The Alchemists

What a beautiful morning

What a beautiful morning

Aleksis woke up when the sun was already high, needing a few moments to recall her memories of what happened last night before she fell asleep in a place that was unfamiliar to her.     

When her memory returned to her, Aleksis covered her mouth in shock. Too many things took place in one night. She found out that Prince Siegfried whom she had been searching for so long was Alaric Rhionen who saved her twice at Sky Bar, when she fell from a wall and nearly died from being thrown off the 100th floor by Pavel.     

Aleksis remembered how Alaric tried to avoid her by saying that her Prince Siegfried was already dead ... Then they suddenly kissed ... Following this, Alaric rejected her love confession ... But then, urged by each other's feelings, they ended up in this mansion ...     

Aleksis touched her lips while closing her eyes and then smiled shyly. She remembered how intimate they were last night, and how Alaric finally gave up adhering to his principles so he could be in a relationship with her...     

She could not wait to spend the next coming days with Alaric and reveal her secret identity to the man.     

Alaric would no longer have to worry about the differences in their ages and backgrounds... because, for Alchemists, time was in their hands. A twenty years age difference meant nothing to people who could live forever ...     

What a beautiful morning, Aleksis thought, feeling that so many great things had happened last night.     

She looked around and realized she was sleeping in an impressively beautiful room. Everything here could be described using two words: dark and masculine.     

Was this the guest bedroom in the mansion? Her eyes fell on those decorations typically found in a male's place and realized that she was sleeping in the house owner's own bedroom.     

She looked at the big bed where she lied and realized only one side was used, that was, the side she was on now. That meant Alaric did not take advantage of her last night. This made Aleksis smile to herself.     

Of course, the Prince Siegfried in her head was a gentleman who would not prey on a vulnerable, sleeping woman. This made Aleksis increasingly adore the mysterious man whom she had fallen in love with since 8 years ago.     

'Where is Alaric now?' she wondered. She looked at her watch and realized it was already 10 am. Ugh ... she was a bit embarrassed because she woke up really late while in someone else's place.     

Hopefully, Alaric didn't mistake her for a lazy girl ...     

She noticed that there were messages from Carl on her phone-watch asking how she was. Aleksis hurriedly sent back a reply to him, telling him not to worry because she was fine.     

Finally, Aleksis got off the bed. She really wanted to clean herself in the bathroom before leaving the room, but then she remembered that she forgot to bring a change of clothes with her, while the clothes she was wearing were not at all attractive.     

Aleksis had a huge collection of very beautiful and expensive clothes, but she only wore them at home. Whenever she was wandering around Singapore, she always wore shabby and old-fashioned clothes and a pair of oversized glasses to hide her beauty.     

She just got herself a boyfriend ... It would be really terrible if, on their first day together as a couple, she remained looking like the usual shabby nerdy girl...     

'Ugh ... what should I do?' Aleksis mused to herself, feeling annoyed.     

She recalled that when Alaric saved her eight years ago, the man told his staff to buy her a lot of girls' clothes and other stuff needed... Aleksis was sure that if she asked, Alaric would easily provide anything for her.     

But they only met yesterday... She did not want Alaric to think she was a golddigger once she suddenly requested him to buy her some stuff.     

She could ask Carl or Sascha to bring her nice clothes ... but then the two bodyguards would report definitely this to her parents. Aleksis didn't want that.     

Hmmm ... I can't let it happen!     

In the end, she left the room and looked for Alaric with a frown on her beautiful face. She had no other choice.     

Aleksis found Alaric on the back porch, reading a book on the marble staircase while rubbing the back of Little Prince Siegfried who was lying lazily on his lap.     

Whaaa ... what a lucky dog! Aleksis thought exasperatedly. She should be the one sitting on Alaric's lap with her back getting rubbed, not her fat dog!     

"Hey ..." Aleksis called out to Alaric. She only popped her head out from behind the door, not wanting to show her whole body. She thought it was not attractive at the moment because of her shabby clothes. She scolded herself for leaving the penthouse last night with a disheveled look like this ...     

Ah, but last night she didn't know that she would meet Alaric and accompany him back to his home…     

The young man turned his head and immediately smiled at Aleksis, "Hmm... good morning, Princess. Did you sleep well?"     

"Yeah, I did ..." Aleksis smiled back, "Uhmm ... I didn't bring a change of clothes ... and I'm really uncomfortable wearing my clothes last night again. I want to ask my friend to bring me clothes here, so I can take a shower and change... may I know the address to your house? "     

Aleksis planned to ask Terry to get her most beautiful clothes from the penthouse and bring them here.     

Alaric's smile disappeared. He then shook his head softly, "Sorry, I can't give my address to anyone else. What do you say if I just tell my staff to buy clothes for you?"     

'Ugh ... I knew it', thought Aleksis.     

Alaric reminded her of her own father who was crazy about privacy. She was sure that if Caspar met Alaric, they would be sitting down together, discussing various ways to cover up their tracks and protect their identities.     

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