The Alchemists



L frowned and she looked left and right when she realized the car brought them into a familiar area. This was the most elite district in Germany where various office buildings, apartments and shopping complexes, and lifestyle centers were located.     

The car finally entered the parking lot of the Hotel St. Laurent Berlin and then stop. L turned her head toward London, who seemed indifferent.     

"Will we stay at the hotel?" L asked in surprise.     

The man sitting next to her just shook his head. "Not the hotel, but the penthouse on the top floor. It's my personal residence."     

"Oh ..." L was still amazed to hear the word 'penthouse'. She remembered how luxurious the Presidential Suite she stayed at in London the past week. Surely the penthouse was much more luxurious?     

"Lily is already asleep, give her to me so I can carry her," said London, pointing to Lily, who had closed her eyes with her mouth wide open and some milk dripping from the corner of her lips.     

L nodded. She handed Lily very gently to London so that the baby wouldn't wake up. She then fastened her buttons and covered her neck and part of her chin with a scarf so people wouldn't recognize her. She also wore her shades. At first glance, people would not be able to recognize her as L, the famous singer.     

Marc opened the door for them, and both immediately got out of the car.     

"Welcome, Sir," said the on-duty manager who welcomed them with a smile. London just nodded and continued walking into the building. L followed his steps while lowering her face. She hoped no one will recognize her here.     

Inside the elevator, London pressed the 40th-floor button, and the elevator took them to the penthouse immediately.     

"There are three bedrooms in this penthouse. You can choose to use any room. I haven't lived here for a long time, but there are still some of my stuff in the master bedroom," London explained.     

"Why haven't you lived here for a long time?" L asked in surprise.     

London looked at her with a complicated look. Was L really innocent, or did she suddenly become stupid? he thought, astonished.     

"Because I was living with you, wasn't I?" London asked her back. "You forgot that you have a handsome roommate in our modest apartment for three months until Lily was born? Then, we also lived together in Grunewald for the next few months?"     

L pressed her lips while staring at London with round eyes. "Gosh ... you're right."     

London smiled and patted the girl's forehead softly. "You must have a lot on your mind."     

L looked down. Indeed, there was so much in her mind. She should have realized London wasn't staying at his penthouse because the man was living with her. At least until three weeks ago, when they officially separated, and London canceled their wedding plans.     

Thinking about the wedding cancellation always made her chest tighten. She was still hurt by it. L tried to divert her attention toward something else. She felt like she would cry if she kept thinking about such hurtful things.     

London noticed L's murky expression. He could guess what was making the girl upset. He hoped they would be able to quickly solve L's problem so he could see the girl happy again.     

"Welcome." London opened the door with his fingerprint and invited L into the penthouse. "I'll take your fingerprint later so you can also unlock the door. That way, you can come and go whenever you want."     

L was stunned to see a baby cot in the penthouse's vast living room. She did not know London had prepared everything. The surprised look on the girl's face did not escape London's attention. The man just laughed, went to the baby cot, and placed Lily slowly to continue her sleep there.     

"I keep all baby stuff in places that I go to a lot. You should see, in my office, there is a baby bottle sterilizer and a baby cot," London chirped.     

"Really?" L asked in surprise. "I didn't know."     

"I never told you. After all, you also never asked," answered London. He kissed Lily's cheek and let her rest. "Shall I show you around this place?"     

L hesitantly nodded. London grabbed her hand and took L around room after room. L could barely hold back her admiration when she entered the spacious and luxurious master bedroom, the other two bedrooms, then the living room, the study, the very modern and spacious kitchen, the family room, the spacious balcony with a lush garden, infinity swimming pool ...     

This place was even more luxurious than wealthy people's houses, which she often saw in lifestyle magazines. For a moment, L was blown away and could not speak at all. Once again, her chest felt heavy.     

She remembered how for almost seven months, this man, whose life was always lavished with luxury, left his beautiful and comfortable place to live with her. Their house in Grunewald was large and luxurious, but it still couldn't be compared to this grande penthouse. And their old apartment was even worse...     

"Why is your face like that?" asked London in surprise as he looked at L's sad expression. "You don't like this place?"     

L shook his head. "It's not like that ... I ..."     

"What's the matter? Why do you look sad?" London tried to urge L. "Remember, L, I can't read minds. If you don't tell me what's in your heart, I won't know what you're thinking. If you don't like this place, please tell me the truth. We promised to improve our communication, didn't we?"      

He grabbed L's shoulders and looked into her eyes questioningly. The girl could only look down.     

"I ... feel so touched, because ..." Her voice was so soft, almost inaudible, that London had to lower his face to hear L's stammering words. "You were willing to leave such a luxurious and beautiful place ... to ... live with me ... in a simple apartment..."     

London could hardly believe in his own hearing. Was it true that L said those sentences? She was touched? Gosh ...!     

L really had changed, he thought.     

One thing that was still the same was that the girl was still not good at expressing what was in her heart. But at least she was trying to talk, thought London.     

"Why not? A home is a person, not a house." London smiled and touched L's chin gently. "I'd rather stay with you and Lily in a simple place than live alone in a luxurious place, though."     

L raised her face and looked at London with a confused expression. She did not brush the man's hand that was touching her chin. She actually felt her heart beat faster. She was flattered, but at the same time, she also did not understand why London was treating her like this.     

Why would he act lovey-dovey toward her, they were not even in a relationship? At least, for the next month, they were only friends because L and London would only re-discuss their relationship after London met and dated other women. They were given the time to really think about what they wanted.     

"You're such a smooth talker now..." L finally commented. "Does dating other women teach you new pick up lines?"     

She tried hard to keep her tone sound indifferent, but still, her voice sounded like a girl who was feeling jealous. This did not escape London's attention. The man just nodded nonchalantly.     

"You can say that..." he said with a smirk.     

L pursed her lips and looked away. London was now completely convinced that she was indeed jealous and that made him very happy.     

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