The Alchemists

Now And Forever

Now And Forever

Both looked at each other with a solemn gaze. After so many failed proposals and one cancelled wedding plans ... finally, they would really become husband and wife.     

"You are so beautiful ... you don't need to dress up ..." London Schneider soothed his future wife.     

Still, L couldn't believe his words. The man always thought her beautiful no matter how bad she looked, because he was the most biased man in the world when it came to L.     

"You...!" L grumbled as she went to check her reflection in the mirror. Traces of tears made her face look damped and swollen, and her hair was disheveled. She hit London on the shoulder and hurriedly carried her small bag to the bathroom and get herself tidied.     

London just laughed when he saw L panic. He didn't care how she looked. After all, no matter how beautiful a woman would appear when she dressed up and wore nice clothes, they were still the most beautiful and sexiest when they weren't wearing anything.     

Especially when they looked a bit sweaty, and their hair was messy, after a tiring lovemaking activity ... it's the best!     

Gosh ... why did my mind keep going there? London scolded himself.     


The sound of the bell at the door immediately moved him from his dirty thoughts about L and whatever things he would do to his wife every night after they were married.     

London opened the door and invited Jan, Pammy, and a man with formal attire to enter the penthouse.     

"Please come in. You are on time. We just finished dinner," he said in a very cheerful tone.     

Pammy's face lit up. She was truly happy because her wish had finally come true. She would see L marry Mr. Schneider, and would even become part of their big day!     

"Where is Miss L?" she asked enthusiastically.     

"In the bathroom, getting ready. You can try to help her," London said, pointing to the bathroom to his left. Pammy nodded and hurriedly looked for L there.     

Jan and the marriage registrar officer sat on the couch, waiting for the bride to appear.     

"Finally ... we arrive at this point," Jan commented without being asked. "You really don't want to open your eyes to and see other women?"     

London shook his head. "I have met Sarah, and even though she is a very attractive girl, I cannot like her. Apparently, my heart is very small and there is no room for other people. All the space has been filled by L."     

His voice sounded very romantic, and Jan could only shake his head. In his heart, he sincerely hoped that his boss would not regret marrying that annoying girl.     

As he recalled, the Schneider family was quite peculiar when it came to love. They were loyal to one person and love them with all their heart until there is no more space for another.     

He saw how much Caspar loved his wife, Finland, and Aleksis loved her husband, Alaric. Maybe it's in the family, he thought, to love only one person for the rest of their lives.     

London also loved L very much and had only been thinking about that girl since they first met. Especially now that they already have a child together.     

Jan really wanted to see this small family happy. He already considered London like his own brother and Lily as his niece.     

"Thank you, Jan. For your help so far ... Also, for taking care of everything so we can still get married, albeit being so last minute." London patted Jan's shoulder and smiled gratefully.     

His loyal assistant just nodded.     

L and Pammy came out of the bathroom ten minutes later. The girl's face had been washed and covered with thin layers of makeup and lip balm. Pammy helped her style her hair into a small bun above her head so that L now looked very neat and elegant.     

London's face was immediately decorated with a broad smile as he looked at L enthusiastically as he approached the girl and hugged her. He did not need to say anything to show how much he was fascinated.     

"Hmm ... okay. We can start now ..." he said after releasing L from his embrace and held her waist to face the civil registration officer.     

"Alright, I have the two of you with your identification documents and everything that we need. We also have two witnesses here, each from the bride and the groom." Thus the officer began the ceremony.     

London sat with L facing the officer, and beside each of them stood Jan and Pammy. They would be the witnesses to London and L's marriage solemnization.     

"Good evening. My name is Manfred Schaefer, and I am a marriage registrar officer who was given the authority to carry out my duties from the state. Tonight, we will witness the legal unification between London Killian Scheider and Elle Marianne De Maestri, who came before me with good intentions to unite themselves in a marriage.     

"Do you, London Killian Schneider, take this woman, Elle Marianne De Maestri, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?     

London nodded, "I do."     

"Do you, Elle Marianne De Maestri, take this man, London Killian Schneider, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" This time Manfred Schaefer directed his question to L, who was struggling to hold back her tears.     

London gently squeezed L's hand in his grip as if giving her strength to respond to the marriage registrar's question. He knew that L must be thinking about the events from three weeks ago when London canceled their wedding plans, and now they were finally getting married impulsively.     

"I-- I do" L finally answered. She and London exchanged glances and smiles were plastered on their faces.     

Jan and Pammy also looked at each other and smiled in relief. Pammy rubbed her wet eyes while Jan took a deep breath. Finally, after so arguments and misunderstandings ... the dog and cat were united in marriage. An impulsive one at that.     

"I hereby declare that you are now officially husband and wife. Congratulations! You may kiss the bride."     

London wiped tears from the corner of L's eyes, then looked down and kissed her lips for a long time. L returned her husband's kiss warmly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes when their lips met.     

The three people around them were forced to avert their gaze in another direction when the new couple still did not end their kiss after two minutes.     

Crazy! Don't they need to breathe? Jan grumbled silently.     

"I am so happy!!" London whispered into L's ear after ending his kiss. He then turned to Jan and Manfred and took turns shaking hands with them. "Thank you. Thank you ..."     

Both nodded and tried to sympathize with the happiness of the new husband. Pammy hugged L and congratulated her. Both women shed tears of happiness.     

A servant robot appeared swiftly with a tray containing the most expensive bottle of wine and five glasses.     

"Let's toast ..." Jan said, opening the bottle stopper and pouring wine for each of them. The five people raised their glasses and drank to congratulate the bride and groom. The four of them finished the wine in their glasses while L only drank a little because she was still breastfeeding.     

"My duty is done. It's time for me to excuse myself," Manfred said after finishing his wine. "Once again, congratulations to you both."     

"Uhm ... me too. It's late, my mother must have been looking for me to have dinner together," Jan rose to say goodbye. "Besides, I don't want to disturb the newlywed couple."     

Pammy also nodded and smiled broadly. "Excuse me, I'm going home too. Thank you for inviting me to share your happiness. Congratulations on your wedding again."     

London and L looked at each other and blushed. They stood and led their three guests out the door.     

After Manfred, Jan and Pammy disappeared behind the elevator, they returned inside, holding each other's hands. Even though they did indeed get married in the end, both of them still felt in euphoria, as if the happiness they were feeling now was not real, and if they let go of their hands, this dream would suddenly end.     

"My wife ..." London called L. The girl raised her reddened face but did not answer.     

Because L did not answer his call, London became mischievous. He suddenly lifted L's body and kissed her face.     

"You are mine. Now and forever." The man whispered tenderly in L's ear     

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