The Alchemists

What Do You Want?

What Do You Want?

"Oh, Lauriel... why didn't you say from the beginning that you can treat Jean? We have known each other for almost two years, and I am always late in finding out important things about you..."     

Finland held her chest that suddenly felt painful. If she had known from the start that Lauriel was an Alchemist, she could have gotten Caspar's phone number sooner and she could have contacted him as soon as Jean woke up from his coma. Maybe Caspar would be with her now, and not with Sophia.     

Lauriel looked at Finland with a complicated look.     

"I know you were sad, but I never forced you to tell me about yourself... I thought, if you trust me enough, you will open yourself up to me, and when that happens, I will also open myself to you," He sighed, " I never thought that even though we meet every day, and I take care of your daughter, you need two years to start opening yourself to me... I wouldn't have known who Aleksis' father was if we hadn't been rejected from the Continental Hotel last year."     

Finland was now aware that most of what happened was her own fault. It was very difficult for her to trust other people and open herself to others.     

Lauriel, who treated her so well, never forced her to tell him anything she didn't want him to know. As a result, two years passed before she was able to tell him about Jean and what happened between her and Caspar.     

"Sorry... it's my fault. I should have trusted you..." Finland whispered in a sad voice. "I really have a hard time trusting people. It's a bad habit that is hard to change."     

"It's okay. I would rather have you wait for years to trust me because that means that your trust is hard-earned. If you easily place your trust in all the men who enter your life, it won't be good for Aleksis..." Lauriel replied. "I already told you, I'm not in a hurry."     

Finland shook her head, "Two years is a very long time... I'm in such a difficult person to deal with..."     

"I'm listening..." Lauriel said with a smile. "What else do you want to tell me? You can also ask me anything."     

Finland finished the wine and refilled her glass. She then twirled her glass and wondered how much she could tell Lauriel.     

"I am an orphan, Rory. I have no family, and I grew up in poverty and suffering. For as long as I can remember, I had no friends during my youth. At school, I was always bullied by a gang of rich evil girls... Jean was the only person who was kind to me, and eventually, he became my best friend. I never trusted anyone until I met him... I also never opened my heart to love, until I met Caspar."     

Finland bit her lip, trying to hold back her tears that were on the verge of flowing down.     

"You don't need to tell me if it makes you sad," Lauriel said. "I can guess what happened... Caspar was never serious with any woman. Even Katia, who was engaged to him for decades, couldn't change him..."     

Finland sighed softly, "Caspar said he had never been in love... That's why he acted like that. But he said that for the first time in his life, he fell in love… with me... And then he asked me to marry him. Our marriage was officiated by Aldebar and we announced it to the whole clan at Aldebar's 200th birthday party."     

"Hmm... really? Then maybe he has indeed changed..." Lauriel frowned. He found it hard to believe that Caspar the playboy could turn faithful, but he knew Finland wouldn't lie to him. "So, you are married before the Alchemists? Then why is he with Sophia?"     

"I was wrong... I left him, and I didn't keep my promise to contact him when Jean woke up from his coma. Maybe he was tired of waiting for me, and Sophia was there, beside him, comforting him. I lost his contact so I couldn't call him until I got his number from you. You know how difficult it is to get access to people like him…" Finland rubbed her teary eyes," I also gave more importance to Jean than to him when the shooting happened, so maybe he thought I loved Jean more than him... and he thought Aleksis was Jean's child..."     

Lauriel shook his head. "It looks like you are misinformed, Finland. Caspar doesn't know whose daughter Aleksis is. When I brought Aleksis with me, he asked who the child was. I introduced Aleksis as my daughter. At that time I didn't know Caspar was her father..."     

"But Sophia said that Caspar knew that I was pregnant and thought Aleksis was Jean's daughter. That's the reason why he decided to move on from me," said Finland with a bitter tone.     

"Why do you believe Sophia's words?" Lauriel became impatient, "Sophia always had a crush on Caspar. She might have tricked you into leaving him."     

Finland was suddenly stunned. She had never thought like that before. She never got the chance to talk to Caspar. At that time, he only sent Sophia to meet Finland, and Finland wasn't able to tell him about Aleksis in person...     

Caspar was the one who refused to see her at the time.     

"Aldebar says the Alchemists can't get divorced... Then what happens to us now? Is he currently still my husband, according to the rules of the Alchemists?" Finland asked with a face full of questions, "I don't fully understand your systems yet..."     

"Divorce is not something taboo in our society. It's just that there has never been any divorce in our history. All Alchemist couples who decide to get married have gone through a very long and mature relationship so that no one changes their minds halfway." Lauriel said, "But, of course, if you want to separate, there isn't a single rule in this world that can force you to be together."     


"Do you still love him?" Lauriel asked in a calm voice.     

Finland did not answer.     

"What do you want?" Lauriel asked again.     

"I want to meet Caspar and tell him about Aleksis..." Finally, Finland spoke up, almost in a whisper. "I am sorry..."     

Lauriel stared at Finland for a long time and then nodded.     


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