The Alchemists

Altair & Vega **

Altair & Vega **

"Hmm..." Alaric looked satisfied seeing Aleksis' reaction, "You're not the only one who likes to watch the stars on a clear night."     

"You too?" asked Aleksis. She could not believe that they apparently had the same interest. Alaric even bought a boat that allowed him to see the night sky like this.     

Alaric nodded. "I always liked astronomy."     

"I do too!" Aleksis exclaimed. "What is your favorite star?"     

Alaric pointed up, "You see the Altair constellation up there?"     

"Gosh...!" Aleksis turned to face Alaric and their faces became very close. The girl's face looked very surprised, "You also like Altair and Vega*???"     

Alaric nodded.     

The two stared at each other fixedly, in admiration, fascination, and happiness, finding one more thing in common. Apparently, they were both equally fond of the Altair and Vega constellations.     

Everything felt so perfect. A romantic candlelight dinner in the middle of a quiet and peaceful ocean, where they only had one another, a glass of wine that lightened the atmosphere, and the billions of stars in the night sky.     

Slowly, they started to get to know each other, and their love for astronomy. They even liked the same constellations... It really felt like a perfect dream...     

It felt as though Alaric and Aleksis were created for each other.     

A moment later, both of their chests were filled with deep and powerful emotions. Aleksis' green-blue eyes glazed in tears as she looked at Alaric and realized that she had never felt such a strong feeling for any human before.     

Was this what falling in love felt like?     

Alaric swallowed hard. He was touched by the way Aleksis looked at him with her eyes that were filled with affection. He had never seen anyone look at him that way before: so loving, so warm, and so affectionate.     

For the first time in his life, he felt loved.     

Maybe if he had a mother, Aleksis' gaze on him would be comparable to the loving gaze of his mother.     

If he had a mother, maybe Alaric would be able to compare their eyes and their love for him...     

Unfortunately, Alaric had never met his mother, because the war-loving humans killed her...     

He still could not forgive them.     

Alaric closed his eyes, trying to dispel the shadow of his own hatred. He realized that Aleksis was sitting in front of him, and the girl loved him with all her heart.     

He must not ruin the atmosphere.     

Although they had only met a few times before, and they had only officially been together for only 24 hours after Aleksis had become an adult, he felt as if he had known her all his life. Aleksis was so warm, open, and filled with a contagious passion.     

"Aleksis..." he whispered, finally opening his eyes, "Aleksis..."     

"Yes...?" Aleksis' voice sounded as sweet as honey in Alaric's ears. He could not believe his own luck. This amazing girl fell in love with him, and she didn't even care about his age and his looks...     

"Aleksis..." called Alaric again. He really liked this girl's name.     

"Yes...?" Aleksis replied again.     

"I love you." Finally, Alaric couldn't hold it back anymore and the confession came out of Alaric's lips.     

He cupped Aleksis' face and brought his lips closer to kiss the red lips of his beloved girlfriend.     

Aleksis was moved to hear the love confession finally come out of his lips. She also held Alaric's face and returned his kiss very gently. They started very slowly and very softly, as if worried that their love-making would end too soon.     

"I love you too, Alaric... I may be very young... but I'm quite mature, and I have never had this feeling for anyone..." Aleksis said between her irregular breaths, "I've been thinking about you all these years... It's really crazy, considering we've only met several times..."     

"I know..." Alaric kissed Aleksis more passionately.     

His lips began to roam and nibbled on her earlobe and her neckline. Slowly, he moved down to her breasts, while his hands expertly explored Aleksis' body lovingly, as if she were a very valuable porcellain.     

He knew that Aleksis was inexperienced, so he assigned himself to lead their first love-making session and he did it very, very slowly and very gently.     

With great expertise he took charge of the union of their bodies so Aleksis could follow him slowly and become accustomed to having his body on her. Once the girl was used to his skin touching and pleasuring hers, Alaric increased their rhythm.     

He kissed her, caressed her, played with all her sensitive spots, and slowly took off their clothes, one by one, never missing a beat. Aleksis arched her back in pleasure so many times before he even entered her.      

She never felt anything like that before. Making love was a thousand times better than kissing, she thought, and she loved how his body smelled so nice, how his skin was as soft as snow and his every touch brought her pleasures.     

She couldn't help letting out soft moans every time he touched her with his hands, his tongue and his lips, and when he finally entered her wet honeypot, she felt like she was sent out of this world.      

They made love passionately for several hours, which somehow felt like mere minutes. Their bodies intertwined comfortably, and their union was witnessed by the billions of stars in the night sky.     

Aleksis could only inwardly compliment on how great her boyfriend's skills in bed were for their first love-making session.     

Alaric only stopped when he saw Aleksis satisfied and tired. He released himself inside her and kissed the girl before rolling to her side.     

It was already past midnight. It felt as if they finished their dinner only minutes ago.     

Both laid side by side, fixing their eyes on the Milky Way above them. Their hearts were beating fast and their lips smiled with satisfaction. When they turned to the side to look at each other, Alaric and Aleksis saw great love in each other's eyes.     

Alaric took Aleksis' hand and closed his eyes, as if he wanted to freeze this moment forever.     

This was the most beautiful night in his life.     



*** Altair and Vega are two of the brightest stars in the night sky. They represent probably the saddest most romantic love story of all time.     

Vega was celestial princess, a goddess of the sky. Immortal she may have been, yet she was weary as it seemed she would live in eternity alone.     

One day Altair, a mortal, caught the eye of Vega. She descended from the heavens to greet him, and as they got to know each other she fell deeply in love. Vega promises Altair that no matter what they will be together in the heavens.     

But when Vega's father finds out, he is enraged that his daughter would fall in love with a mere mortal. His fury only grows when he discovers that Vega promised to bring Altair up to the heavens with here.     

In the most cruel of fashions, Vega's father grants the promise that she made. The two lovers were placed in the sky as stars. Yet while they were both in the heavens, they were not together. The great Celestial River, (known to us as Milky Way) separated them.     

Yet each year, on the 7th night of the 7th moon, a bridge of magpies forms across the Celestial River. Though it would be for one night a year the two lovers are reunited as Altair dares to travel to his beloved.     

Yet, sometimes Altair's annual trip across the Celestial River is too dangerous and he doesn't quite make it.     

In those dark years, Vegas' tears form raindrops that fall over the earth.     

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