph puts down the tea cup and come straight to the point, "But can I leave for the Zeng research center after the Presidential election? I want to see everything before leaving this country"     

"Sure! No problem. In the mean time Dr. Wang will arrange for Uncle Xavier's treatment" Xiu Mei assured him sincerely and puts down her empty tea cup. She looked up at Joseph, "Brother Joseph can you tell me something about the man who helped you in all this. I'm curious about his identity"     

Joseph pondered for some time, "Alice I myself don't know much about him. He lives mysteriously, nobody knows about him"     

Xiu Mei offered him pumpkin muffins, "Anything! Anything would help. Please think once again. His looks, name, where does he lives, his voice, something…."     

"Sorry Alice, his face was fully burned. So I can't help you with his looks. And he goes by the strange name Ghost. Nobody knows his real name" Joseph answered truly. He failed to notice the changes in Xiu Mei's expression as soon as she heard that the man's face was burned and he goes by the name Ghost.     

Xiu Mei's team shared a glance with each other and simultaneously looked at Xiu Mei. Her expression was unfathmomable.     

"Anything else you know about that man?" She asked.     

"Oh yes!" Joseph exclaimed, "Surprisingly Uncle Xavier used to listen to Ghost. Many times Ghost used to take care of Uncle Xavier whenever I used to go out to support rebels group"     

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