The Alchemists

Gossipping the Big Boss

Gossipping the Big Boss

Two female employees came with their food and joined Finland and Ruth at their table. They introduced themselves to Finland as Susan and Priyanka, from the Legal Department. They seemed eager to follow Ruth's conversation about their boss.     

"Oh, God... Ruth just texted me that Mr. Schneider is eating on the 30th floor... I couldn't believe it, so I came up to see it for myself..." Priyanka said in response. "It's unusual - he doesn't usually eat here, huh...?"     

"Maybe he's too busy to eat out, so it's more practical to just come here," Susan said.     

"I told Finland that this is her lucky day," Ruth said, "She is the new employee, and I told her that for people at her level, the chances to see Mr. Schneider was very slim... But now, only on the first day of work, she has the opportunity to see him... "     

Gosh... was it that important for them to see the boss? Finland thought exasperatedly. Finland could not only see him every day - she also slept with him every night, ate breakfast with him every morning, and kissed him whenever she wanted to...     

Finland raised her face and glanced at Caspar, who seemed to be eating quietly while chatting with Ben. She then idly typed a message on her cellphone.     

[Your employees here are telling me that you're very handsome and many women want to be your girlfriend. They also told me interesting rumors, that you keep changing girlfriends.]     

From the corner of her eye, Finland saw Caspar's reaction when he read her text. He was drinking water when he read her text, and quickly spurted it out. Finland tried hard to hold back her laughter by drinking the orange juice in her glass.     

[I haven't been with any woman since I met you in Singapore.] Came a reply from Caspar. [Do you want me to announce to everyone that you are my wife, so the gossip stops?]     

[Gosh... don't. Please don't do that. I was just kidding...] Finland hurriedly replied [No offense, Honey. I'm just impressed to see that there are so many women in this office who admire you.]     

[OK. But don't be jealous of these women and don't respond to the gossip that is circulating. You know you're the only woman I love.] Caspar seemed to think for a moment, then sent the next message. [If you do that again, I will announce to everyone that you are my wife.]     

Finland glanced over at Caspar and their views clashed. Both of them smiled and continued eating calmly.     

[I have two more meetings after lunch. I feel very tired, but satisfied at the same time because I was able to learn so much.] Finland said finally.     

[Oh... do you want your work reduced?] Caspar asked worriedly.     

[Ah, no need. I like working.]     

[Alright.] Caspar seemed to think for a moment, before sending a final text, [I'll be in the lounge after 4 o'clock. You can 'do your meeting report' there.]     

[OK. See you later. Mwahh...]     

Caspar and Ben seemed to have finished eating and then walked out of the restaurant in a relaxed manner. After the two of them disappeared, all the girls who were still in the restaurant began talking enthusiastically.     

They simultaneously talked about one single topic: their big boss who suddenly descended from the ivory tower and joined them for lunch at the office restaurant. Apparently it was something he never did before .     

"Do you feel that he has changed lately?" Susan asked thoughtfully. "He went missing a lot over the past few years, and he has changed many company policies, especially regarding employee welfare. He even set up a daycare at the office..."     

"Yeah, I feel that way too... Do you think, maybe... Mr. Schneider is finally ready to get married?" Priyanka asked enthusiastically.     

Finland could only sip her juice without contributing to their gossip.     

"I heard gossip from my friend on the 34th floor. This morning he witnessed the boss having an intimate conversation with a woman on the phone. Maybe he is in love and wants to get married..." Susan said. "I heard rumors that the great Lord will bring a date to the company Christmas party next week."     

Ruth and Priyanka's faces looked disappointed to hear the news from Susan.     

"Really? Wow... who on earth managed to win the heart of our lord?" Ruth and Priyanka looked at each other, "That woman must be very beautiful and come from an equally affluent family."     

"Maybe from the Rockefeller or Johnson family? There are some candidates in New York, but if the woman is from Germany, we don't know."     

"I can ask our colleagues from the Berlin office," Susan said. All the three girls ate very little because their time and mouth were busy discussing beautiful and wealthy women who were worthy to be their big boss' wife. Their names were discussed one by one, and Finland started to feel bad.     

Beautiful and wealthy, and from affluent family? Finland was beautiful, but she was not at all wealthy nor was she from an affluent family.     

If the employees in this office knew that she was the woman Caspar had married, would they look down on her and consider her not worthy?     

This thought made Finland feel uncomfortable.     

Finland wanted to break away from their gossipy conversation, but she couldn't leave Ruth because her supervisor had asked her to wait for her, so they could go to the next meeting together.     

Finally, she could only finish her meal and drink a lot of orange juice. She tried her best not to listen to the gossip about Caspar any further.     

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