The Alchemists

The reunion

The reunion

Leave this one to me...     

Let me protect you     

Finland was taken aback when she heard Caspar's words. For the first time in her life, she felt truly helpless and in need of protection.     

She realized that she was just an ordinary woman who did not have the resources to defend herself from such powerful enemies. Alexei and Katia were two powerful Alchemist clan members who were surrounded by power and wealth.     

She had tried hard to protect herself and Aleksis. Now, she had reached her limit. She felt helpless and scared. She really needed a knight to protect her and her daughter from danger...     

Her tears were flowing down hard and her lips couldn't utter a single word. Finland could only nod.     

Caspar was very touched to see the woman he loved in tears and sadness immediately hit his chest. He felt very guilty for letting Finland and his daughter survive on their own in the world...     

He could not imagine what would have happened if Finland was forced to marry Lauriel to save Aleksis. He might never know the truth, and he would be alone forever.     

"Let's get out of here... I want to see my daughter," Caspar said. He stood up and helped Finland to get up, but because she had been kneeling for hours, the girl's legs had gone numb. Her legs trembled and she almost fell to the ground after standing up. Caspar shook his head, "Your legs must hurt, let me just carry you..."     

Before Finland could respond, Caspar picked her up and carried her to the elevator. Out of reflex, Finland wrapped her arms around Caspar's neck, and unconsciously buried her face in his shoulders.     

"I missed you so much..." she whispered in a hoarse voice.     

Caspar kissed her hair and smiled very softly, "I missed you too. I miss you every day... I miss you every night."     

When the elevator door closed, Caspar asked Finland, "Which floor are you staying at?"     

"17th floor," she replied.     

Caspar pressed the 17th floor button then waited patiently for the elevator to take them to their destination. After the elevator doors opened on the 17th floor, he carried Finland towards the only 2-bedroom suite on that floor.     

On arrival at the door, he rang the bell.     

The door was opened by Lauriel, who was surprised to see the two, but also relieved.     

"Is Finland alright?" he asked, signaling them to enter.     

"Not very well... but I'll take care of her," Caspar answered. He placed Finland very carefully on the sofa, then sat next to her.     

"Tea?" Lauriel asked as he walked toward the kitchen and showed the hot water pitcher. "There's chamomile or fruit-flavored tea."     

"Chamomile," Caspar answered, "I need to calm my mind."     

"Hmm..." Lauriel brewed a pot of tea and carried the pot and several cups to the living room. He poured tea into three cups and invited Caspar and Finland to drink, then sipped his own tea.     

"I've heard what happened..." Caspar spoke up after taking a sip of his tea. He glanced at Finland and changed his mind, "There's a lot I want to discuss with you... but it's better to do it later, I don't want Finland to be more worried."     

Lauriel looked at the two for a long time, and then nodded. He could guess what had happened and at the moment he had no choice but to work together with Caspar to find a solution, without involving Finland. Without words, the two agreed that the girl did not need to know what they had to do to save Aleksis.     

"What should we do...?" Finland asked suddenly. She looked at Caspar and Lauriel alternately. "Don't you keep anything hidden from me..."     

Caspar rubbed her head gently and shook his head, "I will not keep anything from you, but now you have to trust me and Lauriel. We will save Aleksis and avenge Alexei and Katia. You need to rest first. Tomorrow we will discuss what must be done."     

Finland finally nodded. She drank her tea and slowly her crumpled and depressed face looked calmer.     

"I want to see my daughter... Where is Aleksis?" Caspar asked Lauriel.     

"She's sleeping. You can see her, but you shouldn't wake her up, poor child if you have to wake her up in the middle of the night, she will cry all night..." Lauriel said. He rose and took Caspar to his room.     

Caspar stood by the bed and looked at the face of his little angel for a long time. Unconsciously, tear drops fell from both corners of his eyes. He walked slowly towards Aleksis and very carefully touched her hair, making sure the child did not wake up.     

"My daughter is so beautiful..." he whispered softly. He then turned to Lauriel with teary eyes, and a moment later he hugged the long-haired man very tightly. "Thank you... thank you for taking care of my family... Forever I am indebted to you..."     

Lauriel patted Caspar's shoulder and just murmured, "Hmm..."     

"I know you consider Aleksis as your own daughter... I will not keep her away from you. I will be patient..." Caspar said after letting go of his arms. "Now I will bring Finland to rest at my place. Tomorrow morning we will come to meet Aleksis. Later we will discuss our plans to avenge Alexei... I also have to save Sophia..."     

"All right," Lauriel said. His face looked very relieved. Caspar wasn't planning to keep him away from his goddaughter... that was all that mattered to him now.     

As they walked back into the living room, Caspar saw Jean lying on the carpet covered with a blanket. He frowned and turned to Lauriel.     

"Why is Jean sleeping here?"     

"I gave him some medicine to recover his memory. He has finished meditating. I will just let him sleep here..." Lauriel answered.     

"Oh... did the treatment work?" asked Caspar with interest. "I know that you are a poison and drug expert... I should have looked for you to cure him... I really didn't think about that option."     

"We'll see tomorrow morning," Lauriel answered.     

"All right, then, if you'll excuse me..." Caspar took Finland's hand and helped her rise from the sofa, "Let's go home."     

"But Aleksis..."     

"She is asleep, don't wake her up. Tomorrow morning, we will come here again," Caspar said soothingly. "Do not worry."     

"Uhm... okay." Finland got up and followed Caspar out of the suite. She looked back and gave Lauriel a grateful look, "Please take care of Aleksis for me..."     

"Of course. Have a good rest," Lauriel nodded.     

He watched the couple disappear into the elevator before closing the door. He then leaned against the door for a few moments and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath before returning to his suite.     

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