The Alchemists

Busy Day

Busy Day

"Eh, do you have a castle?" L felt shocked since the surprises she had received throughout the day just never ended. There was always new information from the Schneider family that made her at a loss for words.     

"It's our family's castle for generations. I can't wait to introduce you to my whole family. You will be happy to meet them."     

"Mmm ... that sounds good." L nodded.     

"Okay, then everything's fine." London smiled happily and immediately got up to call Jan.     

"What's the matter, Sir?" Jan asked politely.     

"Jan, L finally accepted my proposal, and we want to get married in the third or fourth week of October. How are your tasks progressing?" asked London.     

"I've got some useful information about the Swann family for you. I'll send the report tomorrow," Jan answered efficiently.     

"Then, how far are we on renovating the De Maestri family home in Paris? Have you taken care of it too?"     

"The house has been purchased and is now under renovation. It should be ready by next week."     

"Perfect. I will give L her parents' house as a wedding gift. So if you can, please finish it quickly."     

"Yes, Sir. I'm on it." Jan then added. "Is there anything I can help you with the wedding?"     

"Yes, of course. Please coordinate with Kara to arrange the wedding and invitation. We have decided to get married in Stuttgart."     

"Very well, Sir. I will contact Miss Kara."     


After he hung up, London found L was chatting with his family. Apparently, after a while, she no longer felt awkward and could talk with his family, especially Finland. The sight made London very happy. He really hoped that L could consider his family as a substitute for her deceased family.     

Such a warm atmosphere finally had to end when it became really late in Singapore, and the couple people with their newborn babies had to get some rest.     

"We are very pleased to meet you, L. Hopefully, we can meet next week or sometime before the wedding," Aleksis said before ending their session.     

"Oh, by the way, is there any development on the issue you were investigating?" Alaric's asked suddenly. His question was directed at London.     

"I have talked to Mischa, and he will find out what really happened. He will come here next week and we will discuss many things, including the case," London explained.     

He still kept his words as general as possible, not mentioning anything about the murder. He didn't want L to know he was investigating the case. He wanted to make it a surprise for her.     

"Hm ... that's good." Alaric nodded. "I will follow up through Mischa then."     

"Thank you for your help," London said hurriedly. He did not want to be considered ungrateful, but he still felt reluctant to talk to Alaric for a long time. He still remembered how he had offended his brother-in-law yesterday.     


Since the first family visit, the relationship between Finland and L had become very close. Finland stopped by to visit Lily almost every day, and on weekends L and London would visit the Schneider family mansion to talk and eat together.     

L deliberately will not accept any work for a few months so that she could focus on caring for Lily. Their baby was getting bigger and soon, she would be able to leave the incubator.     

London also deliberately made L busy with their wedding preparations so she wouldn't get bored staying at home for a long time. Kara came to Grunewald a few days later. She talked with Finland and L about the wedding to suit L's taste.     

Days passed very quickly, and London was satisfied with how things went. Today he woke up with a happy heart because L was back to practicing her singing in the morning. They also both rejoiced because Doctor Alice would come to visit and do a final check later today. She already said that maybe they would be able to hug Lily today.     

In the evening, London would also have dinner with Mischa. They would talk about his findings. Mischa said he knew who was responsible for the murder of the De Maestri family. London couldn't wait to know!     


"Are you ready?" asked London, squeezing L's hand. She looked quite nervous. He knew the girl couldn't wait to embrace Lily. He was feeling exactly the same.     

L nodded slowly. They both watched Doctor Alice do a final check and read the analysis of Lily's condition with a beaming face.     

"Everything's fine. Just look, her eyes now open and Lily is smiling. You have to get closer so she can see you. The babies her age couldn't see far. Her peripheral vision now is still less than one meter," said doctor Alice.     

She signed to the couple to approach the incubator. Enthusiastically, London and L approached the incubator and looked at their baby closely. Sure enough, Lily's pair of gray eyes seemed to blink several times to focus on them. Involuntarily, L held her breath and covered her lips.     

"Oh my God ... Lily is staring at me," she whispered, holding London's hand very tightly.     

Doctor Alice smiled at the two young parents' reaction and she then removed the life support equipment from Lily's body. Afterward, she took the little baby out of the incubator.     

"Do you want to carry her now?" she asked them. L silently nodded in agreement. Doctor Alice then handed Lily slowly to her mother's arms. "Great... after this you hold her and get her used to you, we will train Lily for breastfeeding directly from her mother, okay. During this time, she was accustomed to getting breastmilk intake from a machine, so that her sucking reflex has not been trained. Training her will take some time."     

"Thank you, Doctor," L whispered in a very low voice.     

Her tears welled up when Lily was already in her arms. L's body was shaking a little. She never thought the experience of holding her child for the first time would feel this overwhelming. London could only watch L and Lily with adoration.     

He felt there was nothing he wanted on this earth besides the two girls before him now. L and Lily make his life complete. He didn't want anything else.     

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