The Alchemists

So Many Surprises

So Many Surprises

Marie looked at the handsome face that was filled with sincerity and she finally nodded.     

"I need to take Summer's belongings and mine," Marie finally replied. "After that, we can come with you."     

Nicolae was very happy to hear that. He immediately got up and kissed Marie again.     

"Of course. I'll go with you to get them."     

"But we can't bring Summer with us. We will be too conspicuous. How about you wait here with Summer, I'll go out and get them and come back soon? It won't take long." Marie asked him.     

Nicolae shook his head. He absolutely would not let Marie out of his sight. Especially in the present condition, the girl was still being hunted by her old enemy.     

"I can leave Summer with a friend. Since this is an emergency, I'm sure she will want to help me," Nicolae said.     

"Do you have a friend in Paris?" Marie asked in surprise.     

"I told you, I'm not a simple person," Nicolae said, smiling faintly. He then released Marie and called Marion.     

"Hi, Marion, it's me. Sorry, I'll trouble you this once. Can you accompany Summer for a while? Marie and I will go and get their personal belongings to her house. We can't take Summer," Nicolae said.     

Marie only watched Nicolae talking on the phone as she tried to guess who the woman he was talking to. The question was answered when half an hour later, the door to the penthouse was knocked, and a beautiful, short-haired girl entered.     

"Hey ... I thought you had gone to Bordeaux," Marion said casually as she entered the penthouse. Her eyes fell on Marie, who was standing in the corner of the room while crossing her arms on her chest. Marion soon realized that this woman was definitely Summer's biological mother because her face was very similar to that child.     

"Marion ... this is Marie," Nicolae immediately introduced them. "Marie is my wife."     

Marie actually felt rather awkward to be introduced as Nicolae's wife. In her mind was always recorded the fact that their marriage had been annulled. However, she did not refute Nicolae's words. She did not know Marion and felt it was not appropriate to correct Nicolae in front of his friend.     

Marion was very surprised to hear Nicolae's explanation. She remembered that Nicolae almost married Aleksis years ago. After the failed wedding, because Aleksis was reunited with her husband, who was actually Nicolae's younger brother, this man was never close to other women. At least that's what Marion was aware of.     

But just now, Nicolae called Marie his wife? Then ... what about Summer? Was she his daughter too?     

Although Marion was surprised, the girl was very good at hiding her feelings. She just smiled and nodded at Marie. "Hello, Marie. Nice to meet you."     

"Hi, Marion. I'm also glad to meet you," Marie replied politely. She then turned to Nicolae. "Are you going to Bordeaux? When?"     

Nicolae shook her head, "I was going to Bordeaux to look after my godchildren, Altair and Vega. They were on a study trip to Paris and Bordeaux."     

"Oh ... they are here too?" Marie still remembered the twins.     

"That's right. They spent five days in Paris and five more days in Bordeaux. I will coordinate with their father and their bodyguards so that they will watch Altair and Vega more closely. I must cancel my departure to Bordeaux,"     

"They have bodyguards?" Marie furrowed her brows. She did not understand why the twins needed a bodyguard. "Are they rich?"     

Nicolae just smiled at that. He then nodded. "Yes."     

He smiled faintly, "Do you know Rhionen Meier Industries?"     

Marie nodded. "Who doesn't know that company group? They are arguably one of the most important businesses in this decade."     

"My brother is the owner. The two children want to live as ordinary people, that's why they live with me and go to public school. However, their father always checks and looks after Altair and Vega from a distance. My presence here is actually only to help supervise them, on behalf of their parents," Nicolae explained. "We, men from the Medici family, always look after our women and children."     

Marie was struck by Nicolae's words. She did not think the man and his children were not ordinary people at all. There really were so many big surprises she received in one day ...     

"Your brother... is Elios Linden?" she asked in astonishment. She had heard about that impressive man.     

"That's right," Nicolae answered. "We actually call him Alaric."     

Marie could not believe her own hearing. Elios Linden is Nicolae's brother? How unexpected!     

Nicolae was not just an ordinary person, but the legendary hacker Wolf who had resigned a few years ago. And the twins whom Marie thought were Nicolae's biological children were actually his niece and nephew. As it turned out, she was wrong about them.     

She was also shocked when she learned that Altair and Vega were the famous Elios Linden's children. Although it was rare for Elios's photos to circulate in the media, many people knew his physical characteristics because of his unique appearance.     

He was handsome, had platinum-colored hair, and a pair of purple eyes. When he entered any room, his imposing aura and his unique appearance would immediately attract attention and they would easily guess who he was.     

As Marie recalled Altair and Vega's childhood appearance, she realized that the two children were physically similar to Nicolae. However, their hair followed Elios Linden's unique color.     

Marie pressed her lips when she realized that Summer had a purplish eye color that had confused her for years. She did not think there was anyone in her family with purple eys, nor did Nicolae. Now everything made sense. Summer got the color of her eyes from the Nicolae's side of the family.     

"You keep shocking me," Marie said, shaking her head. "I don't know what else you haven't told me that can make me more shocked than this ..."     

Marion and Nicolae exchanged glances. The girl frowned and mouthed her question whether Nicolae had told Marie that he was an immortal. Nicolae shook his head.     

Seeing Nicolae's answer, Marion could only chuckle.     

'Oh, Marie... you'll be in for more surprises,' she muttered inwardly.     

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