The Alchemists

He Felt Sorry...

He Felt Sorry...

A faint smile graced London's face as he laid his head on L's pillow and closed his eyes to continue his sleep. Hmm ... the bed still felt warm after L slept on it, and he could smell the girl's scent she left on her duvet.     

He felt so sleepy after staying up all night to make sure L was safe, and sleeping on the girl's bed now felt like a well-deserved reward for his hard work the previous night. Ugh... if only L was willing to marry him, he would love to sleep here every night. He finally fell asleep with such thoughts playing in his mind.     

London woke up at 10 am when his nose smelled cooking in the air.     

Hmm ... who is cooking? Is it L? Didn't she say she didn't know how to use the stove here? thought London in puzzlement.     

He was very unwilling to leave L's bed, but he realized it was already time to wake up. He lazily exited L's room and found the girl cooking in the kitchen.     

"Why ... why are you cooking?" he asked astonished.     

L was chopping vegetables when he came. She replied without turning her head, "I'm hungry. You didn't wake up."     

"Aishh ... I'm sorry, let me take over from here." London hurriedly took the knife from the girl's hand and took over the job to cut the vegetables. "You just sit nicely. What do you want to eat?"     

"Anything, I'm not fussy." L shrugged.     

London frowned. "Uhmm ... do you have any cravings or something? It's been over four months, right? If there's anything you want ... whatever it is, I'll try to find it for you."     

L pursed her lips and shook her head.     

"I'm fine. I just hope there will be no more thunder like last night. That was really terrible ..." The light in her eyes looked dim, and cold sweat appeared on her temples. "Thank you, for taking care of me last night..."     

The words L said in a weak voice touched London. Apparently L was really scared last night. He remembers, if he didn't mishear, L said the sound of the thunder was like gunshots in her ears.     

Did L ever experience something traumatic related to gunfire that now she really hated loud noises? London could only keep the questions to himself. L definitely won't explain.     

"I already told you, for the next five months, I will make sure you and our baby are fine," London answered with a shrug.     

He then continued cooking in silence, while L sat at the dining table and watched him work. Half an hour later they were sitting together in the dining table enjoying a very late breakfast.     

"It looks like it will rain again soon ..." L grieved after eating and she looked out the window, seeing so many dark clouds in the sky. London remembered the message he had sent to Jan and hurriedly took his cellphone.     

[Professor Purdee's weather control research has been successful. Thunder is immediately sent to downtown.] Jan had replied to his message a few hours ago.     

What?! Professor Purdee's research was successful ??     

Indeed Jan must have magic hands, London thought. NO MATTER WHAT he asked Jan to do, his assistant would deliver!     

London looked outside through the balcony and squinted his eyes at the sight of some dark clouds in the sky. In the distance, he had seen lightning struck and thunder roared softly.     

Soon the lightning will move toward this direction, and so will the thunder, he thought. He turned to the side and saw L walking to the balcony following him with a pale face. The girl had also seen how the weather worsened, and she clearly looked scared.     

Gosh... This morning London was acting like a selfish idiot. He only thought of his own interests and asked Jan to contact Professor Purdee to send heavy rain with lightning and thunder to their area to scare L so he could hug the girl again.     

But now, when the expected thunderstorm shortly arrived and he saw how scared L looked, suddenly his chest was filled with guilt.     

Ah, why was he so selfish?     

[Jan, I didn't expect Professor Purdee's research to be this advanced. L doesn't like lightning. Please make sure there will be no thunder at all in our area from now on. Also, you have to check the weather forecast anywhere L. will go to. Make sure that wherever she is, she would never hear the sound of thunder again.]     

Just as he pressed the SEND button, a bolt of huge lightning flashed near their apartment building and a second later there was a deafening thunder. L spontaneously hugged London and cried in his chest. She was very terrified!     

For some reason, London no longer felt happy when L hugged him because she was terrified. He actually felt very guilty and every sob coming out of the girl made his heart feel wrenched. His front shirt was soaked wet by L's tears in just a few minutes.     

"Sssh ... I'm sorry ..." London whispered softly. "I am so sorry..."     

He could not cancel the thunderstorm that had been sent. So, for half an hour he was forced to endure the feeling of suffocated, watching L being tortured by her fear of thunder as she was burying her head in his chest.     

This was not what he wanted. He felt genuinely sorry.     

L didn't deserve this, he thought. His mind went to the time when L showed that she cared about him, evidenced by L's concern about him when she found out he only had three sets of clothes. L was never fussy, and she was not demanding like most other materialistic girls.     

Why was she so scared of loud noise like thunder ...?     

Did something happen to L when she was young before she was sent to the orphanage? Did she ever witness a shooting incident that left her traumatized?     

Thinking about how an 8-year-old child witnessed such a terrible event, made London's heart feel moved ... He was determined to heal L's heart from whatever traumatic events that hurt her in the past.     

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