The Alchemists

So much love for him...

So much love for him...

Aleksis made sure that Carl and Sasha were accompanying her dog in the penthouse so they wouldn't see her going down to the lobby holding hands with a masked man and enter his armored Mercedes.     

Aleksis did not want them to report this to her father and mother who were on their honeymoon for the umpteenth time in the Seychelles. She was worried that her parents would be distraught to hear the news and immediately leave for Singapore.     

It was bad enough that Uncle Rory would come next week, she thought.     

Alaric carried Aleksis' bag and placed it in the car. He then accompanied the girl to sit in the backseat. The backseat was made very private as it had dark glass and there was a barrier with the front seat where the driver was.     

Aleksis didn't mind privacy, especially when she was with Alaric. They looked at each other as soon as the car door closed and the vehicle began to move.     

Alaric was still fascinated by Aleksis' beautiful appearance. He could not understand why such an attractive girl would intentionally make herself ugly by wearing shabby clothes and oversized nerdy glasses.     

"At first I thought you had very bad taste in fashion... I wanted to take you shopping and give you insights on fashion so that you will look more attractive... but apparently that's not necessary. I was fooled..." Alaric said, staring at Aleksis with an amazed look. "You must have your own reasons, why you deliberately try to look unattractive..."     

Aleksis nodded, "My parents are worried that my physical appearance may attract too much attention, and a lot of men would bother me and make my life uncomfortable..."     

"Hmmm... and you don't mind that?" Alaric asked attentively, "Isn't it tiring to pretend to be someone you're not?"     

Aleksis never really thought about that. She didn't really care about her appearance, but if she were honest, she really hoped that she didn't have to deliberately make herself unattractive just to avoid men's attention.     

The problem was that if she didn't make herself unattractive, Carl and Sasha would beat up a lot of insolent men who bothered Aleksis. They would attract so much attention...     

"I have no choice..." said Aleksis, shrugging.     

Alaric looked thoughtful. He then took out his cellphone and dialed a number.     

"Pavel, call Takeshi and Mischa to Singapore. I want them to work for me. They will be assigned to protect Aleksis," he said curtly. There was an affirmative answer from Pavel, and Alaric hung up his phone.     

"Eh... who are Takeshi and Mischa?" Aleksis asked, astonished.     

Alaric smiled slightly, "Takeshi and Mischa are my two assassins from the Phoenix and Dragon level. They've been on holiday for quite some time, so I'm sure they will be happy to come to Singapore and enjoy the change of scenery by working for me. I will not let anyone bother you. You can be yourself without having to worry about perverts and annoying men. Let Takeshi and Mischa take care of them..."     


Aleksis looked at Alaric with an astonished expression.     

Alaric reminded her a lot of her father in terms of being over protective toward her. Didn't Carl and Sascha follow Aleksis to Singapore because her father told them to protect her?     

Now Alaric wanted to add to her security with the two most dangerous assassins from Rhionen Assassins...     

"Why? You don't like the idea?" Alaric asked.     

Aleksis was dumbfounded. She couldn't think of an excuse to reject the bodyguards provided by her thoughtful boyfriend. If she accepted, it would be very funny to have Carl and Sasha protecting Aleksis from a distance, without knowing that Takeshi and Mischa were also watching over the girl discreetly.     

"I... I like the idea. But they should not attract attention, okay..." she said quickly.     

Well... she should just accept Takeshi and Mischa. Later she would think of something to settle this four-bodyguard problem.     

The car suddenly stopped and Alaric gave a signal for Aleksis to stay still while he went out and got something. Aleksis obeyed and waited patiently for him in the car.     

Five minutes later Alaric came back with a beautiful bouquet of purple flowers, and handed it to Aleksis. "This is for you..."     

Aleksis, who did not expect to be given flowers, looked surprised and moved her hands to accept them, "Wow... this is so beautiful... I love lavenders. Thank you..."     

"Because this is our first date as boyfriend and girlfriend... we have to do it properly. You've dressed up so pretty, of course I have to give you flowers..." said Alaric.     

"Aw... you're so thoughtful..." said Aleksis. She was very happy because she felt that she had chosen the right man as her boyfriend. Despite Alaric's very different background and principles, Aleksis felt that they were a complement and very compatible to each other.     

Inwardly, she assumed that Alaric was basically a good man. His only problem was that he held grudges too deeply, because he had lived alone for such a long time. Maybe ... if Aleksis could open his heart, he would be able to change.     

Aleksis believed in the power of love... ha ha ha.     

Seeing Aleksis' bright and happy face, Alaric could not help but land a kiss on her red lips. The girl shyly welcomed the kiss, pushed the flowers aside, and kissed him back.     

"The color of these flowers is the same as the color of your eyes, purplish blue and beautiful..." said Aleksis half-whispered. "I will always remember this day and these flowers..."     

"Hmm... I accidentally chose those flowers... I thought they were the most beautiful, even though they couldn't be compared to you..." Alaric said with a smile. "I'm glad you like it."     

"I really like them." Aleksis then leaned her head on Alaric's shoulder and admired the flowers, while smelling their sweet and distinctive scent. Alaric closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment in his heart. He had never felt this warm feeling in his chest before.     

This was all thanks to an adorable girl named Aleksis, who barged into his life like storm. She didn't give him a chance to refuse her. Yesterday he was living his life as usual, and after a short meeting with the girl at his company's party at Sky Bar last night, his life had been changed drastically.     

Who would have thought that in less than 24 hours he would finally have a girlfriend? Now they were getting ready for their first date: sailing on the sea and spending beautiful time under billions of stars in the clear night sky.     

Subconsciously he smiled, which caught Aleksis' attention. The girl smiled at the thought of Alaric feeling as happy as she was.     

Maybe what Alaric needed was love, so he could be more patient toward humans...     

If that were the case, he didn't need to worry, because Aleksis had so much love for him...     

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