The Alchemists

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

When London landed in Berlin, it was almost midnight and he immediately rushed to the penthouse. Jan was waiting for him there and prepared all the photos and videos from CCTV that he had obtained.     

"Do you know who she met at the cafe?" London plopped himself on the sofa and received a tablet from Jan containing all the things he wanted to know.     

Jan nodded and pointed at the tablet screen. They immediately saw the scene of L entering a cafe, disguised herself wearing a blond wig and sunglasses. A handsome young man stood up to greet her and they embraced for a long time. In fact, from the looks of it, L appeared to cry on his shoulder.     

Who was this person really?     

London's heart ached at the sight. L and the man looked close and L even cried several times in front of him.     

"I looked into it and found out that the man is a medical student in London. I don't know what that has to do with Miss L, but one interesting thing about that person is ..." Jan took a breath before continuing his words, "He is the heir to the tycoon Swann family. His name is Daniel Swann, he is usually called Danny. "     

"What?" London was shocked. A future doctor who came from a wealthy family background?     

Was this the person L wanted to marry? Judging from all angles, he met all the requirements.     

He looked at the handsome face of Daniel Swan on the screen of his tablet with a heavy chest. The man could get any woman, but why was he after L? Did he not care that L was pregnant with another man's child?     

"Yes. I've checked his background a number of times ... Danny isn't just anyone." Jan cleared his throat. "Do you want to come, sir?"     

Although Danny's family was wealthy, but when compared to the Schneider family, London could feel proud, they were still far more affluent and more powerful than the Swann family.     

The Schneider family history had spanned for centuries and they were very powerful. Especially now that they had such good relationships with the Lewis and Baden families who were actually the power behind the monarchy in Europe.     

If L was looking for a husband who was both wealthy and powerful, there would be no other man who could rival London Schneider.     

Do I really have to disclose my identity to her? London was upset.     

Once, he almost revealed his identity to L when he was drunk and slept with the girl for the second time. At that time, he did not care if L wanted to use him and his family's wealth. Luckily, that didn't happen.     

Now, he was grateful that he did not do it. It turned out that L had been seeing another man, and who knew how far their relationship was now?     

His heart broke, thinking about it, and he just sat in his chair, deep in thoughts.     

"What do you want to do, Sir?" Jan asked. "Will you forget Miss L?"     

London shook his head. "I do not know."     

After they were silent for a long time, Jan finally excused himself. He must go home and rest because tomorrow he would have to take care of so many things. Seeing his boss in such a condition, Jan guessed he would be very busy tomorrow.     

London tried to chase away his sadness by drinking whiskey but for some reason, he was even more reminded of L. His mind was filled with L's face just before she broke Virconnect connection this afternoon. The girl's face looked sad and hurt.     

Had he and his mother gone too far with L? They did not have any bad intentions. Finland just called him dear and pretended to be close to him. In the eyes of outsiders, they might even look intimate like lovers, but because they were actually a mother and son, what they did was actually completely normal.     

Finland had always been warm and affectionate toward her children. She loved them greatly from the day they were born. For her, hugging and kissing her own children was normal.     

But maybe the scene was too hurtful for L so she could not stand seeing it and hung up. Her actions were completely unexpected.     

Was L really jealous? Did L already have feelings for me?     

London's chest was filled with longing for L and for Lily. He missed the girl's scent; he missed her voice and her face.     

His mind was only working at 60%, but London still remembered that the only place he could feel her presence was in their apartment.     

Without thinking, he took his coat and went down to the lobby. The luxury driverless car was ready in the basement and he sat limply in the backseat and set his way to his apartment which he had left for 10 days.     

Hmmm ... even though this apartment was modest, London liked staying here, more than in his luxurious penthouse. All because L was staying there too.     

Waking up early every day by the sweet melody of her singing was a luxury far more valuable than anything else in this world, he thought sadly.     

He knew he could no longer hear L's singing waking him up every morning.     

When he arrived by the door, he used the passkey to open the door and entered his apartment.     



"Thief!!! Get out of here!!"     

"Ouch ... Ouch, it hurts ... Wait... !!!"     

As soon as he stepped in, suddenly, there was a shrill scream accusing him of being a thief, followed by countless beating using a lampshade by an unidentified person.     

It was very dark because all the lights were still turned off and London did not know who was waiting for him in the darkness and beat him as soon as he entered. He tried to deflect and protect himself, then ambushed his attacker.     

"Hey... you?"     

He was shocked because the body he grabbed turned out to be tiny and soft like a marshmallow. This body also oozed a really nice scent, one that made him high with joy. "L???"     

He threw the lampshade that L had used to attack him and hurriedly carried the girl to prevent her from attacking further, then he immediately turned on the light.     

As soon as the light was on, he found that indeed L who was in his arms and looked at him in shock.     

For a few seconds, the two stared at each other with round eyes.     

"You ... are you here?" asked London in surprise. He did not believe in his own eyes. L also frowned in astonishment.     

"You ALWAYS knock twice before entering! You didn't knock this time, so I thought you were a thief!" the girl said angrily.     

London certainly didn't knock as usual because he thought L wasn't in their apartment. After all, why was she here? Wasn't L running away with Danny Swan?     

"I didn't know you were here," he admitted inaudibly.     

"Where should I be? Shouldn't I stay here until this child is born?" L snorted and looked away.     

"Mmm ... I'm sorry. I thought you were very angry with me, so you ran away," London walked to the sofa still with L in his arms. He then put the girl down very carefully on the couch and crouched down before her. "Earlier you scared me so much that I went straight home ..."     

L studied London's fancy clothes and remembered that the young man was attending a party. He was still wearing the same clothes from this afternoon.     

Gosh ... did he fly here directly from the party in Singapore? Her heart was touched.     

"You .. you flew here right away from your sister's party?" the girl asked quietly.     

"That's right... Good thing I could still get a ticket," London lied. He immediately realized that L was observing his fancy clothes. "Uhm ... actually, it was not only a party for my sister but also my birthday party and my father's. We were both born on July 7 ... That's why I dressed like this."     

"Oh ..." L just nodded.     

London felt very relieved. Apparently, L did not run away. He doesn't know what happened after L broke off the Virconnect connection, but it was clear that L was now here, in their humble apartment.     

He was glad that he had decided to go straight to Germany. At least he could show L his sincerity.     

"L ..." London stood up and approached L with great emotion. "I'm glad you didn't leave."     

L glared at him. "You promised me not to drink."     

Instantly London was stunned. He had been drinking because he was sad when he thought L just left him. Yet since the incident at that time, he had promised not to drink alcoholic drinks during L's pregnancy. His face was immediately filled with an expression of guilt.     

"I'm sorry .." He did not try to find excuses and admit his mistakes.     

L put her hand on London's lips and shook her head. "Because it's your birthday today, I understand. Don't apologize. Happy birthday."     

London was stunned to hear L.'s words. His chest was suddenly filled with warmth and he could no longer hold back his feelings. London touched L's hand on his lips and kissed her little hand.     

"Thank you..."     

He then brought his face closer and kissed L's lips gently. L didn't turn down his advance and let him claim her lips.     

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