The Alchemists

How many children do you want?

How many children do you want?

"Uhm... do you know why, when people get married, usually the wife wears a wedding ring and not the man?" Caspar asked again.     

"Uhmm... because the circle-shaped ring has no end, signifying the bond of love without end?" Finland asked. "I read that somewhere..."     

Caspar chuckled. At first, he seemed hesitant to continue speaking, but when he saw Finland's curious gaze, he finally explained.     

"In ancient times, men tied the women who belonged to them with a rope so that the women would not run away. It was a way to show ownership. As time passed, the practice was considered inhumane and the bind was made smaller; only the legs, then finally only the fingers. The act was then romanticized by the Greeks, who turned it into the symbol of love. They placed a ring on the ring finger because it was said that the ring finger had blood vessels connected directly to the heart... They also said that the circle was a symbol of endless love and blah blah blah... In reality, it was just a substitute symbol for rope ties in ancient times."     

Caspar smiled awkwardly and shrugged when he saw Finland's shocked expression, "Sorry, but that's the true story. The ring used to be a symbol of ownership. It later became a common practice throughout the world - the women who wore a ring on her ring finger already had an 'owner' so that other men don't try to pursue the women. Now, many couples both wear rings, to confirm that the man also has an owner. Yes, it is because of emancipation in modern times..."     

"Jeez..." Finland looked at the beautiful pink diamond ring from Caspar that rested around her ring finger. "Then, what is this? A sign of ownership too? Is this to show that I am yours?"     

For a moment Finland felt disappointed because the ring turned out to have a sexist history. It was a sign of a man's ownership of the woman who became his wife.     

Right now, she was wearing a ring from Caspar, while the man's hands were clear of any rings...     

"Of course you are mine, with or without a ring, just as I am yours." Caspar said quickly, "Don't be silly. I gave you the ring because I thought it would look beautiful around your finger. I would never bind you literally nor figuratively with any symbol. When you left me three years ago, I didn't force you to stay either, did I?"     

Finland confirmed Caspar's words.     

Ah, so this ring was just a sign of his love, not a sign of a bond. The thought made her feel a little relieved. She remembered that Caspar always respected her wishes.     

In the past, when Finland insisted that Caspar should not use his extraordinary access to find information about her, the man kept his promise. He did not even insist on going after Finland, who wanted to leave him, even though he loved the girl very much and suffered badly during the 3 years when they were not together.     

Thinking about this made Finland feel touched.     

"I love you..." said Finland. "I'm yours... with or without a ring or whatever... I wish I could live forever beside you, raising our children and seeing them live happily."     

Caspar turned towards Finland with a face of filled with emotion. He grabbed her left hand and kissed her.     

"I love you too. I will respect you and take care of you and our children forever..."     

Finland looked down happily. She was always happy to hear the statement of love from Caspar, which came out aplenty from his lips.     

"Uhm… how many children do you want to have?" Finland asked.     

"Uhm... ten?" Caspar answered in a mischievous voice.     

"Gosh! Caspar! Do you think I'm a child-producing machine?" Finland asked angrily.     

"Uhm... okay... okay... how about three? I am of three siblings... It would be nice if our children can have brothers or sisters who are close-knitted and warm. I'm very close to Flora and Aldebar," Caspar said finally; his voice sounded serious. "In my opinion, my brother and sister are the best things in my life after our parents died."     

"Uhm... okay. Three still makes sense," Finland nodded. "Now we already have two, which means – only one more to go."     

It took ten seconds for Caspar to realize the meaning behind Finland's words.     

He swerved his car to the side suddenly and pulled over. His body stiffened.     

"Wha... what did you say?" He then looked at Finland, confused. "Oh my... Are you pregnant? Really??"     

Finland nodded.     

"I should have had my period a few days ago, but I didn't. I checked with two different test packs this morning and the results were both positive. I wanted to share the news with you when we are having a romantic dinner or something... hahaha..." Finland stroked Caspar's cheek while she laughed. She was so amused by the looks on his face. "But I can't stand it anymore because today you really fascinated me."     

Caspar immediately got out of the car then opened the passenger door. He signaled Finland to come out.     

"Uhm... why?" Finland asked in confusion as she got out of the car.     

"Because I want to hug you properly..." Caspar immediately pulled the girl into his arms and whispered tenderly in her ear. "I love you... Thank you for coming back to my life. Thank you for giving me a new family..."     

Finland was deeply moved, she buried her face in Caspar's chest and cried softly. She felt very touched. Her chest was filled with overflowing happiness. Now she felt that her life was truly complete, and she felt grateful. This was where she should be. This was her home. She belonged with this man and their children.     

They did not care about the people passing by the road who stared at them enviously. The attention of the two humans was only focused on each other.     

"This is a special moment. I want to take you to a special place..." whispered Caspar, "Tonight we don't have to go back to your apartment, right? I want us to spend the night at home in Palo Alto. You will like the place, the house is beautiful..."     

Finland knew that she and Caspar had similar tastes about home. She was sure that she would like the house Caspar liked. But Palo Alto was so far from her office.     

"But I have to work tomorrow..." Finland said doubtfully.     

"Tomorrow you just rest with me at home. I'll spoil you. Tony will understand. You can come to the office the day after tomorrow," Caspar said calmly, but his tone was indisputable.     

"Uhm... okay." Finland finally gave up.     

Caspar kissed her warmly and finally let go of his arms.     

"Let us go home."     

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