The Alchemists

Trip To Singapore

Trip To Singapore

When it came to love, actually, London could make the men around him as role models. His father loved his mother deeply, and 31 years ago transformed himself 180 degrees. He changed from a womanizer who often hurt women into a loving man who was loyal to just one woman.     

Lauriel also loved his girlfriend, Luna, who gave birth to two twins before she passed away in the middle of the war. For over one hundred years after her death, Lauriel still remained loyal to Luna and never shifted his love to another woman.     

Then there was Nicolae. He loved Aleksis for ten years and faithfully waited for her to open her heart when Aleksis thought Alaric, her husband, died ten years ago.     

Nicolae even loved Aleksis' two children and treated Altair and Vega as his own. When he and Aleksis were about to get married, Nicolae even said that he did not want to have a biological child from her. He was adamant, not wanting to share his love with other children.     

And of course ... Alaric, Aleksis' husband who met Aleksis ten years ago and married her after only four days of courtship.     

After going through a tragic separation for ten years, Alaric and Aleksis finally reunited. Everyone could see how deep the love they had for each other.     

Come to think of it, if London really wanted to ask about love from a man's perspective, Alaric would be the right choice, London thought finally.     

He would ask his brother-in-law, why did Alaric fall in love with Aleksis in the first place. What made him so sure that Aleksis was the woman he wanted to share his life with forever ...     

Alright. London finally decided that he would talk to Alaric and ask for his advice.     


"Are you happy to meet your mother and father?" London asked his niece and nephew who were now almost ten years old. The two kids wore casual clothes, and each carried a bag containing their books and tablet so they could study while they were traveling.     

They left for Singapore on London's private jet. Along the way, the twins chatted about their winter experience with Nicolae in Bucharest and how he taught them various hacking techniques.     

"We are so happy. For the past 5 months, I have only met Mother and Father through Virconnect. I really miss them," Vega said while sitting on her uncle's lap.     

"Do you only miss Mommy Aleksis or also your father?" asked London, trying to probe Vega's feeling. He stroked his niece's beautiful platinum hair. He knew Vega took it the hardest when Alaric returned into their lives. She was really close to Nicolae and had already considered him as her father.     

"I miss them both. I can't wait to see father," Vega replied with her cute smile. "Father always reads a book for us before we go to bed every night, even though it's already dawn in Singapore."     

Ahh ...     

London now understood.     

Apparently Alaric's sincerity and affection for his children could finally touch his kids' heart, Vega in particular. They knew that when their biological father read a book for them before they slept in Europe at 9 pm, it was already 3 am in Singapore.     

That means Alaric deliberately woke up at dawn every day just so he could continue this routine for his children.     

Ah, London was moved when he heard it. He can imagine how much more Alaric's gesture touched his children's heart.     

No wonder Vega was starting to soften. London could see her love for her father from her beaming eyes and the way she talked about Alaric. Inwardly, London was impressed by his brother-in-law's sincerity.     

Now he was convinced that Alaric was the right person to talk to and consult about his feelings for L.     


The reunion between the parents and the twins was very touching. Alaric picked Altair, Vega, and London at the airport, while Aleksis was waiting for them at home, resting.     

London was moved to see how Vega sped toward her father when she saw Alaric in the distance.     

Ahh ... apparently Alaric has won the heart of his daughter too, thought London. He is also happy for them.     

"I miss you, Father..." Vega whispered as Alaric lifted her body into the air and then kissed her. He then carried the little girl on his shoulders. As a child of nearly ten years old, Vega was actually too big to carry on his shoulder, but Alaric just ignored it. Vega happily hugged her father's neck and giggled.     

Altair happily hugged her father and took Alaric's hand, to walk hand in hand into the car.     

"Thank you for bringing my children here," Alaric said, smiling at London. "Let's go home, Aleksis is waiting at home."     

They happily left for the mansion. London couldn't help but notice how happy the twins were.     

In the past, before learning that Alaric or Elios Linden was actually his sister's husband, London had already admired the man. Alaric was an imposing man with so many achievements. When they first met at the Ritz Gala, London already liked Alaric. So, when he found out that the man was his brother-in-law, and the father of the twins, London became increasingly fond of Alaric.     

He was delighted to see Aleksis and Alaric were finally happy together. Their children had also accepted Alaric's presence in their life. Now, their family was getting ready for the arrival of a new child.     

It's about time that they feel happy. This family had suffered enough, thought London     

Aleksis was happy to see her brother and two children. They hugged each other and immediately sat in the backyard to chat over drinks. They enjoyed the beauty of her husband's bonsai garden while exchanging news.     

"Wahhh ... your tummy is so big already," exclaimed London in a happy voice. "How far are you into your pregnancy? Five? Four more months?"     

"That's right, four more months. We are so excited!" Aleksis smiled as she stroked her stomach.     

"Could the next one be another set of twins?" London asked curiously. "I think, now you look just as big as you were when you had Altair and Vega."     

"Really?" Aleksis and Alaric exchanged glances. If they did have another set of twins, both of them would be very happy.     

"Yeah, from what I remember, you were this big ... hahahha ..." London said with a laugh. "Why don't you just find out? Don't be old school about it. Find out about the gender and if it's another twin or not."     

Aleksis pursed her lips. "You can say that because you are not the one who will become a parent. Later, when you have children of your own, you might also choose to keep your child's gender secret. Knowing the gender before the baby was born, to me, feels like knowing the contents of the gift in the box. But we cannot open the gift. I don't like the feeling."     

"Ahahaha ... okay, I understand. I am still very young. Maybe in a hundred years, I will decide to have a child." London shrugged. "By the way, this garden is very nice."     

Aleksis smiled proudly at that. "Alaric loves bonsai. All the plants here are his works of art."     

"Ah ... you're indeed talented. I'm impressed. Apparently, there are so many things I don't know about you, brother-in-law," London uttered, hitting her brother-in-law's shoulder. Alaric just smiled.     

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