The Alchemists

Rose's Favorite Place In The World

Rose's Favorite Place In The World

"Let's park here," Rose gave a sign to Rune to drive the car to an open field and park there. Rune followed her instruction and soon, the Bentley was parked nicely under a shady tree, overlooking the vast green valley.     

Rune almost couldn't believe his vision. Just outside the capital, there was this vast and lush green space? Medion was truly a unique country, he thought.     

He loved Bacilia with its historical charm and now this green hill, which Rose said was owned by her family, made him feel at home quickly.     

It was 2 pm in the afternoon and there was nobody around them. The wind blew lightly and everything felt so peaceful     

Rune could clearly see why Rose said this place was her favorite place in the world. He could imagine her spending so much time here when she was younger.     

"Let's walk that way," Rose held Rune's hand and took the man for a short walk across the green field at the foot of the hill.      

Rune was impressed to see that most of the field was still covered in green grass.     

In many other places, the leaves and grass were already yellowish and wither, to prepare for winter, but here, everything still looked like it was the end of summer. He stopped his steps for a while and admire the spread of lavenders on the field to their left.     

"They still have lavenders at this time of the year?" He asked in admiration. "My sister loves this."     

"Yeah.. we do. We have great weather here. Usually autumn feels like an extended summer. Only lately we are having a colder temperature," Rose explained.     

"That is amazing," Rune replied. He pointed at the lavenders on the ground. "I want to take some pictures for my sister. Have you seen the lavender field in Provence, France? This place reminds me of that one."     

"Yes, I've been there. It's lovely," Rose shrugged.     

"I want to tell my sister that Medion has a similar place like that one in Provence. Maybe she would be interested to visit," Rune said with a grin.     

"Sure," Rose smiled. She no longer looked upset.     

Somehow, Rune managed to distract her from feeling upset by talking about lavenders and Provence and his sisters' love for lavender.     

"My nephew, the other one that you haven't met, is a synesthete. He said his father's voice looks like lavender. That's when everyone knew that my sister and her husband were a match made in heaven... hahaha..." Rune said while taking out his phone and snapped some pictures for Aleksis.     

"Synesthete? What is that?" Rose furrowed her brows. She had never heard of that word before.     

Rune had to explain that a synesthete was a person with synesthesia — they may see sounds, taste words, or feel a sensation on their skin when they smell certain scents.     

"Oh.. how interesting!" Rose exclaimed. "So, what about you? What does your voice look like?"     

"Uhm.. my voice is quite boring," Rune said. "My nephew said it looked like grapes."     

"Oh.. now I'm curious to know how he sees my voice," Rose chuckled. "He is the one that JM is dating, right?"     

"Yes, that's right."     

"This way," Rose pointed to a lone oak tree not far from them. "That's my favorite place to sit and do nothing."     

On one of the lower branches, there was a simple swing, made of a block of timber and big rope. Rose ran toward the swing, as soon as they were close. She immediately sat on the swing and smiled broadly.     

"My grandfather made this for me twenty years ago. This is my favorite place in the whole world," she gushed.     

Rune smiled faintly. He couldn't help imagine how many days were spent on this swing while Rose was dating Leon in the past.     

Rune knew Rose and Leon grew up together. So, her best days, in her favorite place in the whole world, must have been spent with the man.     

He had to press down his jealousy and focus on Rose. At the moment, his feelings were not important. He only wanted to make Rose feel better.     

"I can understand why you like this place so much. It's really beautiful," Rune commented. He cast his glance around them. There was just the two of them in the vast green space, with a lone oak tree and many rabbits here and there.     

"I know right?" Rose was overjoyed because Rune seemed to admire her favorite place. "We also have many deers and some other wild animals over there. Behind the hill, there is a very, very old forest. We have so many children's folklore told about the forest and mythical creatures that lived there in the past."     

"Sounds amazing," Rune smiled. He was relieved that Rose seemed distracted from her sadness by their conversation.      

He was glad they decided to come here after the incident in the Old Town.      

"When I move out permanently from Medion, I will have to find a new place to love," Rose said suddenly. "Somewhere that will give my heart the same peace."     

Rune turned to Rose and looked at her side profile. Rose was smiling but he could see how sad she actually was.     

"Do you want to leave Medion?" Rune asked her attentively. "Is it because of Leon?"     

Rose nodded. She didn't plan to keep things from Rune. The man had been kind enough to stick by her side, even though he knew she was in love with another man.      

"You know what happened, right?" Rose turned to him and smiled. "I cannot possibly stay in Bacilia after they get married. A few people knew of my past relationship with Leon and they will use it against him. You saw what Sarah Miller did back in Old Town."     

"Who is she, by the way?" Rune wanted to know who were the other two girls that were with Princess Anne, so he could better protect Rose from them.     

"I went to school with Sarah Miller when I was young. That was before I was sent to Scotland," Rose explained. "She actually had a crush on Leon when she was a teenager. Leon rejected her feelings and Sarah has been hostile ever since."     

"Oh... that sounds childish," Rune commented. "And who was the other girl? Do you know her?"     

"That one was Lisa Bissset. She is also an old schoolmate of mine. The thing is, children of the upper-class families in Bacilia all know each other. Our parents meet at social events and also the events held by the court." Rose let out a long sigh. "She was the one who spread rumors that I was dating Leon, that embarrassed my mother. That's why she sent me to Scotland so I would stop seeing Leon."     

Rune could see why the girls were hostile toward each other. Apparently, they were fighting over a boy in the past? Now the boy had grown up to be a man, and become the crown prince, Sarah wanted to gain influence on his wife-to-be?     

Rune could imagine what awful thing Sarah would tell Princess Anne about Rose to create a wedge between them.     

One thing for sure, Sarah already told Princess Anne that Rose was in love with Leon, who in public, was known as her own half-brother.     

"Don't you want to tell Anne the truth?" Rune asked Rose. "After today, Anne would think that you really harbor an indecent feeling toward her husband. At least let her know that Leon is NOT your brother."     

Rose shook her head dejectedly. "No. I cannot do that to Leon. It will ruin his life."     

"But, if you didn't set things straight, many people will judge you," Rune pleaded with Rose. He had seen how Anne looked at Rose in disgust earlier today.     

Soon, many people would think the same way about Rose.     

He couldn't believe Duke Fournier would let his daughter face embarrassment if the public heard about this gossip.     

"Rune, please stop." Rose gripped the man's arm and pleaded back. "You have agreed to be my fake boyfriend for a year. I need you to be my side for exactly THIS reason."     

Rune went silent. He of course remembered their agreement.     

He agreed easily to be Rose's fake boyfriend because he wanted the chance to be by her side and make their fake relationship into a real one.     

"Okay, I am sorry." Rune sighed.      

"We will deny all allegations and gossips about me and Leon." Rose bit her lip and clenched her jaw, looking resolute. "And you will treat me like I am your real girlfriend. Nobody must know that you are not my real boyfriend. Do you understand?"     

Rune swallowed. He loved this woman from the first time he saw her and seeing her hurt pained his heart.     

Of course, he would do anything for her. He nodded.     

"Good." Rose closed her eyes and whispered her next words, which turned Rune dumbfounded. "Now, kiss me. When people see us, I want us to look natural. So, you have to get used to kissing me."     

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