The Alchemists

Aleksis' New Bodyguards

Aleksis' New Bodyguards

Anjali was finally helped by her cronies out of the cafeteria. They looked so embarrassed. Aleksis just stared at their departure with a frown.     

She was glad Takeshi taught the rich and arrogant girl a lesson, but Aleksis still wanted to face Anjali herself tomorrow without having to rely on her bodyguards.     

In her head, she was already devising a plan. Tomorrow she would come to campus with a completely different look.     

Just watch, she thought.     

She didn't notice that her lips gave out a faint smile.     

Nicolae let out a few coughs, knocking Aleksis from her thoughts. The young man seemed fascinated to see Aleksis daydreaming and smiling to herself.     

"Is there something funny? Care to share it?" he asked with a smile.     

Aleksis raised her face and looked at Nicolae with a frown. This fellow was too curious, she unhappily said in her mind.     

"I'm thinking of a suitable location for my table," replied Aleksis in a nonchalant manner.     

Yes, if the seniors on this campus can have their own table, she can too.     

If necessary, she would buy the most expensive table and put it in the cafeteria, complete with her name carved on it. She would definitely call Kurt Van Der Ven to prepare everything she wanted.     

"You're kidding, right?" Nicolae asked with a laughing expression on his face.     

"Maybe." Aleksis just shrugged. She then got up and cleared her lunch tray, "Thank you for helping me out today and for letting me use your table. Good afternoon."     

Aleksis' indifference towards his good looks hit Nicolae's ego. All this time, the girls on campus or any woman he met were easily mesmerized by his handsome face, intelligence, and outgoing attitude.     

However, this nerdy and old-fashioned girl didn't even give him a second glance.     

They had met several times, and on their second meeting, Aleksis even hugged him thinking he was somebody else ... but after that, her attitude toward him had turned cold and distant.     

Nicolae was not accustomed to receiving such treatment, but this made him even more curious. Who was this girl really?     

"Where do you live? Dormitory?" Nicolae asked while standing up. He also cleared his lunch tray and followed Aleksis to the tray storage.     

Aleksis began to feel annoyed because Nicolae followed her. The young man was very handsome, yet seemed too friendly to her. She looked around and found the girls in the cafeteria were staring at her with hatred. Ugh.     

She complained inwardly, Oh god ... She went to a public university so that I could have female friends... But look, here she was, feeling really unlucky, because, ever since she set foot on this campus, all she had ever received was hostility.     

It was not her fault that she was close to Terry because he was her brother. She also never intended to be friendly with Nicolae because she already had a boyfriend. But what could she do if the man was following her like this?     

Before Aleksis answered Nicolae's question, she got an incoming SMS from Terry on her phone-watch.     

[Are you still in the cafeteria? I heard rumors about the commotion that happened there earlier. Are you okay? I'll be there soon.]     

Gosh ... what rumor?     

[How did you know?] she asked.     

[The video was uploaded on Splitz earlier... the whole campus was in an uproar. Wait for me, I will be there soon.]     

Aleksis took a deep breath.      

The girls in the cafeteria were already staring daggers at her because she was with Nicolae. She could not imagine how they would react once they saw Terry coming for her.     

She did not want Takeshi to deal with so many women bothering her.     

She did not want to start a new disturbance.     

[Don't go to the cafeteria. I've returned to the dorm. We will meet tonight at your house.]     

Without even saying a word to Nicolae, Aleksis hurriedly sent a message to Terry then hurriedly ran away from the cafeteria.      

The man with the blue eyes as deep as the ocean was astonished to see Aleksis running very fast and disappearing from his sight within seconds. This girl reminded him of a storm that came and went without warning.     

Unconsciously, a smile formed on his lips.     


Aleksis calmed her breathing in front of the dormitory building then pulled herself together. She was running really fast because she wanted to avoid new problems. She must immediately meet Takeshi and Mischa and coordinate with them.     

Later, she would get her nice clothes from the Penthouse so that tomorrow she would no longer need to disguise herself as an unattractive girl. After all, even though she made herself look shabby, the other girls still didn't like her. It's like she was experiencing double losses. She had to hide her beauty and still not make new friends.     

If she would have to accept mistreatment from her fellow female schoolmates, then it would be better if she faced their bullies by looking beautiful and classy.     

[I'm already in front of the dormitory building. Where are you?]     

Aleksis sent a message to Takeshi. She then decided to sit on a park bench under a shady tree while waiting for them.     

[We can see you, Miss. Just wait for us there.] Takeshi replied.     

All right ... I'm not in a hurry, thought Aleksis.     

One minute later, they came from behind her.     

Aleksis hurriedly turned around and saw two young men approaching her from behind the tree. Thanks to the photo Alaric showed her yesterday, she immediately recognized them as Takeshi and Mischa.     

Takeshi was a tall young Japanese man wearing black-rim glasses which made him look serious. He was actually really handsome but he seemed to make an effort to look simple and unassuming, the type that would not attract attention. However, Aleksis could see that his movements were very light and looked dangerous.     

Mischa was an extremely handsome Eastern European man wearing a pink shirt with buttons opened down to his chest. Fashioned as a necklace, a leather string with an exotic wind-catcher metal pendant adorned his neck, and an expensive watch rested on his wrist. His curly golden hair was very beautiful, immediately reminded Aleksis of Little Lord Fauntleroy from the novel she read when she was younger.     

When Frances Hodgson Burnett's novel, Little Lord Fauntleroy, was released at the end of 19th century, many parents wanted to have handsome boys with beautiful curly blonde hair like him so they dressed their sons to Lord Fauntleroy's style of dress, wearing lacy and intricate aristocratic clothes that looked cute for little boys of that era.     

Aleksis mused that if Little Lord Fauntleroy grew up and became a model, his appearance would be like this Mischa guy. It would just be hard to imagine that Mischa was an assassin already at the dragon level.     

Alaric was really mysterious. And none of his people looked normal!     

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