The Alchemists

He Commands You To Kiss Him

He Commands You To Kiss Him

"Miss L... would you like to start from the beginning with me? Allow me to introduce myself. My name is London Killian Schneider. Makela is my mother's family name. I sometimes use it when I'm in disguise. Nice to meet you."     

L was stunned to see the hand that was offered for her, but then hesitantly reached out her right hand and returned London's greetings.     

"Hi... my name is Marianne De Maestri... but I haven't used that name in a long time. You can call me L," the girl said in a low voice.     

London shook L's hand and squeezed her fingers gently. His face was decorated with a big smile.     

"Now, how about we both work together to prepare breakfast, and then we can sit and eat while talking so we can get to know each other. What do you think?" he asked in a cheerful tone.     

L finally nodded slowly.     

London released L's hand and handed the spatula to her. "You can use the spatula. I'm willing to let you have it because it seems like you really like it."     

He laughed when he saw L accept the spatula while frowning. L said nothing, only going back to prepare the fried bacon and boiled eggs, while London prepared a bowl of salad and fruit slices for them.     

"Instead of fighting over who has to do what, we better work together to do it, okay?" London voiced, happily pinching L's nose. She snorted. L was about to get angry because her nose was pinched like that, but she immediately refrained.     

She remembered that the man in front of her was not an ordinary man. She realized she couldn't behave casually toward him now.     

"Hey... why are you silent?" London immediately realized what was happening and he felt uneasy. It would be really awkward if L treated him with respect as a young master from a wealthy family, even though the girl was still behaving normally and didn't hesitate to nag him yesterday. Why the heck can't L act as usual?     

They then sat opposite each other at the dining table facing the breakfast dishes they had prepared just now. L poured a cup of tea for both of them.     

"L... don't be awkward to me. Please..." London was beginning to regret revealing his identity to L. If he had known how awkward L's attitude to him would be if she knew he was a Schneider... of course he would choose not to disclose his identity forever.     

L gazed at him with a complicated look. She just bowed while finishing her breakfast, not answering. The atmosphere of this breakfast became awkward with L's silence.     

"L... do you still consider yourself working for Brilliant Mind Media?" London asked in the end.     

L looked up in surprise, but she then nodded. "Yes, I do."     

"Then you still have to obey the orders from the owner of Brilliant Mind Media, right?" London asked again. "Whatever he asks you to do, will you consider it a duty?"     

L swallowed hard, seeming to get annoyed, but she restrained herself and nodded slowly. "Yes."     

London rubbed his lips with a napkin when he finished his breakfast. His eyes were now staring straight at L with a very serious look.     

"In that case, the owner of Brillant Mind Media now commands you to kiss him."     

L's face suddenly turned red. The resentment she had been holding up immediately spilled out and couldn't be held back anymore. She stood up and scolded London.     

"What did you say?? So that's how you behave as a company boss, huh? How many artists have you told to kiss you like this? You pervert! Do you think you can fool around with women just because you're rich and powerful???"     

She angrily took the spatula from the pan and slapped it on London's shoulders. The man was grinning to see her provoked. London was happy to see L angry, but he didn't think she would beat him up with a spatula. His shock only lasted for two seconds because he had swiftly evaded and took the spatula from L's hand.     

"L... don't be so fierce, else Lily will grow up imitating your temper later..." London teased as he pulled the girl into his arms.     

L tried to escape, but London didn't let her escape this time. He hugged L tightly and tried to calm her down.     

"Honey... please, don't be angry... I've never asked any artist to kiss me... only you. I'm not such a man," he said firmly. "But if you keep rejecting me, I can't guarantee that my fragile heart won't look for another beautiful artist in Brilliant Mind Media to help console my broken heart..."     

"You...!" L was still trying to hit London, but her hands had been held by the young man, and London deftly pinned L's two hands to the dining room wall with his right hand while his left hand held her shoulder.     

"L... be honest with me. Do you want me to find another artist to kiss me or are you willing to do it?"     

Both of them had felt their hearts beating irregularly.     

"So... which one is it?" London asked again. He knew that L had fallen in love with him, seeing how jealous L was of Finland at that time. And now, her attitude was immediately inflamed when she thought of London asking to be kissed by another artist. London knew L only needed to be forced to open up with her feelings.     

"I can be Killian Makela, London Schneider, or anyone. But it's all just a name. I'm still the same person. I'm still a stupid man who's always happy to hear you sing. I'm still the father of Lily, your child; I'm still the same man who's so happy to hold your hand and kiss your lips; I'm still the same man who can't imagine life without you..."     

L was stunned to hear the love confession for the umpteenth time. Her body went limp and she no longer revolted. She looked at London with a confused look.     

"I... I don't want you to kiss another woman..." Finally, L's low squeak could be heard. Her face flushed red.     

London smiled at the girl's confession.     

"Then... who can I kiss?" he asked in a stern voice.     

L pursed her lips and looked away.     

"Watch out, if you dare kiss another woman..." L hissed.     

Before she finished, London had pulled L's chin gently toward him. Looking down, he kissed L's pouting pink lips.     

London knew that as a man, it was time for him to take the initiative because L wouldn't want to be straightforward with her feelings. He pressed L's lips lovingly and held the girl's head with his left hand.     

L didn't resist the man. After a while, she reciprocated London's kiss, from initially hesitating to be more confident. London was filled with joy when he realized that L welcomed his kiss.     

He excitedly broke through the girl's defenses and explored L's mouth with his excited tongue. Soft moans escaped their lips as they both were engulfed in a fiery passion.     

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