The Alchemists

Barbecue (2)

Barbecue (2)

Aleksis took Lauriel's big hand and patted it gently. She seemed to understand her godfather's sadness and did not say anything.     

"Uhmm... isn't that Aleksis' nanny...?" Anne asked in a whisper. Finland nodded. She signaled that they should not disturb Lauriel and continue the barbecue.     

The atmosphere returned to normal and people tried not to disturb the sad looking man. Finland took a plate of some grilled meat and sauce, then walked towards Lauriel and sat next to him.     

"Have you eaten?" she asked in a soft voice.     

Lauriel raised his face and shook his head slowly. "Hmm..."     

"Eat first, so Aleksis also wants to eat. She will definitely refuse to eat if her Uncle Rory doesn't eat..." Finland signaled to Kathy, who immediately came with a bowl of fruit for Aleksis. "Aleksis... accompany Uncle Rory for dinner, okay? Uncle Rory is feeling sad..."     

"Yes, Mummy..." Aleksis nodded. She took a piece of fruit from her bowl and fed it to Lauriel, "Uncle Rory, the strawberry is soooo delicious, you should have some..."     

Inevitably, Lauriel smiled slightly and opened his mouth to receive the piece of strawberry from Aleksis. "Thank you, Little Princess..."     

Aleksis nodded happily and devoured a piece of strawberry too. She then fed Lauriel with another piece of fruit and devoured the next piece. The sight of the little girl and her godfather was so heartwarming.     

Some of the guests became envious and suddenly they want to have a child too. Tony grabbed Rachel's waist and pointed his chin toward them.     

"We can't postpone having children. Once we get married, I want you to get pregnant right away..." Tony said in a whisper. Rachel smacked his shoulders while laughing.     

"Whaa... Aleksis and her nanny are very close, yeah. From this perspective they look like father and daughter," Lucia commented to Anne. "If we didn't know who Finland's husband is, maybe we would think the man over there is Aleksis' father..."     

Her voice was heard by Caspar's sharp ears and he immediately pouted. He was able to accept Finland's friendship with Jean and his daughter's close relationship with Lauriel... Ugh... but he didn't need to hear people talk about it all the time in front of his face.     

He was Finland's husband, and he was the father of her children.     

Finally, he became impulsive. Caspar signaled to Kathy, Luke, Jadeith and Ben to open several bottles of champagne and prepare the glasses. He would make an announcement right now.     

"Hallo everyone, please, may I have your attention..." He stood in the middle of the garden and clung his spoon into his champagne glass. "We have good news that we want to share..."     

Finland, who was still sitting next to Lauriel, immediately realized what Caspar was going to do and she could only facepalmed herself.     

Gosh... my pregnancy had only been 6 weeks... Wasn't it too early to make such an announcement...??     

It was too late to do anything now. Her husband had received the attention of all guests. They were all standing around him and looked at him with interest.     

Caspar smiled broadly. He signaled the girl to come to him and she was forced to obey, smiling awkwardly.     

"My wife and I really want to give a younger sibling for Aleksis, and we are very happy because our wish just came true. Finland is pregnant."     

Whoaa... everyone looked very surprised and happy. In unison, they applauded happily. Champagne had been circulated and each of them raised the glasses in their hands and exclaimed congratulations.     

"How wonderful!! Aleksis will have a younger sibling!"     

"Congratulations! We are very happy to hear that!!"     

"Oh wow… a new bundle of joy! That's amazing!!"     

Caspar nodded here and there and smiled very broadly, "Sorry, but I can't drink champagne with you guys. Finland is pregnant and she can't drink alcohol, so I decided to do the same..."     

The faces of the women present seemed to shine in awe. What a dream husband who is so understanding!     

They immediately felt jealous of the simple girl who used to be their coworker. Finland was really lucky!     

"Wow... they are really a couple goals," Franka said to Jean. The man just nodded while finishing his champagne. After the glass was empty, he immediately went to hug Finland.     

"Now I understand why you only drank juice last night..." he said, once he remembered that last night Finland refused to drink champagne and only drank orange juice, "Congratulations... I'm happy for you... Let me know when the due date is near, so I can come and help take care of Aleksis..."     

Finland was very touched to hear that.     

"Thank you, Jean..."     

Lauriel only stared at the scene with a flat face. He returned to his senses when Aleksis placed another piece of fruit in his mouth. He then smiled at the little girl and devoured the strawberry.     

"Aleksis, you should come with me... Your mother and father already have another child," he whispered. "I don't have anyone..."     

Aleksis nodded with certainty.     

"I will come with you, Uncle Rory..." she said, smiling at Lauriel, while eating a piece of grape.     


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