The Alchemists

Rosa Wang

Rosa Wang

Caspar covered Finland's gasping mouth with his hand and smiled broadly.     

"I impressed you again, huh?" He kissed the girl's lips gently, "I am indeed a perfect boyfriend. I am handsome, kind, very rich, very smart, a good cook, I am great in bed, and I always give you pleasant surprises."     

Finland knew Caspar should not compliment himself, but this time she could not protest. Caspar was right. He was a perfect boyfriend and Finland admitted that.     

There was a spat of fear creeping in her heart as she recognized Caspar's perfection. Her life was going too well lately, and the man who wanted to marry her was just... too perfect. Finland was afraid something will happen that would ruin the perfect life she was living in.     

Uff... she tried to get rid of that thought and instead tried to be grateful for all the good things that happened so far. She did not want to jinx herself by thinking about bad things.     

Finally, Finland returned Caspar's kiss and prayed that their love and their life would have no obstacles.     


Finland, who was too excited about her wedding, bought the December issue of Urban Girl magazine at the magazine kiosk on her way to work. This edition caught her attention because it covered interesting topics on weddings and the holiday season.     

Finland saw the name Rosa Wang on the front cover and she was interested to find out more about the dresses designed by the famous designer. Rosa Wang had dressed dozens of brides who were world celebrities or daughters of super-rich families. Finland felt very fortunate to be able to wear her homemade gown at her wedding later.     

"Hey... why are you looking at wedding dresses?" Lily asked as she sat next to her, curious. "Are you getting married?"     

Finland just shrugged and did not answer.     

"So, it's true, huh? With whom??"     

The girls at LTX suddenly swarmed around Finland and her magazine enthusiastically. They never knew Finland had a boyfriend, and now she was suddenly getting married. Many girls were quite jealous to see it.     

Finland decided that it was better not to tell anyone that she was going to get married because later she had to explain at length and she did not have time for that. Her work was piling up and she wanted everything to be sorted out before applying for her extended leave.     

When she went to the pantry to wash her lunch box, Tony approached her and asked Finland to follow him to his office. Finland followed Tony, wondering what the matter was.     

"Finland... I've heard a lot of bad rumors about you since I returned to Singapore," Tony said without further ado. "I know some of the gossips were spread by my own nosy cousin, Meilin. But many things happened in the meantime that seem to confirm the rumors..."     

Finland raised her eyebrows. She wasn't sure where the conversation was going.     

"I don't understand your point..."     

Tony sighed deeply.     

"Do you have debts to pay? Did you borrow a large amount of money for your grandmother's medical expenses and now you are trying to pay it back by becoming a... err... an escort...?" Tony looked very uncomfortable when he uttered his last sentence, "If that's the case, I'm willing to help you. I'll pay whatever debt you have, selflessly, no-frills. You can pay me whenever you have money. But for now... please leave such a life... "     

Although Finland was offended by Tony's words, she knew that Tony really meant well and just wanted to help.     

What's with all the men she met in her life? Finland was not a weak woman, why were all these men eager to help her? Finland felt a little annoyed with herself.     

"I don't need help, Tony. Thank you for caring. I'm fine." Finland showed a thankful smile, then nodded and left the room.     

Tony looked at Finland, confused. He was very sure that Finland was having financial difficulties because the girl was well known as a hard worker who was poor. But now her appearance had changed. She wore classy clothes and last week she went home with a luxurious car. Did Finland really become a wealthy businessman's mistress to get out of her poverty? He could not bear to imagine it.     

[After work, please come to the Continental Hotel. Rosa Wang is waiting for you there.] Finland received an SMS from Caspar after lunchtime.     

Oh... that was fast, thought Finland. She had not had time to look at pictures of Rosa's dresses for inspiration. That was why when Jadeith picked her up, Finland hurriedly opened her magazine in the car and read a little extra information about Rosa so that she didn't look too ignorant.     

"Oh, by the way, Jadeith... Caspar told me you are his nephew," Finland said suddenly, "Is that true?"     

"That is true, Madam."     

Finland felt bad to be addressed so respectfully by a man who were soooo much older than her. Jadeith was already 120 years old!     

"Can you just call me by name? You're so much older than me... much older than my grandmother actually..."     

Jadeith smiled as he looked at Finland from the rearview mirror.     

"I can call you 'Auntie'."     

"Ufff... forget it."     

Jadeith chuckled and drove Finland to the penthouse. When she walked by, the hotel staff looked at her respectfully. Their faces were full of gratitude. They knew she was the reason why their salary was raised by 5% two weeks ago.     

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