The Alchemists

Marry Me, Elle **

Marry Me, Elle **

London, Jan and Rune had a great time in the penthouse, talking about many trivial things like when they were teenagers. Come to think of it, the last time they were together in such a relaxed atmosphere was four years ago. At that time London had not taken over the German office from his father. Now he was busier with work and did not have time to relax with his brother and best friend.     

They chatted and drank wine until midnight. London drank a little more than usual because he was nervous. Terry already knew he was in love with L, and soon he would have to tell the rest of his family.     

The most difficult part was, of course, telling them about what had happened between him and L ... that in a few months, he would become a father.     

During this time, he did not show his worries in front of Jan, let alone in front of L. Still, the fact was, London secretly thought a lot about the hard times that he would go through after L actually left.     

"You drank too much. You'd better let Marc drive you home," Jan said, handing London his coat from the coat hanger. His boss seemed to be getting drunk. It was almost midnight.     

"Uhmm ... wait a minute, I must not forget something," blurted London. His mind was still functional enough to remember that he was posing as a poor photographer. So, before going home, he had to change his fancy clothes into ordinary shirts and sneakers.     

He entered his room and came out ten minutes later in his simple outfit. Before he left the penthouse with Jan, he suddenly remembered something else.     

"Uhmm .. I forgot to buy flowers for L. I will just take flowers from the balcony," he muttered in an unclear voice. He walked to his large penthouse's balcony and pulled out some tulip plants that adorned the balcony's edge beautifully. "Okay, now I'm ready to go home. Please call Marc to help me walk."     

Rune could only shake his head. He was very familiar with his brother's nature and was not surprised to see that, even though he drank too much and could barely walk home, he still remembered to bring flowers for L. Rune knew that this time his brother was truly in love.     

After seeing Jan and Marc take London away, Rune then sat in the study while flipping through a thick book that was stored in a cabinet.     

His fingers stopped on page 120, which contained pictures of herbs and medicinal plant ingredients, with a big title. VERITASERUM - TRUTH SERUM.     

"Maybe this potion can help," he murmured softly.     


London was still sober enough to open the door to his apartment with a passkey and go inside. Marc left him at the doorway and hurried into the adjacent apartment. London blinked and tried to hold on to the wall so he wouldn't stumble as he walked toward his bedroom. On the living room sofa, L was lying down, hugging a small pink pillow.     

London hung his coat on the coat hanger by the door and then approached the sofa where L was sleeping. His consciousness was only at 20 percent and he simply took off his shirt and trousers and lay down on the sofa, behind L and hugged her.     

This must be a dream, he thought. L had never slept on the sofa because the bed in her own room was very comfortable.     

Ahhh ... London immediately recalled his last experience, sleeping while hugging L when the girl was frightened by the thunder. His lower body began to feel uncomfortable and immediately there was a huge longing to touch and hug L's tiny body.     

While he was in such a sweet dream, he will make the best out of it to sleep while hugging L.     

With a happy heart, London kissed L on the cheek and his arms wrapped around her body to hug her from behind. As his hands moved, his left hand accidentally touched L's breasts. His mind, which was no longer sober, clearly instructed that hand to squeeze L's chest.     

Hmm ... so soft, it felt so soft like dough, he thought.     

His right hand then moved and joined in the fun too. His heart became increasingly filled with warmth. It felt like L's breasts' size was now bigger than what he remembered last time. Was it because of the pregnancy?     

Wow ... this dream felt very vivid! It even took into account the fact that L was pregnant.     

Hmm ... were the size of her other body parts also getting bigger? London wondered. Out of curiosity, he shifted his hand towards L's butts and squeezed them.     

Oh my God ... so sexy!     

This wet dream felt so real, London thought, smiling broadly.     

In the past, when he had an erotic dream, he never remembered the girl in his dream. But somehow, this time, everything felt so vivid and real and he just knew that the beautiful girl he was holding was L.     

Maybe this was what it felt like to fall in love ... he thought again.     

Even a wet dream would feel real because his mind had a target object to obsess about. In his head, there was always only the figure of L. Even when he was dreaming, L also became the main character.     

"Hmm ..." L let out a sexy moan from her lips as London's hand squeezed her butts and mischievously slipped inside her pajamas.     

Wow!!! Even her moan sounded real ... London thought.     

L's moan was enough to make the young man's brain stop working and he spontaneously shifted his body to be on top of L's body, and greedily claimed her pink lips to stop her moan.     


L no longer moaned. Her lips opened slightly and immediately claimed by London's lips and his tongue then rushed in. He explored L's mouth and kissed her lips passionately. His lips and tongue went down to her neck, then her shoulders, and her nape...     

Ah, how funny ... How could I dream of you wearing pajamas? London thought in amusement.     

Usually when he dreamed of L, the girl would wear a sexy outfit with low cleavage that showed off her plump breasts. Her beautiful legs usually would be clearly visible from under her sheer dress.     

Hmm ... but come to think of it, L was always pretty in anything, even pajamas! London's mind grew even more sordid as he imagined the body under the pajamas. Slowly he moved his hands to unbutton L's pajamas one by one ...     

L opened her eyes slightly and her lips curved up in an alluring smile. Her eyes looked inviting and made London even bolder with his action. He unbuttoned the pajama top to the bottom and then deftly took it off from L's body, showing off her sexy upper body. Her pair of plump breasts immediately displayed before him, made London unable to swallow.     

He kissed the twin peaks alternately. His lips and tongue then slid down, kissing and sucking one of L's breasts wholeheartedly while his hand kneading the other one, and he switched between them often.     

L seemed to like what London was doing and her lips occasionally let out soft moans that made the young man almost go crazy. After a while, he then helped L took off what was remaining fabric on her with one hand, without ever pausing in stimulating her breasts.     

After all the clothes on her body were removed, L's slightly protruding belly appeared, along with every perfect curve of the rest of her body. L's body now looked even much sexier than what London once remembered.     

Lovingly, his lips then kissed the girl's stomach, as if greeting his baby inside of her, then his lips descended ... down to her core which was now wet with so much love juice that invited London to explore it.     

The young man immediately felt hungry and greedily he then enjoyed the feast that was presented before him. His tongue and lips worked together perfectly in giving satisfaction to L's core. The girl moaned incessantly as her back arched over and over again when she was hit by orgasm one after another.     

That's when London took off his boxer and freed his manhood which had longed for L's warm and tight womanhood for months. It went inside naturally and easily as it remembered how it felt when they made love when they were under the influence of aphrodisiac.     

Aahhh ... His back arched for a few seconds as his manhood entered L's warm and wet honeypot. He naturally looked for the most comfortable position and pumped in and out repeatedly. Both bodies then moved in harmony with the comfort and pleasure they felt together.     

L opened her eyes and smiled sweetly. Over and over again, she bit her lower lip between her sultry moans, each time London's body moved forward and pushed his manhood inside her core.     

Seeing the girl he loved smiling, London smiled too.     

This was truly a beautiful dream! One of a kind!     

He bent forward and kissed L's lips without stopping his pumping. For some time, they moved in harmony, chasing peaks in heaven. London's movement then became faster and more aggressive until finally he and L reached the peak together.     

For a few seconds, both of their bodies stiffened and then trembled together. London reflexively held his weight with his elbow so as not to hurt L's tiny body. He then kissed the girl lovingly.     

"I love you, Elle ... You're the mother of my child, you are always in my dreams ..." he whispered in a hoarse voice. "Marry me, Elle ..."     

L opened her eyes halfway and shook her head.     

"I can't ..." The girl's murmured softly, before she fell asleep again.     

"I am very wealthy and powerful, Elle ... I can give you whatever you want, I can make your dreams come true. You can use me. I don't care ..." whispered London again. "Use my body, my family, take advantage of my wealth and my power ... They're all for you ..."     

He whispered many times but L did not listen because the girl had fallen asleep. Her energy was drained and her body went limp after having sex with London just now. While the man's head was full of dopamine released by the brain and gave him a feeling of euphoria and happiness.     

"I love you ..." London whispered as he slowly rested his head on L's chest, his hands wrapped around her waist, then he also fell asleep.     

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