The Alchemists

The Wolf Pack Arrival

The Wolf Pack Arrival

Finland was very sleepy the next day when she woke up because the time in Europe was 6 hours behind Singapore. Also, after dinner, they did not immediately went to sleep but spent several hours making love to each other, to satisfy their longing after being separated for almost three years.     

When she opened her eyes, it was still dark around her because Caspar deliberately closed the blackout curtain to prevent the sunlight from outside from waking her up. When she took her phone from the bedside table, Finland saw that it was already 10 o'clock in the morning.     

Caspar was no longer by her side. As usual, there was a glass of drink placed on the table beside her bed. A huge smile framed her face as she drank the glass of water. She hurriedly finished her drink, then got up and left the room. She was a bit ashamed because she woke up so late and neglected Aleksis this morning.     

Finland was walking hurriedly to Aleksis' room when Kara passed by and greeted her.     

"Good morning, Madam. Master is waiting for you in the dining room with the little miss."     

"Oh..." Finland nodded and immediately changed her direction. She went down to the first floor and headed for the large dining room where Caspar was waiting for her together with Aleksis. There she saw the two enjoying a leisurely breakfast and her heart flooded with relief.     

"I'm sorry I woke up so late," Finland said apologetically. "Usually I wake up early in the morning to prepare Aleksis to be picked up by Lauriel, and then I go to work. I feel that for the past few weeks I've been too spoiled because I am working part time."     

"Oh... you can get up in the afternoon or whenever you want," Caspar said quickly, "you are not alone anymore. There are so many staff who can help take care of Aleksis, and there is me too. You don't have to do everything alone anymore, Finland."     

Finland forgot that she was no longer a single mother who had to work hard in San Francisco. She no longer had to wake up extra early to leave Aleksis with Lauriel every day.     

Now there were many staff at her disposal, and Caspar also seemed to be such a doting father who happily took care his daughter. She finally breathed a sigh of relief. What a great feeling, not having to worry about everything alone again.     

Finland approached Caspar and kissed him softly on the lips, "Thank you."     

Caspar closed his eyes and gave Finland a long kiss in return. He then pulled the girl onto his lap and hugged her from behind.     

"I'm glad we're back to how we were..." he said quietly. He was referring to their activities last night. After being reunited in Singapore, he had been eager to make love to his wife and satisfy his desire for her.     

However, he realized that they had been separated for such a long time due to some misunderstandings so he didn't want to rush things and make the whole situation awkward. He wanted to start over their relationship on good terms, not solely because of sexual desires.     

When Finland asked him to accompany her to sleep in the penthouse after their meeting in the lobby, he had to hold back so as not to vent his longing by immediately having a sexual intercourse. He did not want to take advantage on the girl when she was being fragile. He did not want her to regret anything.     

Fortunately, so many problems filled his mind at that time, so he could easily distract himself. He couldn't sleep at all that night, mostly thinking about how to get hold on the antidote for his daughter.     

Early in the morning he got out of bed and went to the hospital to check on Terry. Thereafter he prepared breakfast and invited Lauriel and Jean to his penthouse to have breakfast together.     

When Finland kissed him at the airport because she was grateful for Caspar's help in saving Jean's life, Caspar felt that she had warmed up to him compared to how distant she was before. That was why, once they arrived in Germany, he no longer held back and vent his desire for her.     

He felt happy because she responded well to their love making . He could see that Finland felt the same longing for him, judging from her response when they made love. The girl was so excited that she forgot her own fatigue after flying for 12 hours.     

They made sweet love all night long and reached endless peaks together, so many times they lost count. Only after the girl was too tired did Caspar stop their love making and let her sleep.     

It was almost 4 o'clock in the morning and he realized that Aleksis would wake up soon. Finally, he decided not to sleep and take care of his daughter while his wife finally rest. Finland had been taking care of Aleksis on her own for two years, so she deserved her uninterrupted rest this time, Caspar thought.     

That was why he made sure their bedroom remained dark and Finland could sleep soundly as much as she needed, while he got ready for the morning and spent time with Aleksis.     

From now on they would stay together, and he would make up for all the time lost and the moments he missed. He would spoil the two girls he loved so much and do anything to make them happy.     

"I'm also glad that we are now together again..." Finland whispered. She looked back and kissed Caspar again. "Thank you for looking after Aleksis this morning..."     

"Hey... why did you have to thank me? She's my daughter too." Caspar pretended to frown, "Or is she not?"     

Finland laughed and nodded happily.     

"What are you guys eating?" she asked him.     

"Uhm... my special pancakes. Do you want some?"     

"What time did you get up? Aren't you sleepy? How can you have the time to cook breakfast?"     

"I didn't sleep. I couldn't sleep..." Caspar admitted, "Tonight I will sleep early. After breakfast I will meet with the complete Wolf Pack members. They are all on their way here."     

"Oh... Don't you feel sleepy?" Finland asked in surprise. "I don't want you to get sick..."     

"Only a little sleepy. Don't worry. There are so many things more important than sleep right now..." Caspar said soothingly. "I will not be sick. Remember, I am an Alchemist, our body is stronger than a normal human being. A night's lack of sleep won't affect me too much."     

"Uhm... okay." Finland got up from Caspar's lap and kissed Aleksis who was playing with her pancakes. "Hey... little princess, you don't usually play with food. Have you forgotten what Uncle Rory taught you just because he isn't here?"     

Aleksis looked at her mother with her puppy eyes, and Finland didn't have the heart to scold her any further.     

"Jeez... she copied you so quickly..." said Finland. She remembered in the past, she often got these 'puppy eyes' look from Caspar when he wanted something from her.     

Caspar burst out laughing. He knew exactly what Finland meant. Aleksis may not physically take after him, but for the past few days he had been able to see how the child's personality traits all came from him.     

"I know you want her to be a timid and well-mannered child, as Lauriel taught her, but don't blame me if I spoil her rotten. I didn't get to experience the first two years of her life! Now is my opportunity to properly take care of her..." said Caspar. "Now I have two weaknesses. You and Aleksis..."     

Finland stared at Caspar for a long time, and could only nod reluctantly. She knew that she was the cause of Caspar's separation from his child for two long years. He only found out that he had a child a few days ago. Finland knew that she could not expect Caspar to be a strict father to Aleksis.     

She didn't really mind, though. Finland grew up without her father and her mother died when she was little. No one ever spoiled her, until Caspar came into her life. She did not want Aleksis to suffer like she did. If the child grew up being pampered and spoiled by her father, she wouldn't mind.     

Finland finally ate quickly and immediately helped Aleksis to tidy up her food. After breakfast the two bathed together in a bathtub and started the day with fresh clothes. The mother and daughter duo looked very similar even though their eye colors were different.     

When they entered the library to see Caspar who was working, his gaze was transfixed on them and a broad smile engraved on his lips.     

"My two girls are very pretty..." he said, hugging them both. "Do you want to play or read a book? I will have a meeting with the Wolf Pack in a minute."     

"Uhmm... I have to work," Finland said. "I promised Tony that I would work two days a week. There are two reports that I should have sent last week. Aleksis will draw while accompanying me to work."     

"Oh..." Caspar scratched his head. It wasn't itchy, but he again felt that itch to ask her to quit working, but instead he held back. He knew he could not force his will. "All right. We will talk about your work after Scotland. Do you want to work here or in my study?"     

"You will have a meeting here, right?" Finland asked.     


"Then I go to your study."     


"But I want to stay with you here until they come. Will that be okay?" Finland asked.     

Caspar smiled broadly and nodded, "Of course. I'm glad you're here."     

They chatted while drinking tea as they waited for the arrival of Marion and her friends. Although Finland was eager to hear what their plans were to save Aleksis, she realized she would not be very useful to them, and she did not want Aleksis to hear such serious conversations at a very young age. That was why Finland chose to retreat with Aleksis to Caspar's study during the time they held their meeting.     

"Good morning."     

Half an hour later there was a soft knock on the library door and Marion entered, followed by five men. Finland already knew Esso and Petra. Two of the men who just arrived looked exactly the same. They were both very slender. Their long hair was tied with red ban and they both had a pair of bright green eyes.     

"Hey... Neo and Endo, the twins," Caspar said, welcoming them. "I thought you guys are in Antarctica?"     

"We just got back last week, and by chance Boss Lauriel needed us, so we came here right away," answered one of the twins. "We haven't seen him in decades, so this is a rare opportunity that should not be missed."     

"Hey... my name is Peach. We have never met," the last person with the most serious face and the really short hair extended his hand to greet Caspar, "I happen to live in Munich, so I can come here quickly."     

Caspar welcomed them and invited them to take their seats. They wasted no time discussing their plans to capture Alexei and Katia.     

Finland excused herself and brought Aleksis with her to Caspar's study. Finland herself tried to divert her attention from the harsh situation they were facing by working on her reports for LTX.     

Deep down she was very relieved that there was so much help available to them and a glimmer of hope rose in her heart at the thought that the smartest and most powerful people on earth were trying to find ways to save Aleksis. She was very touched.     

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