The Alchemists

A Gift For Alaric

A Gift For Alaric

Everyone present could only nod at the unusual choice of name. They were already familiar with Finland and London, so maybe they would also be able to get used to the names Ireland and Scotland, right?     

At least this was still better than their previous name choice, thought Nicolae who immediately made a personal note to give a birthday gift in the form of the book "1000 Baby Names" to his brother in August, just in case Alaric and Aleksis would have more children in future. They seem to be bad at naming kids.     

One by one, the members of the happy family were then given the opportunity to see and greet the two newest babies of the Schneider-Medici family. Although Ireland and Scotland still look wrinkled, they could see that these two babies will grow into handsome boys because the lines of their faces looked perfect and beautiful.     

Moreover, both of them had adorable thick hair. Everyone who saw them wanted to ruffle their hair like what people usually do to Aleksis, the mother.     

"Alright ... it's time for breastfeeding," Finland said, chasing away those people who were still so eager to see and tease the two sleeping babies. She then entered the delivery room with Alaric with each baby in their arms.     

Lauriel and Caspar looked very moved. It was they who look the most emotional when they see their two grandchildren present. Lauriel who was not there when Luna gave birth to their two children in the middle of the war always became sad when he remembered her. He was very touched because, from his youngest son, he now had four beautiful grandchildren.     

Meanwhile, London was reminded of L and he could only sigh at the thought that in a few months it would be his turn to hold his baby. Unfortunately, his happiness would not be perfect because once his child was born into this world, L would leave.     

As if reading London's mind, Caspar coughed and then gave a signal for his son to tell the family about his own child.     

"London, maybe you should also tell the others about the fifth grandchild of the Schneider family who will soon be born," Caspar said, nodding.     

London could only say yes and, finally, he briefly shared what had happened 6 months ago between himself and L.     

"Gosh! You too will have a baby?? Are you serious???" Terry exclaimed in surprise. He had just heard this news and did not expect his brother to be involved in such a serious problem.     

"Yes, but I have checked her gender, my baby would be a girl, so she will not use your name," London said quickly, crashing Terry's hopes of using his name on his brother's first child as per their agreement. London then added. "I don't want that to happen either, but there is no use crying over spilled milk. Right now, I just want to do my best for my child."     

Nicolae and Lauriel looked at each other. They still thought of London as a teenager from 10 years ago who was still childish, but suddenly this boy would soon become a father too.     

Nicolae could only pat London's shoulder. He did not know what to say. Rune shook his head and Lauriel sighed.     

Caspar coughed. "It's been decided. Your mother and I had a chance to talk about this for quite a long time. If the girl leaves, let us take care of your baby, so you can concentrate on working or taking care of your personal life. It's good to have another baby in the house. You know, your mother doesn't want to give me another one."     

Terry, London, and Rune simultaneously rolled their eyes at Caspar's words. Of course, they understood how their mother felt awkward if she had to give birth again after her children became adults.     

Finland came from ordinary people who could not simply follow the lifestyle of the Alchemists who could have another child one hundred years after their older kids were born. They also felt rather awkward to imagine having a baby sister or brother from their mother at this age.     

"Really? Mom and Dad, you want to help me take care of Lily?" London asked in a hopeful tone. "I will need help in the first few months or a year, but after that, I hope to be able to take care of my child alone..."     

Caspar nodded. "Of course."     

London hugged his father gratefully. At first, he thought his parents would be very upset and even wanted to hit him, but they were very understanding and helpful. He was touched.     

"We are going to Germany next month, after helping Alaric and Aleksis here," Caspar replied, patting his son on the shoulder.     


A week later, the whole family held a small party to celebrate the birth of Ireland and Scotland Medici, as well as to celebrate the Caspar and London's on July 7.     

Jean and Marion, together with their Little Monkey, flew from Switzerland to share their happiness. Takeshi also took the time to stop by at the celebration to honor his foster father.     

Aleksis sat in a soft garden chair with her two healthy and handsome babies, each laid down in their own basket. Her husband was always by her sider.     

Her brothers, parents and godfather, and close relatives, enjoyed drinks and food while chatting warmly, while Altair, Vega and Little Monkey played together.     

"Today is a very important day," Alaric said, raising his glass when everyone was ready to toast. "My father-in-law, Caspar Schneider was born 470 years ago, my brother-in-law, London Schneider was also born on the same date, 28 years ago. Last week, our two youngest children were also born, and on July 7 each year, constellations Altair and Vega meet in the sky. As you know, Altair and Vega are my wife's and my favorite constellations, so our first two children are named Altair and also Vega. This is such a special day for us."     

Everyone raised their glasses.     

"This is a good day," Lauriel commented. "It's a happy day."     


They clinked at each other's glass and then drank together to celebrate the Alaric and Aleksis' happy day.     

"Hey ... sorry I'm late." Suddenly Aldebar's voice came from the door. He had just arrived in Singapore and rushed to the mansion, just as they were having a toast. With a happy face, he held up a box in his hand. "Does anyone want a party refreshment I made to celebrate this happy day?"     

Everyone just laughed, seeing his arrival. They remembered Aldebar's party refreshment that he first introduced on the day of Alaric and Aleksis wedding 10 months ago in Grosseto. One sip of the drink could make people age ten years.     

"No, thank you." Alaric coughed a little. He welcomed Aldebar warmly. "Thank you, Uncle, for taking the time to come."     

"Hahaha .. I'm just kidding. The contents of this box are not my party refreshment, but a gift for you." Aldebar's face instantly became serious.     

"A gift for me?" Alaric frowned. He did not expect anything at all.     

Aldebar cleared his throat and handed the box in his hand.     

"I'm giving this as a combination of your wedding gift, new-born baby gift, and your birthday present next month. I'll just give them together." He looked intently at Alaric. "I know you have four foster children who are very loyal to you, and you love them very much. They also contributed greatly to caring for you desperately eleven years ago when you were injured, even though your survival chances were only 1 percent. That's why you finally recovered... and then being able to reunite with my beloved niece, Aleksis ... Without them, you might not survive those ordeals, and Aleksis is still mourning to this day, and Altair and Vega will never meet their biological father."     

Alaric nodded slowly. He still did not understand the meaning of Aldebar's words.     

"It is true."     

"In this box, there are four vials with immortality potion for your foster children," Aldebar said. "As a token of our gratitude, from the Schneider family to them, and my gift to you. We, the Schneider family, know how to pay our debt. By drinking this immortality potion, your four foster children will be able to enjoy immortality, the same as we of the Alchemists. I give this to you, so you could give it to them. The choice is in their hands, whether to receive the gift of immortality with you or not."     

Instantly the atmosphere became silent. All were surprised to hear Aldebar's words. Alaric could not believe his own hearing.     

Slowly his eyes became foggy as he approached Aldebar and hugged him.     

"Thank you," he whispered softly. "Thank you, Uncle Aldebar ..."     

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