The Alchemists

JM And Terry

JM And Terry

Rune tried to cover his face with one hand so that Terry wouldn't see him. He really hoped Terry and JM would walk in the opposite direction of the restaurant's terrace where he and Rose were having lunch.     

'Please... don't come here ... Pease, don't come here ... Please, don't come here ...' Rune muttered internally over and over again as if chanting a spell.     

However, the universe was not on his side today.     

"Gosh! They are walking this way!!" exclaimed Rose enthusiastically. She got up from her chair and patted Rune on the back. "I want to ask for a photo together with JM."     

Rune was stunned when he heard Rose's words. He watched the girl walk enthusiastically toward the restaurant entrance and waited for JM and Terry to come over.     

The young man was surprised by Rose's actions. Wasn't this girl a duke's daughter and came from a very respectable family?     

Why did she humble herself and ask for a photo together with a celebrity? He didn't know Rose could act like a fangirl.     

Finally, out of instinct, Rune also walked after Rose.     

Although he actually didn't wish to meet anyone in Medion while he was spending time with Rose and getting to know her family, Rune felt it would be better if he helped Rose get the photos she wanted.     

When he arrived by the girl's side, Rune whispered to her ear, "I didn't know you could be fangirling a celebrity and ask for her photo. You don't look the type."     

Rose shook her head. "You're right, I am not a fangirl. This photo is for my friend, not for me. You know how nice George is to me, don't you? If I could make him happy once in a while, what's wrong with that?"     

"Oh, I see," Rune nodded with a smile. So, the picture was for George.     


"Even though I think George would be heartbroken if he found out that JM is with her boyfriend, he would still love to get a photo or shoutout from her," Rose continued.      

"Eh ..? Boyfriend?" Rune asked in puzzlement. "Who?"     

"That one. Did you see the guy who is walking with her?" said Rose, tilting her chin towards JM and Terry who were walking casually toward the restaurant where they were waiting.     

Terry's hand embraced his sister's shoulder affectionately and the two of them seemed to be chatting with each other with smiling faces.     

People who didn't know they were siblings would understandably think JM and Terry were lovers.     

Rune batted his eyes and looked at Rose and Terry alternately. Then, he laughed in amusement. "Ahahaha ... that's not her boyfriend."     

"Really? But if he is not her boyfriend, why are they so affectionate toward each other?" asked Rose.     

Rune shook his head. "What you see there is not an intimacy between lovers. Have you never seen siblings walking together?"     

"Are they really siblings?" This time, Rose looked even more confused. She thought Rune was joking. "One is obviously Asian and the other one is white ... How can they be siblings? Oh.. did you mean they are adoptive siblings?"     

Rune subconsciously facepalmed himself.     

Ah.. that's right. He forgot that Terry and JM didn't look alike. Terry looked Asian and JM looked European, even though they had the same father.     

Jeez ... he should have kept his mouth shut.     

Now, he must explain the weird dynamic within the Wang family.     

Or, maybe he could just lie and told Rose that those two were indeed adoptive siblings.     

However, before Rune could say anything, suddenly a sweet voice had cried out his name enthusiastically.     

"Uncle Rune! What are you doing in Bacilia???"     

Rune froze in place. The event happened so suddenly and he had not had time to prepare a story to give to Rose.     

JM already saw him and she immediately rushed over toward Rune and Rose, leaving Terry behind. Rose became surprised when she saw JM running towards them and waving at Rune excitedly.     

"Do you know JM?" asked Rose who looked baffled. She turned to Rune and stared at him intently, asking for an explanation. "She is calling your name."     

"Uhm ... well, you see, I was..." Rune was completely unprepared to answer that question. He scratched his head which was not itchy and stared at JM's approaching figure.     

Gosh... Of all places in the world, why did he have to run into Terry and JM in Bacilia?     

By the way...      

Wait a minute...     

If Rose found out that Rune was acquainted with one of the most famous supermodels in the world today, would Rose feel jealous?     

Ah .. no way, the man thought sadly. Rune still didn't have that special place in Rose's heart. At least, not yet.     

The only person who could make Rose feel jealous today was Princess Anne of Moravia, Leon's wife-to-be.     

That's why Rose didn't want to attend the royal gala tonight to introduce Princess Anne to the nobles in the Medion Kingdom.     

"You're in Bacilia too? What are you doing here?" asked JM as soon as she arrived in front of Rune. The beautiful girl hugged Rune warmly and kissed his cheeks alternately.     

Her action surprised Rose, while other people around them looked very impressed.      

Almost all of the men on the restaurant terrace felt so jealous of Rune.     

Not only did he have lunch with a very beautiful girl, but now, a girl who they immediately recognized as JM the supermodel, came and hugged him enthusiastically.     

"Hey.. what are you doing here?" Rune asked in surprise after JM released her embrace. He turned to Terry, who just realized his presence, and immediately rushed to them.     

"Terry is making a new movie project for his university assignment," said JM. The girl pretended to pout as she glanced at her brother. "He asked me to work for free in his movie.. Tsk."     

"Hahaha .. really?" Rune laughed at JM's pretend complaint. He knew that girl didn't mean it. JM really loved her brother and would do anything to help Terry.     

"Jeez .. Rune, what are you doing here?" asked Terry who had arrived before them. He quickly narrowed his eyes when he realized there was a very beautiful girl standing beside Rune. "Who is this?"     

Rose shook her head in amazement. She never thought that Rune, who was visiting Medion for the first time, would meet people he knew, and one of those people turned out to be a very famous supermodel who was George's idol.     

What a very pleasant coincidence. Rose smiled sweetly and reached out her hand to invite Terry to shake hands.     

"Hello, my name is Rose Fournier. I am Rune's girlfriend. Nice to meet you."     

Rune Schneider's lips immediately curved upwards and formed a very sweet smile. He was surprised to hear Rose introduce herself as his girlfriend.     

Did this mean their fake relationship was not just an act in front of Rose's friends and family, but in front of Rune's friends and family as well?     

Wow!! This is really a very good sign.     

Rune cleared his throat and nodded proudly. "That's right ... this is Rose, my girlfriend... ahem. Oh, by the way, Rose, this is my friend, Pierre Wang. And that is ... uh ... his adopted sister."     

Since stepping down from the Schneider group two years ago, Terry Chan had taken on a new identity. This time he used his father's old name when he was young.     

Terry became Pierre Wang, a film school student in Los Angeles who was busy pursuing a career to become a Hollywood film director.     

"Hi, Rose, nice to meet you too," Terry said, smiling broadly. "My name is Pierre. I'm from LA and here on a job. How about you?"     

He then glanced at Rune with a meaningful look. Terry could immediately guess that the relationship between Rune and the beautiful girl beside him was not simple.     

Now JM also reached out her hand to greet Rose. "I'm Jean-Marie Wang .. Nice to meet you."     

When Rose took her hand, the model suddenly hugged her warmly and kissed her cheeks alternately.     

Rose was very impressed by the fact that JM was very friendly. She thought, being such a famous supermodel, she would be a bit rigid or reserved. Apparently, she was really warm and friendly.     

Rose smiled broadly and introduced herself to JM. "It's nice to meet you, JM. My best friend is your fan. He would have screamed with joy if he found out I am meeting you in person today."     

"Oh, really? Hahahhaa ... that's so funny," commented JM with a beaming face. "Do you want to call your friend? I'll talk to him on video."     

"Gosh, will you do that? I'll call him right away," said Rose enthusiastically.     

She was about to open her cell phone when their waiter walked by with a tray filled with their appetizers. Rose and Rune exchanged glances.     

Finally, Rose smiled wryly, "Uhmm... sorry, we already ordered our food and it looks like the appetizers are here."     

"We'd better talk at the table," said Rune. "The food will be cold if we talk here too long."     

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