The Alchemists

Racing with time

Racing with time

In London, Lauriel was furious when he was told that Aleksis collapsed and had not regained consciousness after several hours. He kicked the table that stood in the middle of the penthouse where he and Caspar were resting before meeting Marion. The wooden table was split into two because of his fury.     

"Now I know what poison they gave Aleksis... It must be a certain virus that incubates in 11 days. They tricked me when they said it would take effect after 2 weeks." His face was red with anger. "I think, I can help her with a special potion until Aldebar finds the vaccine... But now it's too late to look for the ingredients."     

"What do you need? I can mobilize hundreds of people around the world to find whatever ingredient you need... We still have time..." Caspar said quickly. "I want us to try everything..."     

Lauriel tapped his fingers on his chair. He was deep in thought. A moment later he typed something on his cellphone and sent an email to Caspar.     

"All ingredients I need are listed in the email I just sent you. I can provide specific instructions on where to find them. Some plants grow endemic in certain places, such as Huang Qin in China, Kratom in Kalimantan Indonesia, Sawiyon in Kenya, and so on. I can find the rest here. All the ingredients must arrive here the latest tomorrow afternoon, so we only have 24 hours."     

Gathering a number of exotic plants from various places around the world in just a few hours and immediately fly them to London was seemingly an impossible task, but Caspar was determined to try as long as they still had time.     

He stayed calm and made phone calls to several of his trusted people around the world who immediately worked to look for the ingredients needed by Lauriel. It was 2 pm in the UK, which meant that it was 9 pm in Indonesia and 10 pm in China, but that did not stop them from trying.     

That same night a trusted staff member from the Schneider Group in Singapore flew by a chartered plane to Pontianak City in Kalimantan Island, Indonesia, and met with a kratom product distributor.     

The distributor took him to the home of a kratom farmer to get fresh kratom plants directly from the field, and at dawn, he returned to Singapore. Within a few hours, he had boarded the earliest flight to London, and was expected to arrive in London before noon.     

A similar thing happened in Shanghai. Stanis, who was still in China, immediately contacted researchers from their lab in Beijing to send their men to look for Huang Qin in the forest mentioned by Lauriel. In less than an hour, several staff members entered the forest to look for the herb.     

When morning approached, Stanis was already holding the plant in question and immediately went to the airport to fly to London.     

In Kenya, Zaire, and Jamaica, three other staff did the same. No one slept that night and worked as hard as possible to ensure all the ingredients needed by Lauriel was successfully obtained and shipped to London as soon as possible.     

Lauriel also immediately went to a herbal shop in Chinatown and bought all the other ingredients he needed that could easily be obtained. In the meantime, Caspar decided to visit Marion and Neo alone as Lauriel was busy with his preparations for making the antidote. He brought Lauriel's poison with him to give to Katia.     

"Welcome, please come in, Katia will arrive in an hour..." said Marion, who was still disguised as one of the sexy models who was dating Karl Furstenberg. "I told her that Karl was seriously ill and wanted to meet her one last time. Katia was very worried and decided to visit him."     

"Is she not suspicious?" Caspar asked.     

"No. Esso had interrogated Karl and he found that the old man hated hospitals and sometimes used drugs, so he avoided the police and the hospital as much as possible. Katia knew that... and probably she assumed that her friend was dying of drug abuse... "     

"Hmm..." Caspar nodded. "Lauriel finally knows the type of poison they are using and is now trying to make the antidote. But it doesn't hurt to still poison Katia, just in case. Who knows, we might be able to get the antidote more quickly."     

"Of course. You can wait in the next room. I'll accept Katia in Karl's room."     

Caspar took out the small bottle from his pocket and placed it on Marion's hand.     

"You just need to put this in her drink. Lauriel said that the poison was odorless and tasteless and that she would only feel the effects after she sleeps."     

"All right. I'll give it to her."     

Caspar entered one of the rooms in Karl Furstenberg's penthouse and waited anxiously for Katia to arrive. While sitting in the chair, he decided to call Finland to ask how Aleksis' was doing.     

"She is still unconscious... the doctor told me that her condition is stable, but her heart rate is still too weak." Finland's voice shook as she spoke, but she tried to sound stoic.     

"Lauriel already knows the type of poison Katia used on Aleksis. From the symptoms and for the fact that it took 11 days for the potion to react, Aleksis was given the Sleeping Beauty poison. This indeed slowed the heart rate so that the victim seemed to be sleeping but cannot wake up. He knows the antidote, but the ingredients are difficult to find. However, we are trying our best. Aleksis is fine now. If she doesn't wake up after three days, there is no more hope. That's why Katia gave Lauriel two weeks' time."     

Caspar tried to calm Finland by explaining that Lauriel was able to help save their daughter. He was constantly monitoring the progress of his people who were on their way to bring all these herbs to London.     

"Is it true that Rory could save Aleksis?" Finland asked in a hoarse voice. Her voice was almost gone because of crying.     

"I have mobilized my people to help find all the ingredients needed by Lauriel. They will all arrive here tomorrow."     

"Then... do we have to go there, or do we still meet in Glasgow?" Finland asked.     

"I will pick you up tomorrow morning. We will go to London together to meet Lauriel to give the antidote to Aleksis. Now, you should rest, so you don't fall ill. The doctors at home will monitor Aleksis."     

Finland wanted to keep a guard beside Aleksis but she was aware that Caspar was right. She must rest so as not to cause new problems. With a heavy heart, she finally took a pillow and slept on the sofa next to Aleksis.     

Jean, who had been by her side, pulled a chair and slept on the other side of Aleksis' bed. They could not afford to fall ill in this critical situation.     


Marion opened the door when she heard a soft knock on the door. Katia had arrived.     

"Hi, Katia... Karl is waiting for you..." Marion said in a feigned sad voice as she welcomed the beautiful platinum-haired girl who was standing in front of the penthouse door. "He was very sad because he could not attend your show tonight... But I guess he doesn't have much time left..."     

"Hmm..." Katia brushed her long hair down and looked around the living room. "You are...?"     

"Oh... I'm his newest assistant..." Marion tried to smile awkwardly, "I was the one who called you. Karl is waiting for you in his room. But now, he is sleeping..."     

"It's okay, I know the place..." Katia said as she walked gracefully into her friend's room and waved Marion away.     

Marion hurriedly went into the kitchen and took out a bottle of wine and poured the contents into a glass. She approached Katia, who was sitting by the bed in Karl Furstenberg's room and glanced at the fake Karl who was sleeping with a sad look.     

"What would you like to drink?" Marion asked.     

"A glass of vodka and ice please," Katia said without turning her head. She was saddened by how frail his old childhood friend looked. Karl was now sleeping while taking very short breaths.     

Marion returned the glass of wine she had poured and took the vodka bottle from the cabinet. She poured half a glass and added some ice, then quickly she added the poison from the bottle Caspar had given her. Marion then returned to the room with the drink and handed it to Katia.     

"Here you go, enjoy."     

"Thank you..." Katia took one sip and then frowned. "What is this?!"     

Marion was somewhat shocked. She didn't expect that Katia would react like that. Lauriel's poison was always so subtle and undetectable, she had no idea why Katia would become so suspicious.     

"That's vodka... You asked for vodka on ice..." she stammered. Katia looked at her with reproach.     

"This is not what Karl normally drinks. Where did you take this from?"     

"Oh... the one Karl usually drinks is finished, and I bought this one instead..." Marion said quickly. "I'm sorry, do you prefer another drink?"     

"Hmm..." Katia seemed to think for a moment and then shook her head. Her face looked like she was in dire need for something strong, like vodka, to overcome her anxiety. Without saying anything else, she finished the contents of her glass and handed it back to Marion. "One more, please..."     

"Uhm... okay." Marion hurriedly took the glass from Katia's hand then refilled it in the kitchen, not forgetting to add the remaining poison in the bottle. Katia gulped it down without hesitation. She sat on Karl's bedside chair and pondered for a long time.     

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