The Alchemists

TEASER: Volume 2 (Bad News)

TEASER: Volume 2 (Bad News)

Since the volume 1 will still not be completed by the time this story goes premium next Monday (October 7), I have decided to give you several teasers about what to expect in Volume 2, so after you finish reading Voulume 1 you can decide whether it's worth it to embark on the journey as we continue to Volume 2 ... or not.     

I understand the feeling of investing so much time and money on something only to be let down later on. I hate that. So I don't want you to experience it.     

I want (most) readers to feel like they are appreciated with decent work that they will get a good return on investment on their time and money spent reading this novel. I know I can't please everyone, but I'll try my best.     

I do hope by the time you finish Volume 1, you would already get the idea about my writing styles and themes: how I love twists, heartwarming scenes, lighthearted interactions and the big theme that keeps playing in my novels is love for family. If these are your cup of tea, you're welcome to join me on this journey.     

There will be no rape, no misunderstandings where the characters keep making the same mistakes over and over again, no weak female lead needing to be saved by her prince charming, no CEOs with excessive power and aloof personality who will treat the FL like sh*t before she falls in love with him #chuckle. (Sorry, can't help it - I'm just a bit tired of this trend).     

VOLUME 2 will focus on Aleksis Schneider who was raised as the daughter of one of the most powerful and wealthiest alchemist families, being sheltered her whole life and pampered as the daughter of the alchemist clan leader, the opposite of her mother who was a poor orphan. When she was 20 years old, Aleksis tried to experience living as a regular human and find the person who saved her life when she was 12, because ... after 8 years, she could never forget him.     

The original readers admitted they love Caspar and Finland, but they love Aleksis and the ML in second volume EVEN MORE. I can't wait to show them to you!!     

You will also meet with our old characters and you will see how Lauriel finally finds his happiness, how Jean will fit in their lives, how the Schneider children grow in a loving household, and how Aleksis finds her prince.     

First teaser starts here:     




The Schneider family received very shocking news that morning. Kendrick and Sylvia Chan had a car accident while on vacation in France and lost their lives. This made their only child, Terry Chan, an orphan.     

 "We must go to Singapore and meet the boy..." Finland said frantically. No matter what, Terry was her flesh and blood, even though she didn't give birth to the boy herself. Ten years ago, she even donated her bone marrow when Terry had leukemia to save his life.     

 Caspar nodded. He could imagine the sadness experienced by the 15-year-old boy, suddenly losing both his parents at once. His own parents died in the war when he was 350 years old, and his sadness did not subside even after decades. That was why Caspar understood.     

 "We can leave this afternoon... I'll ask Kara to prepare everything," Caspar said. He hugged his wife warmly to share her sadness. "What did Jean say?"     

 "Jean will come too. Maybe we will arrive first because we are closer to Singapore than he is."     

 Finland and Caspar's little family were living on their farm in New Zealand. They really liked Wellington and always stayed there for at least one month per year. New Zealand was very beautiful in the spring*.     

The trip from Wellington to Singapore only took 8 hours and they were expected to arrive in the morning. Jean, who was living in America, had a 20-hour flight to Singapore. Although he immediately rushed to the airport after he heard the news about the Chan couple, the soonest he could arrive would be tomorrow evening.     

 "Where are we going, Mum?" Aleksis asked, confused to see her mother pack some of their clothes in a small suitcase. They had only been in Wellington for two weeks and usually they stayed there until early October. It was still early September now.     

She bit down a piece of grass in her mouth in a very nonchalant way and perched on the first step of their house, watching her restless mother walking back and forth, stuffing and taking things out of their suitcase.     

 "We will meet your older brother in Singapore," Finland said hurriedly. She was very unfocused.     

 Aleksis frowned and then turned to her father, who only shrugged.     

 "Older brother? Am I not your first child?" A moment later her eyes widened like a saucer and she threw Caspar an accusing gaze, "Jeez, Dad…!!! Do you have a son from another woman?! I know you were a womanizer in the past... but you shouldn't embarrass us like this..."     

 Caspar gasped at his daughter's accusation and turned to Finland, almost facepalming himself.     

 "Aleksis thinks Terry is my son..." he said, frowning. Finland sighed and hit his shoulder in exasperation.     


 Caspar laughed at Finland who looked agitated and hurriedly kissed her.     

 "There... there, why don't you tell Aleksis about Terry and let me do the packing. I will take care of our trip. Under such stress you will forget all the important stuff," he said in a gentle voice. "Aleksis, get a bottle of wine and two glasses from the kitchen. Mummy needs to drink a little to calm down."     

 Aleksis obeyed her father's request, though her face was still full of questions.     

 Older brother? From where???     

 She returned five minutes later with an open bottle of wine and two glasses. She then poured the wine and handed a glass to her mother.     

 "What happened? What are you two hiding from me?" she asked, looking very curious.     

Aleksis was only 12 years old, but she was very mature for her age and had a very friendly relationship with her parents, especially because physically they didn't look like mother and daughter. Both of her parents looked very young.     

 Finland took a sip of wine and after calming down, she told Aleksis the story dated a gazilion years ago when she was a poor student in Singapore who desperately needed money.     

 "OH MY GOD...! So, he's your son with Uncle Jean? Jeez..." Aleksis covered her mouth in surprise after listening to her mother's story. Caspar shrugged with a smile and Finland nodded with a sad face.     

 "We cannot leave him alone, somehow we must find a way to help him... The boy is still too young," Finland said, concerned. "Such a small child cannot live alone without parents..."     

 "We don't know whether his parents have relatives or not," Caspar warned. "He can stay with them."     

 "Jean said the child is alone. His parents have no more relatives." Finland sighed sadly, "Jean intends to adopt him, if possible."     

 "Oh, really? Well, that's a good idea," Caspar said. "Hopefully the process runs smoothly."     

 Aleksis looked stunned. She was still trying to digest the information she received so suddenly. A moment later, her smile cracked wide.     

 "Oh my god!!! How awesome is this! I have an older brother!" she shrieked suddenly. "I always wanted to have an older brother."     

 She hugged Finland and kissed her cheek.     

 "Thank you, Mum. I'm glad that I have an older brother..." she said happily.     

 Caspar looked at the scene in protest.     

 "Hey... hey… why are you thanking her? This is unfair! Earlier when I was accused of having a child from another woman, I was said to be embarrassing. Aren't you a fair person?"     

 Aleksis immediately realized her mistake and hurriedly rushed towards her father and hugged him warmly.     

 "Daddy, do you also want a glass of wine?" she whispered in an adorable voice so that inevitably her father stopped frowning. He received a glass of wine from Aleksis and gulped it dow     

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