The Alchemists

Farewell And Meeting At The Airport

Farewell And Meeting At The Airport

Tuesday and Wednesday passed by very quickly. Finland felt very sad when she entered her office on Thursday because she knew that after work she had to take Jean to the airport. He would return to Paris, and their next meeting would be in January when Finland visited him there.     

Her gloomy face was obvious to her coworkers in the department, and they tried to comfort her by taking her to lunch together. The lunch invitation amused Finland a little because it turned out that her office colleagues were being nicer to her. She thought about her first two months working in LTX; she had absolutely no friends and was ostracized by them.     

After work, she walked from her office to Jean's apartment on Robertson Road. The fresh air improved her mood slightly. As usual, she tried to walk beautifully, like on a runway, following Jean's teachings. But today every step on the 'runway' felt heavy and sad.     

She could no longer hold back her tears when she arrived at the door to Jean's apartment. When Jean came out with his suitcase, Finland sobbed in his chest.     

"Hey... don't cry like this. It's only for two months, after that you can go to Paris. And we can also chat every day..." Jean said as he patted Finland's head. "If you are like this it would be hard for me to go."     

"I'm sorry..." Finland tried to pull herself together. She wiped away her tears and tried to smile. "Someone's peeling onions here. I'm not crying, really."     

"Hahaha... I believe you." Jean held Finland's hand in one hand and while the other pushed his suitcase.     

They took the elevator down and entered the taxi that was waiting in the lobby. Finland asked Jadeith not to pick her up that day because she wanted to accompany Jean to the airport.     

[Jadeith, I'm going to the airport, you don't have to pick me up at the office.]     


[Alright, Madam. I will just go straight to the airport then.]     

After arriving at Terminal 1 Departure, Jean and Finland embraced one last time before Jean finally entered to check-in and boarding. Finland stood looking at Jean until she lost sight and decided to contact Jadeith.     

[Where are you, Jadeith?]     


[I am almost at Terminal 1's Arrival. Madam is there to pick up Master, right?]     

Jadeith's reply made Finland flinch.     

It was Thursday. Didn't Caspar say that he would come home on Thursday?     

Finland face-palmed herself for forgetting this important occasion. No wonder Jadeith thought she was going to the airport to pick Caspar up.     

She did not remember because Caspar had not contacted her since Saturday.     


Finally, Finland decided to go to the Arrival Terminal to wait for Jadeith. She didn't want to take the MRT home and the taxi's surcharge at the current rush hour must be very expensive. It was better for her (financially) to ride home in Caspar's car.     

Finland was a bit disappointed in herself... Apparently she was getting used to being spoiled. She was now even too lazy to take the MRT.     


When Finland arrived at the arrival terminal, she saw the Rolls Royce that was usually driven by Jadeith already pulled over in front of the terminal. As she walked closer, she heard a familiar voice calling her from behind.     

"Finland! Did you come to pick me up?"     

Finland turned around and her heart shook violently when she saw the handsome man who had filled her heart the past few days. Caspar walked towards her, followed by Ben who pushed their suitcases. He was very happy to see her.     

"Hi, Caspar..." Finland felt uneasy to honestly tell him that the real reason for her coming to the airport was to drop Jean off.     

Caspar's face looked so happy...     

"Oh... thank God you came to pick me up. I thought you were still angry at me..." Caspar said, smiling broadly, showing off his dimples, which always managed to melt Finland's heart.     

As soon as the girl was within reach, Caspar held Finland tightly and kissed her lips greedily, as if Finland was his favorite food that he had not eaten for years.      

What the f*ck is this, Caspar? Was he not ashamed to be seen by Ben and Jadeith like this? thought Finland.     

Apparently, Ben and Jadeith pretended not to see anything and they were busy talking about the cold weather in Germany and how hot Singapore had been lately.     

"I'm very happy to see you pick me up..." Caspar said repeatedly. He stopped his kisses and loosened his arms a little so Finland could breathe. He planted one last kiss on the girl's forehead, held her hand, and guided her into the car. "I missed you so much."     

Finland also missed Caspar very much, and she was very happy to see him today, but she said nothing. She just nodded.     

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