The Alchemists

New Agreement (2)

New Agreement (2)

"His acting is excellent... and his popularity quickly skyrocketed. It was not in vain that I sponsored his movies," Caspar murmured in the middle of the movie.     

Finland looked at him in surprise, "Did you sponsor his movies? Why?"     

Caspar, who realized he had said something that was supposed to be kept secret, finally explained that he had told Stanis to invest in a number of major film studios and finance their big-budget movies on a condition that they must cast Jean.     

He did that to make up for wiping out Jean's memory and causing him trouble. Because of his support, Jean was able to play in big-time movies. That was also why he became famous very quickly.     

"Jeez..." Finland stroked Caspar's cheek gratefully, "Thank you... you're so kind… I thought you didn't like him because you are jealous."     

"Uhmm... not anymore. I can already accept your friendship with him. I was actually more jealous of Lauriel when I first saw that you were with him..."     

"We were not in a relationship; he helped me and Aleksis a lot, and he one-sidedly made Aleksis his goddaughter. He said he would give all his wealth to Aleksis. I told him that Aleksis had a biological father... and that we don't need his wealth... " said Finland quickly. She didn't want Caspar to misunderstand her relationship with Lauriel.     

"Yeah, I know. I've also talked to Lauriel about it, and now I understand why he loves Aleksis so much. There won't be any misunderstandings anymore," Caspar smiled soothingly. "Let's just say Aleksis is lucky because she has two fathers who love her very much..."     


They continued watching while cuddling and commenting on some interesting scenes.     

"You know, my friends in my office are huge fans of Jean. They are very happy because Jean invited them to his latest movie promo next week," Finland said after the movie was over and they were ready to sleep.     

"Oh, really?" Caspar remembered that decades ago, he had tried to be an actor. It was when the pictures were still in black and white and he liked it, but he quickly got bored and quit the profession before he became very famous. His favorite profession that he often repeated was a doctor.     

With current world conditions and advancement in social media, being a celebrity was not suitable for his life that required strict privacy. He could not have lived this freely if his face was plastered everywhere.     

"Jean invited us to come to his new movie promotion. After that, it would be fun to invite everyone to a barbecue here. Like a little farewell party with my office friends. Our backyard here is very spacious and beautiful; it's perfect for a garden party or barbecue..."     

Caspar was happy because Finland was thinking exactly like him. He also thought of having a barbecue party when he saw the backyard of this mansion, though he was hesitant to invite outsiders into their home.     

"Normally I don't like to invite outsiders to my home..." he said later, "But I will make an exception this time. You can make a farewell party with your office friends. After that we will move to New York. There you can work in my company for 4 months, and after that we will return to Germany where you will stay home and have fun with me until our second child is two years old. What do you think?"     

Finland thought for a moment and realized that this was the best compromise between them. Finally, she nodded in agreement.     

"All right. I will invite my office friends here for a barbecue next week. I will make it a farewell celebration. After that we will do according to your plan..."     

"Nice." Caspar kissed Finland with a very happy face, "Believe me... even if you don't work, you won't be ignorant and dull. There will be so many things we can do together that makes you feel happy and satisfied. Inner satisfaction doesn't always come from work. Remember, I'm also a workaholic, so I understand how your mind works."     

They both slept peacefully that night because they had reached an agreement.     


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