The Alchemists

The Surprise Announcement

The Surprise Announcement

The fourth song was finally over and the audience applauded very lively. The MC returned to the stage and then invited Caspar to give his speech.     

The man went onstage, took off his mask and greeted his employees kindly. He discussed a little about the Group's progress, the targets achieved throughout the year, and their vision for the coming year.     

He also thanked everyone who had worked hard and contributed to the success of the Group. He then congratulated the door prize winners, and then closed his speech with a surprise for everyone.     

"Because I really appreciate your hard work, I would like to ask our employees who didn't win a door prize not to worry. Other than the usual annual bonus, I asked Stanis to give all of you, without exception, an additional bonus of 5% of your base salary, as a token of my appreciation, and at the same time, to share my happiness with you." He paused for a moment, then continued speaking in a slightly trembling voice, "A few months ago I was blessed with infinite happiness with the return of my wife and daughter who went away for several years. Something happened in my personal life that I cannot share..."     

There were muffled sighs and whispers among the guests who had no idea that they would hear such a shocking announcement. Everyone was very happy because they got an extra bonus. Their big boss was very generous indeed when his mood was good.     

However, they were also very surprised because their boss kept his privacy so tightly that he got married without anyone knowing.     

Even to this night, he had not introduced his wife's name. Many people could only guess who the mysterious woman who was so lucky to marry their boss was...     

The guests hadn't even recovered from their shock when Caspar continued with the second announcement.     

"That's not all... I will also ask Stanis to add another 5% bonus... because we want to share our next happiness with you. Mrs. Schneider is currently pregnant with our second child..."     

Instantly applause and cheers filled the ballroom. Ruth, Priyanka and Susan looked at each other and gasped.     

"No wonder they didn't drink any alcohol... apparently his wife is pregnant," Ruth said in surprise. "But shouldn't Mr. Schneider have a drink if he wants to..."     

"Unless he deliberately doesn't drink alcohol to accompany his wife during her pregnancy..." Priyanka said.     

They exchanged glances with amazement. "Jeez... Our boss is so cute... aww..."     

Finland was also amazed to hear all of Caspar's announcements. She was not surprised to see that her husband gave away bonuses so easily, because as she recalled, Caspar was indeed very generous when his heart was happy. Surely tonight he was so happy that he gave out extra bonuses twice, to hundreds of people at once.     

Caspar smiled happily at the reception of his people over the good news he shared. He glanced at Finland who was looking at him adoringly.     

"My wife and I thank you for your support. In four months, I will leave the company and focus on my family. I have learned that in life, the most valuable thing is family. No matter how much money I have, it cannot and will never replace my family. Stanis and Kurt Van Der Ven will manage the company until our children grow up and can take over. I ask that you do your best and continue to support us by supporting the Van Der Ven family. Thank you, and good night."     

Many people were disappointed to hear that Heinrich Schneider would resign from business and focus on his family. But on the other hand, they were happy for their generous boss, and could only pray for his happiness with his family.     

Slowly the guests of the party applauded and one by one they rose to pay their respects and express their gratitude. Caspar waved and walked back to his table.     

"Aww... you're great. The event is a success..." Finland said tearfully, "Everyone seems to be very happy and touched."     

"Hmm..." Caspar just smiled and kissed her cheek.     

Billie Yves went back on stage and performed the last 3 songs. Caspar grabbed Finland's shoulders and invited her back to the front of the stage.     

"Want to watch Billie Yves' concert like normal people?" he asked.     

Finland nodded and together they moved to the front of the stage and danced to the music, like a regular audience. The other people immediately followed, and the front of the stage was soon filled with spectators who danced to the music happily.     

Everyone agreed that this year's company Christmas party was the best party ever held by the Schneider Group, and the guests returned to their homes with joy and satisfaction.     

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