The Alchemists

The Victorian Prince

The Victorian Prince

Seeing that she was shivering, Caspar quickly hugged Finland and took her under his long coat. He quickly led the girl to the car. Before they could enter the car, a voice called his name from behind.     

"Hey... you guys just arrived too?"     

Caspar turned around and saw a very handsome man with brown hair. He looked really cool. His purple eyes glowed when he saw them. Next to her was a brown-haired girl with a pair of purple eyes.     

The beautiful girl had long wavy hair dangling to her waist, and on her face was a very attractive smile that showed a row of pearly white teeth. Her body was perfectly shaped as if it was carved by the Gods. All she needed was a pair of wings to make her as perfect as an angel.     

These two people were very attractive and they were followed by several guards dressed in black, like Caspar.     

"Good afternoon, Alexei and Sophia." Caspar greeted them. "You came early. Aldebar's birthday is tomorrow."     

"It was Sophia who insisted on arriving early, she wanted to meet you," Alexei answered, glancing at the girl beside him.     

Sophia came closer to hug Caspar, but before she reached him, Finland popped her head from Caspar's coat. Sophia suddenly stopped midway.     

"Who is that?" Sophia asked in surprise.     

Caspar turned towards Finland and answered.     

"This is Finland, my future wife," Caspar extended his arms and so Finland was not fully covered by his coat. Then, the people who just arrived could see her clearly.     

"Future wife...?" Sophia asked in a tone of disbelief. "How long have you been together? How come I didn't know?"     

"I don't need to ask for your permission," Caspar answered coldly.     

Hearing that, Sophia's face looked very unhappy.     

"Is she an ordinary human?" she asked.     

"That's none of your business," Caspar replied. He turned to Finland and explained, "This is Alexei, my childhood friend. We grew up together. And that's Sophia, his sister. You could say that recently we are having different opinions about some matters. They are the leaders of the purists."     

Finland immediately remembered Caspar's story about a group of Alchemists who considered themselves better than ordinary people and wanted to purify the Alchemist clan by not accepting ordinary people as new members. No wonder Caspar disagreed with them. If the purists succeeded in imposing their will, Caspar would not be able to marry Finland.     

"We go first," Caspar said later. He gave a signal to his staff and they quickly entered their cars and drove away.     

Finland had only seen a few Alchemists in her life so far, but she was already fascinated by the people. All the Alchemists she met had beautiful and perfect appearances, and their eyes had brilliant colors.     

As they drove to Caspar's family castle, she could not stop thinking about the hundreds of perfect people she would meet at the party tomorrow. She did not know whether those people would be able to accept her and consider her fit to be Caspar's wife.     

The car finally stopped an hour later in front of a beautiful big castle. Finland couldn't guess how old the castle was, but it must be very old. The castle looked very well maintained and it was surrounded by lush greenery.     

A handsome man with golden locks falling down on his shoulders came to greet them at the door. His face was very similar to Caspar's, especially his brilliant blue eyes. His smile was also adorned with cute dimples, just like Caspar.     

This must be Aldebar, Caspar's youngest brother, thought Finland.     

The man, who wore a very beautiful and elaborate Victorian outfit, looked like a prince. It was as if he came out from a historical movie, especially with the castle as a background behind him. Finland had to pinch herself to make sure that they did not time travel to the past.     

"My brother really likes prehistoric fashion..." said Caspar. "He always looks like he's living in the 19th century."     

Finland shook her head, "But I like it so much... His clothes are beautiful. I have only seen it in movies..."     

She approached Aldebar and touched the clothes he was wearing to feel the material. Aldebar laughed to see her interest and said to his brother, "I already like my sister-in-law. She has good taste."     

Caspar just pursed his lips, looking displeased.     

"We're tired because of the travel. Finland and I want to rest." He pulled Finland's hand into the castle.     

"Eh... you're not going to introduce us?" Aldebar asked in surprise.     

"No," Caspar replied, irritated. "I don't want you to use your charms on my wife."     

Finland rolled her eyes when she heard Caspar's answer. She then turned towards Aldebar and extended her hand to shake his.     

"Good day, Aldebar, my name is Finland. No last name."     

Aldebar smiled and shook Finland's hand. "Nice to meet you, Finland. My name is Aldebar. I'm Caspar's younger brother."     

The two smiled and nodded at each other. Then, Finland followed Caspar into the castle.     

"There is a shipment of goods from New York for you," Aldebar exclaimed before the two of them disappeared from his sight, "I had the items placed in your room, okay."     

Ah, that must be the wedding dress from Rosa Wang. Finland was very impressed because Rosa managed to finish her dress in less than a month.     

Oh... she couldn't wait to wear it and see herself in her dress...     

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