The Alchemists

Secret rendezvous

Secret rendezvous

After attending two meetings with Ruth, Finland excused herself to type her report in the lounge on the 30th floor. She looked for a comfortable rattan cabana and sat down with her laptop to write a report on all the meetings she attended today.     

Only a few employees were in the lounge when Finland arrived. Some were busy doing their jobs, some were taking a nap in the sleeping pods, and some were just relaxing in the lounges.     

"Hey... what are you doing?" Suddenly someone greeted Finland from the side.     

The girl looked up and found Caspar standing next to her. Strangely, the man did not wear the suit he wore this morning when he left for work. His appearance was very casual. He wore a blue shirt, a sweater, and a black hat. He sat nonchalantly next to Finland. It was a good thing that the rattan cabana was very large.     

"Gosh... what if other people see us???" Finland squealed as she panicked.     

Actually, she did not need to worry because the large rattan cabana they were in had a semi-circular roof that provided privacy for people who were in it. Moreover, Caspar's appearance did not attract attention.     

"Do you know why it is easy for people to recognize me when I enter a room?" Caspar asked. Finland shook her head, and Caspar shrugged, "Because of my clothes and Ben's presence. If I wear casual clothes like this and Ben is not around, people won't think that it's me. As long as you don't attract people's attention by squeaking like that, we will be fine... hahaha..."     

"Oh, okay." Finland finally nodded, "Don't you have any work to do?"     

"I have a lot of work to do," Caspar said, "but right now, I want to spend some time beside you. You don't mind it, do you?"     

"Uhmm… I don't mind." Finland looked out of the cabana and made sure that no one noticed them. "I need to make reports for four meetings today..."     

"Four meetings? That's a lot. What are they about?" asked Caspar with interest.     

"We had meetings with several startup companies from Southeast Asia. They have a lot of cool innovations for Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. I learned a lot today from those meetings."     

"Oh... do you like your job so far?"     

"I love it. Ruth is also very kind to me. I only need to numb my ears every time the girls in the office gossip about their handsome and cool boss..." Finland chuckled.     

"Aren't you jealous?" Caspar asked her.     

He actually really wanted to see Finland jealous, but he had not dared to provoke her since the incident with Famke some time ago in Seattle.     

He always felt that he loved Finland more that she loved him, and he often had to fight his jealousy towards all the men who were close to his wife.     

First, he was jealous of Jean, and then, of Lauriel. Finland, on the other hand, always seemed very chilled and relaxed no matter who he was with.     

Finland stared at Caspar for a long time, then answered, "Uhmm... I did feel a bit jealous... But I don't want to be irrational. I just consider their admiration for you as proof that I chose the right man as my husband."     

"Oh... so you're not jealous..." Caspar sighed in disappointment.     

"Pssshh... why this reaction? I'm not the jealous type... How can I turn into someone I'm not?" Finland asked, pursing her lips. "Later, when I turn into a jealous wife, you definitely won't like it."     

Caspar finally relented. In his heart he did not mind if Finland were to get a little angry when she saw him surrounded and admired by many women. He would be fine if she were to act a little irrational because she was jealous. In fact, he would secretly feel happy when that happened.     

But it looked like that was never going to happen.     

"Okay... you may continue typing your report. I want to take a power nap here," Caspar said, changing the subject. He laid his body beside Finland and covered his face with the hat. Finland just smiled seeing him like that. She rubbed Caspar's hair for a moment and then continued her work.     

The two spent a whole hour together in the cabana and both felt very happy. When office hours were almost over, Finland quickly kissed Caspar's forehead and excused herself.     

"I have to go back to my workplace, okay. See you at home."     

Caspar took Finland's hand when the girl was about to leave and protested, "Let's go home together. You go to the car first, and I will come after you. Ben is waiting in the basement parking."     

"Uhm... okay."     


Finland's first day of work at the Schneider Group headquarters went smoothly and with no problems at all. Caspar and Finland managed to go home together without anyone noticing. They immediately headed to St. Laurent Hotel to pick up Aleksis from Lauriel's place.     

"Hey... you have arrived?" Lauriel asked as they both appeared at the door. "I'm teaching Aleksis to play the Go game. We're almost done."     

Finland and Caspar looked at each other in surprise.     

"Go game? Isn't that a very difficult board game even for adults?" Finland asked, confused.     

Go was an abstract strategy board game for two players, in which the aim was to surround more territory than the opponent. The game was invented in China more than 2,500 years ago and was believed to be the oldest board game continuously played to the present day.     

People played with a board and black and white stones. The game could last between 1-6 hours, and some professional games exceed 16 hours and could even be played in sessions that spread over two days. Therefore, Finland and Caspar couldn't believe Lauriel when he said that he was teaching Aleksis to play Go.     

"Hmm... it's never too young to learn," Lauriel said nonchalantly. "I'm only teaching her the basics ... Aleksis likes it."     

"Oh, well... I assume that the game will still take some time." Caspar asked. "If so, let's just have dinner here."     

"Yeah, we need more time," Lauriel said. He sat down again facing Aleksis, who was watching their Go board. "Just order food from downstairs..."     

Finland and Caspar relented. Besides, it would certainly be very interesting to see if their young daughter could learn something very difficult like Go. Caspar called the room service and asked for dinner.     

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