The Alchemists

Meeting Jean

Meeting Jean

"What are you doing here?" Finland was very happy to see Jean, but she was also surprised because she did not expect to meet her best friend at Aldebar's party. Are not all invited guests Alchemists?     

"I am helping Billie for her show. Her manager was suddenly hospitalized and she needed assistance. I was just about to brag to you that I am helping Billie's concert. However, it turns out you are on the same show," Jean said enthusiastically. "I didn't know this party was held by Caspar's brother."     

"Oh... yes, I also just found out that he invited Billie Yves! If I had known earlier, I would have prepared a CD and asked for her autograph..." Finland said.     

Jean smiled broadly and took out some CDs from the leather bag he was carrying, "I've got them for you."     

"Wow... thank you, Jean!" Finland exclaimed happily and hugged Jean.     

Suddenly there was a loud hiss from behind her and Finland immediately let go of Jean. She slowly turned to the direction of the sound.     

Her husband was standing behind her and was now pretending to cough.     

"Oh... Caspar, you wouldn't have guessed that Jean came to this event. He is helping Billie because her manager is hospitalized."     

It's bad. Finland hoped Caspar would not mention their marriage, because she hasn't told Jean about it. She didn't want Jean to know about it this way!     

"Oh, is that so?" Caspar asked. He quickly understood Finland's expression and switched to a friendlier attitude, "I didn't know you were coming. If we had known, we would have welcomed you properly."     

Jean shrugged, "It's okay, it's all last minute. I should actually spend the new year in Paris, but last night Billie's manager called me, and I didn't have the heart to reject. I am only helping out."     

For a moment the atmosphere became somewhat awkward. Finally, Finland held the hands of both men and invited them in; Jean on her left and Caspar on her right.     

She must get wine so that the atmosphere becomes less intense, she thought.     

Finland stopped the first waiter who passed by with a tray of drinks and hurriedly gave both men a glass of red wine.     

Caspar also took a glass of martini, so he was holding two drinks. Jean didn't want to lose, so he took a glass of Scotch on the rock. They were both looking at each other with one glass in each hand.     

"Cheers for...?" Finland looked at the two alternatingly. She was out of words. She really really really hoped that Caspar wouldn't mention anything about their marriage.     

"A new year," Jean said with a smile.     

"A new life," Caspar replied.     

"Uhm... okay. For all the good things in our lives." Finland said quickly as she clinked her glass with the two men's glasses.     

They each drank their drink in one gulp.     

"Is this the Schneider family's castle?" Jean asked, looking around. "I didn't know that the host is your brother."     

"There are many things you don't know about me," Caspar answered rather coldly. He then smiled mysteriously. "There are even things that if you found out, I have to kill you."     

"Caspar!" Finland hissed, glaring at her husband. She didn't know why Caspar was acting so jealous like this. He met Jean before and he knew that Finland and Jean had been friends for a long time.     

"I'm just joking, Jean must know that," Caspar said, shrugging his shoulders. He finished his martini.     

Jean looked at him flatly then nodded, "Well... of course."     

He finished his scotch. Jean, aware of Caspar's dislike of his presence, immediately kissed Finland's cheek and excused himself.     

"I'm working. I'm representing Billie's manager tonight, so I should go back to the side of the stage. You enjoy the concert, then, when Billie has finished her performance, you just come backstage. I'll introduce you to Billie."     

Finland could only nod and follow Jean's retreat with sad eyes. She really liked BIlie Yves and she should be able to enjoy her first concert happily. But the atmosphere tonight was rather awkward.     

"I didn't know you like Billie Yves," Caspar said. "I have shares in the label that contracted her. I can invite her to perform privately for you."     

Finland looked at Caspar with a tired look. For Caspar, everything seemed to be very easy and could be solved with money.     

"I just want to watch the concert like a normal person, Caspar," Finland complained. "I never told you I like Billie Yves because you never asked."     

"I know a lot about you... but you never said that you like Billie," Caspar remembered that before Finland forbid him to use his special access to find information about her, Caspar read a lot of information on the girl, including the name of her biological mother, the rabbits she kept as pets when she was young, and even the amount of money she had in her account. Since Finland forbid him from doing such a thing again, he never tried to find out anything about her...     

He patted his forehead because he never thought about asking her about the things she liked and disliked. He was too accustomed to getting information easily without having to make efforts himself.     

"I'm sorry," Caspar looked at Finland like a puppy being scolded, which was usually effective in melting Finland's heart. But this time, his action failed. Finland still looked sullen. "I'm sorry for not asking. We've only known each other for six months. I have a lifetime to find out and get to know you more closely, so I didn't feel the need to rush..."     

Finland opened her phone and showed him her music playlist. Caspar saw so many songs from Billie Yves there, among several other musicians. He quickly stored mental images in his memory, so he wouldn't forget next time.     

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