The Alchemists

Better Than Bali

Better Than Bali

After finishing packing they immediately headed to the Maybach car that was waiting in the front yard.     

"What time do we take the plane?" Finland asked.     

"We won't take a plane," Caspar answered.     

Oh... that means they will stay in Singapore… the coastal areas in Singapore were Sentosa or the East Coast…     

Finland couldn't believe that she actually felt a little disappointed. She expected to travel beyond Singapore, but it turned out that they would just be in the vicinity.     

She had lived in Singapore for 4.5 years and according to her, the beaches in Singapore were average at best.     

The car drove for about 10 minutes and stopped at the Continental Hotel lobby area. When Ben opened the doors for Finland and Caspar, then took out their bags, Finland could not hide her disappointment.     

It turned out that the special place referred to by Caspar was his own hotel...     

They took the elevator to the 40th floor, but when the elevator opened, Jadeith and another man was standing there, waiting for them. Both were dressed in black.     

Uhm, Caspar's personal bodyguards? These were the men who drove away people who wanted to take photos of Caspar when they were queueing up for Liao Fan chicken rice.     

The two bowed slightly and led the small group to the end of the hall, then opened the door that led to the roof. They did not enter the penthouse.     

Gosh... Finland only realized that they had not reached their destination!     

When she climbed the stairs and found herself at the rooftop, she saw a medium-sized helicopter parked there.     

"Take my hand," Caspar grabbed her hand and helped her up on the helicopter. So this was how they were going to the special vacation spot he was talking about earlier... He laughed when he saw Finland dumbfounded. "We are not going by plane, I hope you're not disappointed."     

Finland could only shake her head silently.     

In her lifetime she had never imagined going on a helicopter like this. Caspar sat on the pilot seat and set the noise-canceling headset on Finland's head before setting his own headset.     

"Use a headset, Sweetheart. The advantage of going by helicopters is that we can go anywhere without having to search for an airstrip, but we have to bear the loud noise. I have ordered stealth helicopters which is noiseless, but a lot of documents must be filled because they are considered military-grade helicopters. This one can still be used for now."     

Not only the fact that Caspar had a helicopter surprised Finland, but also that the man could pilot it himself. Finland initially thought they would both be the passengers, and Jadeith or the other bodyguard would be the one to fly the helicopter...     

Apparently, she was wrong...     

"Are you ready, Love?" Caspar asked with a smile. He was satisfied to see how successful his surprise was so far. Finland nodded, wordless. Caspar nodded back at her, "Here we go!"     

Caspar started the engine and made all preparations to fly the helicopter, and five minutes later they were already up in the air above Singapore.     

Finland could only look at him with eyes full of adoration. She alternately looked at Caspar and the view of Singapore under them...     

This was so beautiful...     

"I didn't know you can fly a helicopter," she said softly.     

"I knew the Wright Brothers* personally and helped a little in their research." Caspar replied, "I have flown all the planes that have been created in the world since the beginning of the 20th century."     

"Is it true?"     

"Yes. So, if one day we are on a commercial plane and the pilot suddenly gets a heart attack and nobody else could pilot the plane, I would be able to save us and land the plane on an emergency landing." Caspar smiled rather proudly, "Your fiance is amazing, huh?"     

Finland smiled when she heard Caspar compliment himself again. She nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you are amazing, and I love you very much."     

Caspar showed his cheeks and Finland landed a kiss there. The two then laughed.     

They have flown for about 20 minutes when Finland, who didn't take her eyes off the view, saw something interesting below them.     

"Whoaa... look over there! Such a beautiful and unique islet*!! " Finland cried suddenly... "It's so cute.. It's shaped like the letter F."     

"Where?" Caspar turned to the direction pointed by Finland, "Eh, you're right. I'll try to land this helicopter there,"     

"Er, don't do that... What if the islet is owned by someone and they are currently staying there? We will be considered 'trespassing' other people's property..." Finland said hurriedly. "See, there is a house in the middle of the islet. We should continue our journey. Where are we going anyway? Bali, right?"     

Caspar didn't respond to Finland's request and slowly landed his helicopter on the small island which indeed looked like the letter F from the air.     

Finland persuaded him desperately.     

"It's okay, Finland. This islet is unique, as the letter F from your name, Finland." said Caspar stubbornly. "If anyone owned it, I will buy this islet from them and give it to you as a wedding gift..."     

"Oh my... Why can't you act a little normal," hissed Finland, "This is too much..."     

Her words seemed meaningless because when they landed on a small square behind the only villa on the island, Caspar quickly opened their seat belts and headset and opened the door for Finland. Finland had no choice but to come down and follow him.     

A middle-aged man suddenly came out of the villa, followed by several staff members. They all approached Caspar who was holding Finland's hand and walking towards the villa.     

"Good afternoon, Madam and Master, was the flight alright?" said the old man, smiling broadly, "The villa is ready for you. Do you want to take a rest? Madam looks tired."     

Finland gave a surprised look at Caspar and was utterly wordless when she saw his mischievous smile.     


*The Wright Brothers = Orville and Wilbur Wright who invented the first aircraft in 1908     

*islet = small island     

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