The Alchemists

New Agreement (1)

New Agreement (1)

Caspar cooked several simple but very tasty dishes. When Finland asked for the names of the dishes, as usual, she found them too difficult to pronounce.     

"The important thing is that you know it tastes good. As for the name, don't worry about it..." Caspar said as he spooned more soup into her bowl.     

"If I want you to cook this food again, what should I say? Their names are just too difficult for me to remember..." complained Finland. "I'll give them my own names, okay?"     

Caspar laughed at Finland's logic then nodded.     

"All right. Try to name this soup," he replied.     

"Palo Alto Soup," Finland said quickly. "Here is where I first tasted it. I don't know what the ingredients are, so I name the dish based on it's location."     

"Hahaha... alright. Then, this one is the First Date Steak then," Caspar suggested the name of the steak in front of him, "I cooked this for our first date, when you gave me a kiss for winning our bet."     

Finland smiled broadly and nodded. "I like the name."     

She pointed to a plate of sliced tomatoes coated with mozzarella cheese and basil leaves.     

"This one is Palo Alto Tomato. How's that?"     

"As you wish, you are the one in charge of the naming because you have to remember them." Caspar nodded, "But if we have guests, you should not mention the names you created yourself. Let this be our little secret. Our guests will be confused if you point at the Caprese Salad and call it Palo Alto Tomato."     

"Alright..." Finland said, smiling broadly.     

After their happy dinner, and after Aleksis was sound asleep, Finland and Caspar decided to sit and chat on the back porch facing the pool. Finland's pregnancy automatically required them to adjust their plans.     

Caspar, who previously offered Finland to work at his company at the place of her choosing, now had objections if Finland went back to work. He deliberately made the girl feel guilty for leaving him for almost three years so that Finland would cancel her intention to go back to work.     

"If you work, I'll only see you on weekends. You'll be busy in the office from Monday through Friday," he complained.     

"But if I don't work now and improve my knowledge, later after our child is born, I won't be able to go back to work. I have to pause working for at least two years until our baby completes his breastfeeding period and can be left behind." said Finland.     

"Gosh... are you still planning to go back to work after our child is two years old?" Caspar seemed more objected. "Don't you feel sorry for him? You know that you don't need to work to make money."     

"I don't really work for money anymore... if I stay at home, I will definitely feel stupid for not following the progress of the world... For me, work is important to sharpen my mind so that I don't become ignorant or dull..." Finland pursed her lips in sadness. It was not fair. Caspar had agreed to let her work at his company when they were in Germany. Just because she got pregnant too quickly, he decided to withdraw the agreement. . "You've promised..."     

Caspar felt cornered. It was true that he had promised her that she could work, but he did not expect Finland to get pregnant again this soon.     

At first, he felt that it would be nice if Finland worked for him for several years until they had their next child. However, they were unexpectedly blessed with another child! Caspar thought that it would be more comfortable if their family lived in Germany to enjoy 9 months of peace together.     

"Uhm... okay... if I compromise, you also have to compromise. You may work during the first half your pregnancy term. After that, you must stay at home with me. After our youngest child is two years old, you may return to work... "     

Secretly, Caspar was developing a plan in his head; he thought that he would be able to delay Finland's return to the workfield if, after their second child was two years old, Finland became pregnant again with their third child. His wife would then have to wait for their third child to be two years old before she could work again.     

This would give Caspar a total of five full years with his family. Ha ha ha. This thought made him smile to himself.     

"Uff... alright. I'll compromise..." said Finland. She stretched her pinky finger, "You promise?"     

"I promise," Caspar grabbed Finland's pinkie with his pinkie finger, "This is childish, by the way…"     

After that, Finland was satisfied. They slowly moved to bed and decided to watch Jean's newest movie, which happened to appear on the movie subscription site.     

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