The Alchemists

The Hardest Times

The Hardest Times

Jan, who was in a meeting with his small team, was shocked when he heard his boss over the phone. He hurriedly called off the meeting and drove everyone out. Within a minute, he had contacted all the people he needed.     

Alex, who was always reliable, had tracked London's whereabouts in three minutes. He immediately set all the traffic lights from where he was until the hospital to green so that London's journey would not be halted at all by a red light.     

The head of the Berlin Metropole Hospital, which belongs to the Schneider Group, was contacted by Jan and hurriedly ordered three main doctors and nurses to wait at the hospital entrance and set up an operating room.     

Everyone worked as fast as possible because Jan firmly said that a Schneider family descendant's life was at stake.     

The atmosphere in the hospital immediately became tense and busy. The East Wing of the hospital was hastily prepared to welcome the sudden arrival of the VVIP patient.     

London arrived at the hospital within ten minutes. He realized that Jan had arranged for his journey to be smooth because all the traffic lights had miraculously turned green. Inwardly, he made a mental note to give a lot of bonuses or a month's vacation to his loyal assistant.     

Hmmm ... maybe a very big bonus ... London knew he would be distressed if Jan left him for a month for vacation.     

Okay, okay, Jan deserved a bonus AND vacation, he thought again. But maybe only three days.     

Well. A year's worth of salary as a bonus and three days off, he finally decided.     

When he arrived at the hospital, a group of medical staff was waiting for his arrival. London got out of the car and watched anxiously as they took L from the backseat of the car and brought the girl into the operating room.     

"She has a heart condition," London hurriedly explained. "The point is you all have to check everything, don't miss. Save her! Save the baby!"     

Usually, the doctor will ask the family to sign a letter of approval for any medical procedure, but since this was London Schneider and they also could not find L's family, then they immediately took action according to his request.     

Jan arrived ten minutes later. He dashed in the hospital hallway to the operating room where L was being rescued by doctors. He saw London sitting weakly on the sofa, cupping his face in his hands as if praying for L to be safe, as well as the child in her womb.     

Jan just touched his boss's shoulder gently, to let him know his presence, without asking any questions. He knew, at a time like this, it would be better if he waited and did not bother London with unnecessary questions.     

Feeling the touch on his shoulder, London raised his face. He took a deep breath, and his face looked very haggard.     

"She is only 6.5 months in ..." he whispered frantically. "If the amniotic sack was not ruptured, the doctor could still keep the pregnancy. L will be told to bed rest for several months until her pregnancy is old enough and then she will be assisted to give birth normally. . "     

Jan nodded several times, indicating that he understood what was at stake. A baby could be born prematurely if all of their body parts were complete.     

He had read about the case of a six-month-old baby in the womb who was born prematurely and had survived, but that was a miracle. Even eight-month premature babies would still have a hard time to survive ... Now... Lily was only 6.5 months..     

The chances of surviving were very small.     

Jan's chest also felt heavy, as if it was his child who was fighting for her life. Jan was very close to London. He had also been involved in the life of the fetus since London first told him about L's pregnancy. He also helped and made sure everything about the baby was okay. He also had been waiting for Lily to be born into this world.     

The sadness he felt was not much different from what London was feeling. They both sat waiting anxiously. After fifteen minutes, finally, the anxious Jan got up. He looked for a doctor to ask about the situation in the operating room.     

A doctor who waited in the observation room was willing to answer all his questions because, after all, Jan was an important person in the Schneider Group.     

"We are still trying to keep the baby inside for as long as possible by replacing the amniotic liquid with a synthetic one. We can not get the baby out by Caesarean section because of the condition of the mother. We are worried that her heart is too weak, and this could lead to her death. Currently, we are trying to wait for Miss L to recover first. After she was strong enough, we will be able to induce her and help force a normal birth. Miss L also turned out to be allergic to anesthesia ... we couldn't operate on her. "     

Jan was stunned to hear the doctor's statement. It was truly heartbreaking.     

"How long can we wait?" he asked in a choked voice.     

"If for 24 hours Miss L cannot improve, we think we should give up on her baby. This is a matter of life and death of the mother," the doctor replied in a flat voice.     

As a doctor, he was used to delivering bad news to patients and their families. For decades, he had trained himself not to involve emotions and could appear calm in front of them. Today was no exception.     

"Twenty four hours?" Jan repeated the doctor's words as if asking for confirmation. The doctor nodded firmly. Jan then sighed and patted the doctor's shoulder. "Please do your best. Prioritize the safety of the mother."     

Jan knew that London would be very heartbroken if his daughter died. Still, he also knew his boss well and knew that London would definitely choose L's safety if he was forced to choose. Moreover, L was forced to be involved in such a situation. It wasn't her choice to be pregnant.     

The girl was just a victim of circumstances and she did not deserve to lose her life for the child that she did not even want, just because a wealthy and powerful man wanted his child to be saved.     

After all, with these conditions, even if Lily was born safely, it was very likely she would become disabled. Lily might choose not to be born, rather than living a sad and miserable life ...     

Before returning to the lounge where London was waiting, Jan immediately took his cellphone and contacted everyone from the Schneider family he knew to let them know what had happened. He believed London was too panicked to tell his family what happened.     

Jan was sure, at such an alarming time, London would really need the support of his family.     

"Oh God! What happened?" Finland's anxious voice was immediately heard on the other end of the phone when Jan called her.     

It was past midnight in Singapore now, and Finland knew that it was impossible for Jan to contact her at a time like this unless something bad happened with her son.     

"I'm sorry to call so late at night, Madame ... But this is very important." Jan then briefly told her what happened.     

"It's okay. Please help London there. We will come soon," Finland hurriedly hung up.     

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