The Alchemists

The Biased Doctor

The Biased Doctor

Sunlight came in through the large window in the living room and brushed the faces of the two people who were sleeping while hugging on the large living room couch, without a single strand covering their bodies.     

L got up first and frowned when she felt a human body sleeping next to her, and even brazenly hugged her waist.     

"YOUUU PERVEERRTTTT!!!!" screamed the girl immediately as she got up and tried to escape from London's arms. Her efforts were in vain because London embraced her so tightly.     

But her scream that shook the sky woke the man up.     

"Aah ... where?? Who? Where is the pervert?" London opened one eye and tried to collect his memory.     

Only when he regained consciousness, followed by a headache due to a hangover, did he realize what had happened.     

"Oh my God ... !! That wasn't a dream ????"     

He hurriedly got up and spontaneously released L's body. His eyes were filled with horror, while L was staring daggers at him.     

Why does it have to happen again ... ??     

Both seemed equally frustrated.     

"I ... I'm sorry ... I drank a lot last night ..." London stammered. "I thought last night... it was just a dream ... because ..."     

He swallowed hard.     

Oh my God..     

He didn't expect that yesterday they would have sex again under the influence.     

He vaguely remembered how L welcomed his action. The girl opened her eyes, smiled, even moaned sexily when they made love as if she was enjoying it all ... If L rejected his move, of course, London would automatically stop. He would never force himself to L. L seemed to remember the same thing too.     

The girl bit her lip frantically.     

"Why ... why didn't you come home and why didn't you give word??" the girl hissed. "I was worried sick. Your cellphone was also dead ... I couldn't sleep all night worrying about you, so I took sleeping pills. And then ... then ..."     

L fell silent and again bit her lip.     

London was now aware of what was happening. L took sleeping pills and waited for him on the couch, while he later came home drunk, and then ... it happened again.      

Some sleeping pills did have side effects like what happened to L, sleepwalking. People who consumed them could do things without them knowing while they're sleeping. Some walked in their sleep, got out of the house and met people, others made love, and not remember any of those after they woke up, and etc.     

London now also realized that last night he had unknowingly pulled out some tulips from the balcony with their roots. Now the flowers and soil were all scattered and dirtied the floor. L looked like she was ready to kill him.     

"I'm sorry ... I'm sorry ... I was not conscious last night when we... uhm.. when we did it. I promise this won't ever happen again ..." Having said that, London dashed into his room and then came out with a blanket and covered it on L's body.     

He hurriedly put on his clothes and moved quickly to clean the dirty living room, while L entered her room with an annoyed face and cleaned up.     

After the living room was clean, London also went to his room to shower and changed into clean outfits. He took all their clothes to the washing machine and wash them. After the house was tidy again, he prepared breakfast for them.     



"L ... Breakfast is ready." He knocked on the door of L's room and stood in front of the door waiting for the girl to come out.     

"I don't want to eat." L's annoyed voice came from the room.     

"Er ... remember you already signed the agreement. Point number 2 says you have to eat regularly and take care of your health," protested London. He cleared his throat several times. "I just read a book, it turns out that when you are pregnant you must not take medicine casually, let alone sleeping pills. You shouldn't do it. I've called the doctor to check your condition. He will arrive in half an hour."     

L immediately came out of her room with a frown.     

"Whose fault was it that I took sleeping pills yesterday?? Why didn't you tell me if you were going home so late? I was afraid something bad might happen to you!! Your phone was dead too!!!" blurted the girl, hitting London on the shoulder, and then complained to herself because her hand hurt.     

The young man hurried over and rubbed L's hand. "Ouch ... Does your hand hurt? Here let me treat it..."     

He put L's hand to his lips and kissed her hand lovingly and then patted it gently. L only looked at him with twitched eyebrows.     

"Don't be so attentive," the girl said then, pulling her hand away. She then moved to the dining table and crossed her arms on her chest.     

"I am doing it because I care... Even blind people can see that I care about you. I do everything for you." London followed her to the dining table, then sat across from the girl. His face looked so bright. "You tried to call me but my phone was turned off? I'm sorry, I accidentally turned off my cellphone because my brother was so annoying and I was avoiding his calls. I forgot to tell you that I would be back late because I was meeting my friends at St. Laurent Hotel."     

L took the waffle and poured maple syrup over it, pretending she didn't care about London's explanation.     

"Er ... but you said you called me because I came home late ... does that mean you were worried about me?" asked London in a delighted voice. On his face was clearly a feeling of joy.     

Apparently, behind L's curt attitude, the girl was indeed worried about him. And last night ... when they made love, L also welcomed his initiative subconsciously. This means L actually also liked him, right?     

Maybe behind her cold, uncaring attitude, L also liked London but she was too proud to show it.     

This thought made London beamed in happiness.     

"Who was worried about you," hissed L. She ate quickly, not wanting to give the man further attention. The young man followed her move and ate with a stupid grin on his face.     

Okay. He made a mistake earlier. He tried to propose to L with conditions that were far from ideal. He could fix it. He would propose to L again after he returned from Singapore, and he would ask Jan for help to prepare everything.     

After they finished breakfast, the doctor that they had been waiting for, arrived. He immediately reprimanded L for carelessly taking sleeping pills during her pregnancy. The doctor also scolded London for his failure in taking care of her properly.     

"I understand, I won't do it again," said L. SHe then turned to London. "I don't want the incident last night to happen again. In my opinion, you have also failed to take good care of me. That's why I feel there's no point in staying here."     

London was stunned to hear L.'s words. He didn't think L would react so harshly just because last night he turned off his cellphone.     

Of course, he knew L was safe because he placed two of his personal bodyguards to always watch over and look after the girl. If anything bad happened, they certainly could have contacted him via Jan Van Der Ven.     

Ah ... but L didn't know that.     

"I'm sorry ... I won't do it again." London held L's hand and begged the girl to change her mind. "I won't drink anymore. I'll make sure things like yesterday won't ever happen again."     

London remembered that his father and brother-in-law, Alaric, didn't drink wine and all other alcoholic beverages to accompany their respective wives while they were pregnant. London did not feel the need to do it, because after all, L wasn't his wife. But now he saw how L would appreciate the initiative, so he hurriedly made a promise to her.     

He also felt guilty if he would lose self-control again like last night and slept with L. Although the girl might not reject him, it didn't mean that she wouldn't feel upset the next morning. Like today.     

He really shouldn't risk L to get stressed and angry. It was not good for their baby.     

Dr. Muller looked at the two alternately and nodded. "You should both put aside each other's egos and work together to make sure your child is healthy and born well. Right now, it's best if the parents live together."     

London saw Doctor Muller winking at him, L did not notice the interaction of the two men and was busy with her own thoughts.     

Ah, Dr. Muller was the personal physician of the Van Der Ven family and he knew the situation that happened between the Young Master of the Schneider family and his 'girlfriend'. Then, of course, he would provide biased medical advice, to benefit London's position.     

"Miss, I will give you lots of vitamins and healthy food recipe books. Next week I will come again to check you further. In a few weeks, we will be able to find out your baby's gender."     

London was very happy to hear that. Whoaa ... in a few weeks he will know whether he will be forced to name his son Terry or if he could choose another name on his own. Ha.     

"Thank you, Doctor. Let me take you out." He carried Doctor Muller's bag and invited him out.     

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