The Alchemists

The Frenemies

The Frenemies

Aleksis snorted in annoyance. She hurriedly checked the chip that was installed in her watch, hoping that the chip was still good and she could save it so she could contact Alaric ...     

Oh no ... the chip was destroyed.     

Subconsciously, tears flowed down as Aleksis cried in front of Nicolae and Terry, who were confused by her attitude.     

"Why are you crying?" Terry asked, confused. However flat he looked on the surface, he was very fond of Aleksis. Since he joined the Schneider family 8 years ago, he had spent a lot of time with Aleksis, especially since they were close in age. They became close with each other very quickly. Lauriel also often invited Terry on adventures when he took Aleksis with him.     

He lovingly embraced his sister who was now weeping. "My phone-watch is broken ... huhuhu ... I'm so sad ..."     

"Sssh ... that's easy to buy another one. I can order the exact same watch from America," Terry said, stroking Aleksis' hair.     

Aleksis just shook her head. She was still sad. It was not the broken phone-watch that made her cry, but the chip that could connect her to Alaric.     

Nicolae paid close attention to Aleksis. He realized that there must be something on her watch that was very valuable to Aleksis, not the phone-watch itself. He opened his tablet and showed Terry the video he had successfully taken from the school CCTV camera.     

Terry looked at its contents and immediately frowned to see that indeed, yesterday when Rosemary found Aleksis' phone-watch, its condition was still good. Instantly his face turned red with anger.     

"Why did she lie to me?" he hissed, full of wrath. What he hated the most was being lied to. He had treated Rosemary well because he appreciated that the girl had gone to great lengths to return Aleksis' watch. He did not think that Rosemary had destroyed it before returning it to him.     

"Ugh ... just wait, you, I'll teach you a lesson," he hissed in annoyance. He then patted Aleksis' shoulder and calmed her down. The girl was still crying on his chest.     

For a moment, Nicolae felt moved by the sight. To his knowledge, Terry was a very annoying person, but it turned out that the young man was very fond of his sister, although often times he acted indifferent.     

"Hmm ... can I see your watch?" Nicolae asked Aleksis. Without waiting for Aleksis' answer, he took the watch from her hand. He looked at the slot containing the special chip and immediately recognized its function. "Hmm ... I can fix this, if that can make you stop crying."     

Aleksis' tears suddenly stopped. She looked up and stared at Nicolae with a face filled with a million questions. "Can you really fix it? It's already broken ... how can it be repaired?"     

Nicolae nodded, "Yes, it's broken, but I can copy the code in it and make you a new chip. Whoever the person you want to contact, he just need to wait for a day. Tomorrow I'll give you a replacement chip."     

"Can you really fix it? Can you really????" This time Aleksis' voice sounded more hopeful. Her eyes seemed to sparkle, which made Nicolae's heart ache a little.     

Surely this defective chip was her link with that Prince Siegfried. The fact that it was broken was the reason why Aleksis was so sad, he thought.     

Nicolae nodded firmly. He put the watch in his pocket then spoke to Terry, "Did you bring a car?"     

"Yes, why?" Terry asked.     

"Carl and Sascha are after the people who wanted to kidnap Aleksis yesterday. I told them to take care of it until I arrive. I must take Aleksis home. Later, from the Continental, I will catch up with Carl and Sascha using my own car."     

"Why didn't you bring your car?" Terry asked curtly. He was still not willing to let Nicolae ride in his car.     

Terry's curt attitude towards Nicolae made Aleksis impatient. She immediately clapped her brother's hand, "Big brother, why are you still so harsh? Even to your own partner? No wonder you don't have a girlfriend and proper friends, your attitude is too annoying ..."     

"Partner? When did I partner with this weird dude?" said Terry, glaring. Nicolae also looked as annoyed as Terry. He would not ever want to partner with Terry, so why did Aleksis suddenly say they were partners?     

Partner my a-s-s.     

Aleksis rolled her eyes and tsk-ed in annoyance. "Didn't you partner with Wolf for your investigation?"     

Terry immediately placed his index finger on Aleksis' lips, to stop her from unfolding his secret, "Ssshhh ... why do you have such a big mouth? It's a secret! I told you about it because you're my sister! You shouldn't say it in front of strangers!"     

"He is not a stranger!" Aleksis exclaimed.     

"Yes, yes ... I know that he's Lauriel's son, but he's new to the family. His status is still a stranger ... We can't tell Nicolae everything yet. You know for yourself how big of a secret our research is ..." Terry shook his head seeing Aleksis being so stubborn.     

"I mean, he's not a stranger ... because he's Wolf. Isn't your partner's nickname Wolf ???" Aleksis said impatiently. "This morning I can't remember where I heard that name before, but when I saw your face just now, I immediately remembered ... You once told me that your partner's name was Wolf, and this morning Nicolae told me that his name in the Darknet was Wolf."     

Nicolae was immediately stunned. "Hey, Aleksisssss ... !! I told you and father that my nickname is Wolf, but that doesn't mean that you can tell it openly to strangers. That's supposed to be a secret. Nobody can know my identity!"     

Two seconds later both Terry and Nicolae looked transfixed. They just realized what was happening.     

Both of them looked at each other with wide eyes. Then, their lips opened and closed but no sound came out ... each raised their index finger and pointed at the other with a look of disbelief.     

"Wait ..." Nicolae swallowed.     

"You ..." Terry finally found his voice, "You ... Wolf? Really?"     

"Are you Billie Jean?" Nicolae asked in return. "I thought you were a girl ..."     

"Ugh ..." Terry looked very embarrassed that his nickname was mentioned in front of Aleksis. Billie Jean was indeed a woman's name, but he used the nickname as a tribute to his father, the famous actor Jean Pierre Wang, and his father's fiancee, Billie Yves. "Shut up!"     

Aleksis looked at the two of them alternately while shaking her head, "You know what, you two are arguing like a husband and wife who have been married for decades. You are actually very compatible with each other, but you let your ego take over and ultimately you act so hostile. As proof, when you both didn't know each other's real identities online, you guys were such good friends and you even partnered up ..."     

Terry still had difficulty accepting the fact that the partner he really admired turned out to be Nicolae, his rival on everything on campus!     

While Nicolae could only scratch his head. He had always thought that Billie Jean was a very cool girl because she was very smart and her attitude was just like a man, so they could be close friends.     

Who would have thought that his image of this super cool and super smart girl was now shattered to pieces. Apparently Billie Jean was a 23-year-old male student, who was the most annoying guy in the world.     

Unwittingly, both of them simultaneously took a deep breath.     

"See, you guys even sighed at the same time," teased Aleksis. She then took the two, one in her right hand, and one in her left hand, then half dragging, pulled them to the parking lot. "You guys can exchange news in the car. I want to go home quickly so that Nico can fix my chip immediately."     

Still looking very shocked, the two St. Mary's campus ideal husband candidates followed Aleksis. They both couldn't hide the shock on their faces.     

Gosh ... for the past six months, apparently ... I partnered with my own enemy ...     

The two young men even thought the same thing, on the way to Terry's car.     

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