The Alchemists

The translator

The translator

When the elevator arrived on the 35th floor, they immediately got out. Finland was amazed at how luxurious the office space on the highest floor was. There were only large office rooms for directors and several meeting rooms. Of course, the biggest room with a large wooden door that was tightly closed was where Caspar did all his work.     

Several secretaries and staff passing by in the central office, where the personal staff of the directors worked together, seemed to stare at Finland who had just arrived with Ben. It was very rare for people from the lower office to go up to this floor.     

"Please come in, Miss. Master really needs the translation," Ben said loudly as he invited Finland to enter Caspar's office. He knocked on the door twice then opened it, "Good afternoon, Sir. Miss Finland, who can translate the document, has arrived."     

Finland entered and disappeared behind the door. She could not say anything for a moment seeing how big and nice the Schneider Group owner's private office was. It was like a smaller version of his penthouse in St. Laurent Hotel.     

There was a large living room with floor-to-ceiling windows and a beautiful balcony with lounge chairs surrounded by trees and flowers, then, to the left, there was a room to rest, a private bathroom, and a lounge to delight yourself with a fully equipped minibar.     

"Hey..." Caspar, who was sitting at his desk, immediately got up when he saw Finland's arrival. "My interpreter is here..."     

His voice sounded nonchalant and Finland was forced to hold back her laughter. Caspar was very creative in thinking of various ways for them to meet without inviting suspicion from his employees. This made Finland's heart pound and her cheeks flushed red.     

"I will go now, sir. The translator has arrived and is ready to help you translate the documents." Ben smiled broadly then left the room.     

As soon as the door closed, Caspar immediately pulled Finland into his arms and kissed her lips passionately.     

"Hmmmm... there are quite a lot of document that need to be translated... I think you will need the whole day to do it..." he whispered in a husky voice and a moment later he devoured Finland's lips greedily. The girl tried desperately to hold back so as not to moan.     

"Gosh... what if someone enters?" she whispered, hitting Caspar's shoulder when the man finally let go of her lips.     

"Sshh... Aleksis is not here. No one would dare enter my office without me asking them to come or allowing them to enter." Caspar looked very confident. He was the big boss at the company and no one was bold enough to disturb his privacy for fear of being sacked. Only towards his daughter, Aleksis, was he helpless...     

A smile curved up on his lips as he remembered when Aleksis and Kara caught them making out in his study room in Germany.     

"Well... I can stay here all day, especially if there are sooo many documents to translate..." Finland said with a big smile. She invited Caspar to sit together on the sofa and she immediately leaned her head on her husband's shoulders. "Your office is very nice... I have never seen such a luxurious and large office before..."     

"Well, enjoy whatever you want. Whenever you need a comfortable nap or rest with privacy, just let me know, I'll find another document for you to translate... hahaha. Resting here with me is more fun than in the lounge on the 30th floor," Caspar said.     

"Uhm... actually, the lounge on the 30th floor is also great. There are plenty of places to rest. There are cabanas, sofas, and various sleeping pods. In my old company, we only had a pantry and meeting rooms."     

"Uff... But in the 30th floor we can't rest like this...!!" Caspar said in a mischievous tone, before he suddenly lifted Finland and carried her to his resting room. Finland, who was about to protest, was forced to keep her mouth silent. She didn't want to raise the suspicion of those outside.     

Caspar placed her gently on the bed and started kissing her face, her neck, then down to her plump breasts. His hands were slowly taking off their clothes, one by one.     


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