The Alchemists

Promotional Chapter - "The Cursed Prince"

Promotional Chapter - "The Cursed Prince"

Dear readers, this is a promotional chapter. You don't have to spend coin on this chapter. Feel free to open it with a fast pass.     

If you have read The Alchemists this far and you like my writing style, I hope you would give my newest book a chance. It's called "The Cursed Prince". The story is funny, witty, and sexy. So, if you are looking for a book to make you laugh and feel all kinds of fluff... this is the book for you.     


The crown prince was cursed on the day he was born, that he will never be happy. What's worse, no woman could touch him without dying. Thus, finding a wife to produce an heir became the royal family's greatest challenge since the prince is the only son.     

Until one day.. A slave girl who tried to kill him didn't end up dying after they touched. Emmelyn was a princess from one of their colonies who vowed to avenge her family's death by killing the crown prince.. And that's how she ended up in his castle.     

Seeing that she was the only woman he could have a sexual relationship with, without killing her, the prince made an agreement to let her go and free her kingdom from his oppression if she produced for him three heirs.     

Emmelyn said yes, but every day that they were together, she made plans to kill him and get her revenge.     

Can Emmelyn get what she wanted, or would she be entangled deeper with the enemy who was deemed as the devil incarnate himself by his enemies?     



The man's eyes suddenly opened and stared straight at Emmelyn. The girl instantly froze in place with the knife in her hand swung in the air. Her eyes went round so big.     

[This is bad.]     

Those golden irises glanced at the knife Emmelyn was holding tightly and halted in midair.     

"You want to kill me?" His voice sounded sleepy, making Emmelyn swallow hard. Suddenly, the girl's brain refused to function.     

She was caught in the act.     


[Dammit.] Even though she had made sure that this scummy prince slept soundly by giving an extra dose of sleeping potion in his drink, the devil still woke up in time to dodge her attack.     

[Why am I so unlucky?] She cursed inwardly.     

[I'm done for.]     

In her heart, Emmelyn asked forgiveness from her late parents because she had failed to avenge their deaths.     

She had infiltrated the enemy's palace and disguised herself as a slave boy to serve this bastard prince every day. She prepared his horse, his clothes, his bath water ... and even his sleeping potion for him.     

Tonight, Emmelyn purposely tripled the dose to make her plan work. But she didn't know what happened. Just before she swung the knife ... this bastard woke up.     

The handsome man sat in bed and leaned on the headboard. His eyes, which was sleepy before, were now super alert.     

"Who ordered you to kill me?" asked the prince with narrowed eyes. "Is it my cousin, Harland?"     

Emmelyn refused to answer.     

"If you confessed and told me who ordered you to disguise yourself into my castle and act as my personal slave, I won't give you a gruesome death. It will be fast and clean," said the man in a firm voice. "Is that the finance minister, Stephano? Or is it Duke Aelholt?"     

[Come on, continue, tell me who else hates you enough to want to kill you,] Emmelyn muttered inwardly.     

[Later when I managed to escape from here, I will come to them and ask them to work together to destroy you.]     

[Ugh ... but I don't think I'll be able to escape from here.] Emmelyn cried silently.     

She knew very well how cruel was the man before her. He would not hesitate to punish anyone who dared to defy him by beheading them or cutting them into four, then displaying the heads of his enemies on the city walls.     

Emmelyn's hands grew weak, imagining the terrible fate that awaited her.     

The knife slipped out of her grasp and fell to the floor with a clanking sound.     

"Hmm ... you refused to answer ..." the man yawned again. "Then tomorrow you will be beheaded in the square."     

"Aaaaahhhhh !!!! Die you! Die... !! DIEEEEE!!!!" Suddenly, Emmelyn's brain went back to work when she heard the words 'beheaded in the square'.     

Reflexively, she picked up the knife from the floor and immediately attacked the man blindly.     

It would be better for her to die now, here, while trying to kill her mortal enemy, than to be beheaded as a lowly slave in the square.     

At least, before she died, she would be able to graze the man's body and shed his blood.     

[Just like how his army had shed my family's blood…]     

The man frowned for a moment as he realized this stupid little slave was once again trying to kill him. He swiftly jumped out of bed, and grappled with Emmelyn to grab the knife.     

Not long after, he managed to ward off the knife from his attacker's hand and twisted the slave's arm behind her back.     

"Aaaahhhh ... !!!" Emmelyn tried not to make a sound, to face her death valiantly. However, her stupid mouth had screamed, unable to take the pain from her twisted arm.     

"You little slave, it will take years of training before you can kill me ..." the man grumbled. He turned Emmelyn's body and let go of his twist from her arm and got ready to grab the girl's neck ...     

Somehow… his hand stopped in midair, and he didn't touch her neck.     

His golden irises narrowed, then widened, and then narrowed again. He then lowered his hand and walked toward Emmelyn with a look full of curiosity. He was like a cat seeing a new toy and was wondering what that thing was.     

Emmelyn was stunned. She did not understand what this enemy of hers was doing.     

"Uhm .. what are you doing?" asked the girl finally. The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.     

The man studied her carefully. He looked at every corner of her face, then down to her neck, and then to her hair that fell down her shoulders.     

[What's wrong with my neck?] thought Emmelyn, confused.     

She quickly grabbed the hem of her clothes and covered her neck. She looked disheveled as a result of them fighting over the knife earlier. Did this guy have a fetish that involved other men's neck?     

"You're ... a girl?!" Suddenly, the man let out a question that sounded more like a statement.     


Emmelyn just realized that she did not have Adam's apple like other men. Her cover was exposed. [Stupid neck!]     

Everyone knew how much the crown prince of the Draec Kingdom hated women. That's why he was always surrounded by male slaves and staff only.     

Emmelyn disguised herself as a male slave for that reason too. If the prince didn't hate women, Emmelyn would have disguised herself as a seductress to approach the prince and kill him.     

Now, her cover was exposed. Beheading in the square awaited her.     



"Are you really a girl??" Asked the handsome man once again. This time there was a hint of urgency in his voice. "If you don't answer me, I'll strip you to find out myself!"     

Hearing the man's words, Emmelyn immediately snapped, "You pervert!"     

Hearing Emmelyn's high-pitched voice which she no longer made the effort to disguise as a man's, finally, the devil smiled. He looked at the girl from head to toe and then nodded several times, looking satisfied.     

"Hmm .. you're not bad. This can work."     

"What do you mean by 'this can work'?" Emmelyn glared. She must have gone mad for daring to talk back to the devil incarnate himself, Prince Mars Strongmoor, the crown prince of the Draec kingdom.     

[Maybe, when people were at the brink of death, they would no longer feel fear. They knew they would soon die anyway.]     

Yes, that's probably what happened.     

Prince Mars walked over to Emmelyn and closed the distance between them. He touched the girl's chin and tilted his face closer to hers.     

"Uhm .... wh-what do you want?" asked Emmelyn in a nervous voice. Suddenly she felt her knees losing strength.     

[Will this devil pull my head off my body? Why is he holding my chin?]     

The next thing that happened was utterly unexpected by the girl. Instead of squeezing Emmelyn's head and crushing it, the devil landed a kiss on her lips.     

For a moment, the girl went into a daze, and her body froze. The kiss was so sudden and intoxicating. When the devil kissed her, somehow, all of Emmelyn's nerves refused to work. It was as if every fiber of her being welcome the kiss with joy.     

What is this? Why can't I move? thought Emmelyn. Her treacherous eyes closed, and her lips let out a soft moan. She didn't even recognize that sound. Did she ever make such a sound before?     

After God knows how long, finally, their lips parted. The man looked at Emmelyn in amazement and his face was now filled with a smile.     

Dammit. Why is his smile so cute? scolded Emmelyn. He. Is. The. Devil.     

I came here to kill him.     

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" Emmelyn who just found her voice immediately shouted at the devil and slap him with all her might.     

The prince was unfazed. He took Emmelyn's hand that just slapped him and gripped her tightly.     

"You will be the mother of my children," said the man in a commanding tone. His shameless words rendered Emmelyn speechless. "I need three children from you."     

"Eh ... wait.. what? Hold on a minute," Emmelyn, who was moved from her shock, hurriedly rubbed her lips roughly as if trying to remove the devil's marks from them. "I don't want to be your wife! I don't want to marry you, you devil!!"     

The man frowned and squinted his eyes menacingly. "Who said anything about marriage?"     

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