The Alchemists

The face behind the mask

The face behind the mask

They held each other's hands until their breathing slowly went back to normal.     

Aleksis was the first to fall asleep. Alaric felt the girl's hand relax and the sound of her breathing became smooth and regular. He looked sideways and found his girlfriend sleeping soundly with her eyes closed and her lips slightly open. She looked so peaceful.     

Alaric did not expect that Aleksis could look so much more beautiful when she was asleep. She was really an angel who brought peace into his life. At least at this time, Alaric's heart seemed to be filled with a sense of peace that was foreign to him.     

He had been living alone for so long and he never had someone whom he wanted to sincerely guard and protect like this. Even though his very nature was delicate and gentle, this man had become very used to violence and cruelty. But now, in front of an angel like Aleksis, how could he be cruel?     

Alaric slowly got up and sat enjoying the beautiful view that was lying beside him. He felt very fortunate that such a beautiful and wonderful person loved him so deeply.     

He then realized that as a result of their intense lovemaking activities earlier, his face had been soaked in sweat and his skin felt uncomfortable especially under his mask.     

After Alaric made sure that Aleksis was fast asleep, he slowly walked to the bathroom. The man took off the leather mask that covered half of his face and then washed his face to freshen up.     

Underneath his mask was a very handsome face. His skin was rather pale and he had fine facial lines and long hair. At a glance Alaric's face looked like a woman's.     

He always hated this face.     

When he was young and weak, he was often faced with people with sexual disorder who wanted to force themselves into him. His first murder happened when he was only 12 years old. He was defending himself from such people.     

Since then he learned to fight to protect himself and soon he became skilled at killing, because for whatever reason, evil and sick people were always present wherever he was. After he trained his body and he became tall and strong, no one dared to offend him.     

He cut his hair often as to look more masculine, but unfortunately, his hair always grew very fast, even though he cut it once a week. The last few years Alaric finally gave up and let his hair grow past his shoulders. He liked his mask because it could hide the face he hated, and also conceal his true age and identity.     

Upon seeing Aleksis change her appearance yesterday from an unattractive nerd to a woman who looked so enchantingly beautiful, Alaric was tempted to take off his mask and show that his face was actually not as ugly and disfigured as he had always claimed...     

But at the last moment Alaric refrained from doing so. Why would he take this unnecessary risk? After all, Aleksis didn't mind his appearance... She loved Alaric not because of his face nor his age.     

This thought etched a smile on his face. He was happy because his woman accepted him as he was.     

Alaric dried his face, put on his leather mask and entered the cabin. He climbed into bed and covered himself and Aleksis with a blanket. After closing the cabin roof to protect them from the sudden rain, he cuddled Aleksis and closed his eyes.     

They slept very soundly that night.     


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