The Alchemists

Mr. Schneider finally has a girlfriend??

Mr. Schneider finally has a girlfriend??

Finland could only smile to herself at the thought of how thrilling it was to make love in Caspar's office with the door unlocked and with so many people working outside. Caspar was very confident that no one would dare to enter without his orders, and that proved to be true. Until the afternoon, when Finland finally 'finished translating', there were no disturbances at all.     

They enjoyed tea and chatted about the results of Finland's research as well as about the preparation of the company's Christmas party after Caspar's so-called 'rest'.     

"I rarely come to the company Christmas parties," Caspar said, "but this year I want to come because I've made the effort of inviting Billie Yves for you. I want to make you happy because we can watch her show together."     

"Thank you... you're very kind," Finland kissed Caspar gratefully and glared at him. "I love you soooo much!"     

"Do you know the theme of the party this year?" Caspar asked her.     

"The Victorian, Ruth told me."     

"It's not just a Victorian costume Christmas party," Caspar said, " I deliberately added new arrangements because you work here. I've asked the committee to make an announcement that the party will be a masquerade party. So besides wearing Victorian costumes, all guests must wear masks. Those who don't have a mask will be given one by the company to wear at the party."     

"Wow... that sounds exciting," Finland became very excited, "But why because of me?"     

"I want you to come to the party as my wife, but you certainly don't want people to recognize you, right?"     

"Oh..." Finland finally understood. This was a very neat plan. Caspar could come to the Christmas party with her, and her colleagues would not recognize her. Ah... her husband was full of bright ideas. "I like it!"     

"Hahaha... I knew it. Lauriel doesn't like crowds, so he certainly won't come even if we invited him. I'll ask him to stay with Aleksis while we go to the party. He will be very happy."     

Finland nodded. "Great idea."     

Finland became very excited about the company's Christmas party. She was also happy to imagine that if Caspar came to the event with a partner, she would stop hearing her husband being gossiped about by her office friends.     

"Ah, it's almost time to go home from work. People will be suspicious if I don't get out of your office," Finland got up and took her laptop. "I'll get down first. I'll wait for you in the car as usual."     

Caspar got up and kissed her and led Finland to the door.     

"Thank you for your help, Miss Makela. The document was very important..." he said casually as he closed the door after Finland leaned toward him to excuse herself. From the outside, it would seem that Caspar was indifferent and his mind was preoccupied with work, as usual.     

Although they were very convincing, and everyone thought Finland was only working on translating important documents for hours, many women remained jealous of her because she spent so much time in that special office with the big boss.     

Ruth repeatedly asked Finland about her opinion on the amazing Mr. Schneider, since the girl had managed to work near him for many hours the previous day. The questions continued during their lunch break on the 30th floor.     

"Uhm... He is a very kind person," Finland said, somewhat confused about what to say, "I expressed my appreciation for all of the policies that improve the wellbeing of employees in the company, and especially for parents with young children."     

"What else did you guys talk about?" Priyanka asked.     

Seeing that her office friends would not stop bothering her until she gave them a satisfying answer, Finland finally gave in.     

"We talked about the research I'm doing, whether I like working at this company or not, and about the Christmas party tomorrow night." She explained without lying, "Mr. Schneider admitted that he doesn't usually attend company parties, but tomorrow he will come with his partner because she is a big fan of Billie Yves."     

"Ohhh... it's no wonder that this year the company invited Billie to our party..." Priyanka exclaimed. "It will be really fun."     

"So, does that mean that the circulating rumors are true? Mr. Schneider finally has a girlfriend?" asked Ruth. "Well... we have to find a new crush now."     

"Sigh..." Simultaneously the three girls sighed.     

They knew that sooner or later this most eligible bachelor in New York would find love and get married. He was old enough to settle down and he had everything a man could ever dream of in life. Of course, they could not possibly hope that he would notice ordinary girls like them.     

"So... let's just pray that our good boss will be happy with his life and let's stop gossiping about his personal life. What do you think?" suggested Finland. She was pleased to see their reaction. Finally, they stopped gossiping Caspar and Finland could enjoy the rest of her meal peacefully. "His assistant is also handsome and it looks like he's still single. What's his name... Benjamin Van Der Ven? Right? Why not chase him instead?"     

Her colleagues could only sigh. Ruth finally explained, "You're a new employee, so you don't know, but Ben already has a family in Germany. He was married when he was very young and he already has older children."     

Finland was very surprised to hear that. She had spent so much time around Ben and she didn't even know that Ben was married. The man was always with Caspar, so naturally she thought Ben was still single. What kind of wife could accept her husband being away all the time?     

"Oh... I didn't know that..." Finland felt ashamed because it turned out that she didn't really know Ben, even though Ben was one of the people closest to Caspar other than Jadeith and Stanis.     

"It's okay, you're new here, so that's understandable. Ben usually works six months in New York with Mr. Schneider and six months in Berlin with his family. Mr. Schneider has another assistant who often replaces Ben. If I'm not mistaken, his name is Max or something. But he's mostly based in the German office, so we rarely see him here."     

"Oh, good to know..."     

Inwardly Finland decided to ask more questions about Caspar's staff and pay better attention to the people near him so that she would not miss information like this.     

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