The Alchemists

How many fathers do you have?

How many fathers do you have?

Because Alaric did not reply, Aleksis looked back and accidentally touched Alaric's chin. She could feel the man's breathing gradually becoming heavy.     

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" Aleksis asked again.     

Alaric took a deep breath and shook his head. He slowly shifted his body so Aleksis would move away from his lap. After he managed to free himself from her charm, he patted his chest and then started coughing a little.     

"Want some breakfast?" he asked her as a form of distraction. He then rose and reached out to help Aleksis up.     

The girl nodded. After accepting Alaric's hand, they walked together into the large dining room and saw that on the table, a variety of hot dishes were already laid out.     

"Can you cook now?" Aleksis asked curiously. She remembered that Alaric made really sad-looking fish tartare 8 years ago.     

The man shook his head.     

"I am a person who eats to live, not lives to eat," he confessed. "My staff prepared everything."     

"Ahh ... at home, it is my dad who does the cooking. Mum can also cook, but Dad is a better cook and he is very happy to cook for us," Aleksis said as she prepared her plates and started taking fruit slices. At this moment, she suddenly missed her father.     

"Your father sounds very impressive," commented Alaric. He poured tea into their cups, "Want some milk with your tea?"     

Aleksis nodded. "My father is indeed impressive. You will like him once you meet him. In some ways you two are alike."     

You two are so crazy about privacy, she told herself.     

Alaric let out a small cough after hearing Aleksis mentioned about him meeting her father. They had only been in a relationship for a day and Aleksis was already casually talking about arranging a meeting between him and her father!     

Hmm ... this girl is not one to waste time, he thought.     

"Maybe it's your father who won't like me," Alaric replied.     

"Of course he won't," said Aleksis quickly, "My father only likes my mother..."     

"That's not what I meant ..." answered Alaric while rolling his eyes.     

"Ahahaha ... I know, I was just kidding." Aleksis shoved a piece of strawberry into Alaric's mouth.     

The man accepted it awkwardly. He had never been like this with any other woman before. Aleksis smiled at Alaric's rather rigid attitude toward her treatment. She became convinced that the man never had a girlfriend before.     

 Aleksis continued speaking while peeling an apple, "Even if my father doesn't like you, it's okay, I'm sure my godfather will like you. You've met him before, he praised you a lot, and according to my observations you two are very similar."     

"Godfather?" Alaric frowned. "How many fathers do you have?"     

Aleksis raised her two fingers, "I have a biological father, and a godfather ... I call him Uncle Rory."     

"Oh ... THAT Uncle Rory?" Alaric immediately remembered the man he had met 17 years ago in Thailand who gave him a bottle of miracle medicine for wounds, the same that he just received from Aleksis. Uncle Rory must be a very rich person, because at that time he easily offered a million dollars to Alaric for helping Aleksis.     

Alaric looked at Aleksis with a complicated look. This girl had such a rich godfather. Why did she look rather poor every day?     

"Uhm ... I'm not sure if your fathers will be happy to accept how their daughter's boyfriend is of the same age as them. Maybe they will like you with a man your age, "Alaric said quietly.     

He remembered the man on the train, even 17 years ago they already looked to be of the same age. Rory must now be around 45 years old and he would think Alaric was a perverted uncle dating a young girl who wasn't even 20 years old.     

That thought made him a little frustrated. If he had a daughter like Aleksis, he also would not want her to be in a relationship with a much older man.     

Aleksis who noticed Alaric's uneasiness could only smile to herself. Alaric would be very surprised once he sees Uncle Rory and realized that he did not age at all after 17 years. And that would be when Aleksis tell him her family secrets, that she had kept tightly guarded all this time, that Aleksis and her whole family were immortals.     

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