The Alchemists

Uncle Rory is Here

Uncle Rory is Here

Aleksis sat sadly on one of the terminal seats thinking about how much had happened in the past five days. Now Alaric was leaving for London to take care of his big project with the Meier Group, a project that she knew would greatly affect the lives of almost half of the earth's population.     

She hoped that something would happen that would cancel their cooperation. If not now, hopefully in the future.     

Maybe if she could open herself to Alaric, she would tell her husband that years ago Alexei and Sophia Meier had almost killed her with poison. Alaric definitely wouldn't want to work with people who had hurt Aleksis ...     

In the middle of her reverie, suddenly her phone-watch vibrated and she saw an incoming call from Lauriel.     

"Eh ... hello, Uncle Rory, how are you?" she asked quickly.     

"I'm good. I wanted to surprise you by suddenly arriving in Singapore, but Terry said that you have been very busy and hard to contact lately. So, I don't want to suddenly come  while you're busy ..." Lauriel said with a happy voice.     

"Ahhh ... Uncle when are you coming? This weekend, right?" asked Aleksis. Her depressed mood was instantly replaced by joy. She really missed Lauriel, and his presence in Singapore would certainly make Aleksis feel better.     

"I'm at the airport." Lauriel's tone sounded funny, something that very rarely happened. "Are you home?"     

"Airport in Nairobi?"     

"Changi Airport." Lauriel answered.     

"Oh my god ... !!! You have arrived in Singapore ??? That's so fast !!!" Aleksis exclaimed in surprise.     

"Why? You don't want me to arrive so quickly?" Lauriel asked teasingly. "Are you tired of your Uncle Rory now that you are surrounded by lots of handsome men on campus?"     

Aleksis fell silent. How could she glance at a handsome men on campus. In her heart there was only Alaric Rhionen, who was now her husband.     

Ufff .. guilt suddenly crept over her heart, because she thought about how she got married secretly without telling her parents and godfather who loved her very much.     

"Why are you silent? So it's true that you're bored of me because you are now surrounded by a lot of handsome male students?" Lauriel asked again. Aleksis could only cough when she heard his statement.     

"Uncleee ... I'm at the airport right now. What terminal are you at, Uncle?" she asked quickly.     

"Hmm ... Terminal 1. Why?"     

"I'll be there in a second ... Uncle, please wait for me at the arrival terminal!"     

Aleksis hurriedly turned off her phone and ran to the terminal where Lauriel was. She really missed her godfather. Her sadness caused by Alaric's departure was immediately lifted and replaced with joy.     

Within ten minutes Aleksis arrived at Terminal 1 Arrival. She walked fast while looking for Lauriel, and she finally stopped when she saw her godfather sit in a relaxed manner on a chair. His legs were crossed and his eyes were closed.     

"Uncle Roryyyyy ..." she cried from afar, ignoring the views of dozens of people who heard her voice. Lauriel smiled faintly, opened his eyes, and stared at the direction of her voice. He got up when Aleksis jumped up to him and hung on his arms like a little monkey, as she usually did when they met after a long separation.     

"Gosh ... Aleksis, you are now a grown woman ... You still haven't changed ..." Lauriel said with a laugh. He saw how astonished the people around them were staring at the sight of Aleksis hanging on to him, but just like Aleksis, Lauriel was also indifferent as to how strangers viewed them. Lovingly he kissed Aleksis' cheeks alternately and slowly lowered the girl to the floor. "You look healthy."     

"You know that my body is as strong as a buffalo," said Aleksis proudly. She stared at Lauriel and his surroundings in amazement, "Uncle, you still don't carry a suitcase with you when traveling? Only that bag?"     

Lauriel nodded. "You know that I don't like to hassle. Clothes can be bought. Let's go home. Singapore is very hot and humid. I feel very sticky and want to take a shower."     

"Alright ... let's head back to the Continental Hotel," Aleksis said cheerfully, taking Lauriel out of the terminal.     

"Hmm ... by the way, why are you at the airport today?" Lauriel asked her. "Do you have a friend departing somewhere?"     

"Eh ..." At that time Aleksis suddenly remembered that Takeshi and Mischa were still protecting her from afar, as ordered by Alaric. They must have seen how she interacted with Uncle Rory ...     

Dammit, she completely forgot to coordinate with them.     

Ouch ... she just hugged and kissed Uncle Rory, and she was now walking hand in hand with him ...     

Even though he was 570 years old, Uncle Rory still looked like a handsome young man aged 25. People who didn't know them could misunderstand and think they were lovers.     

Oh my God... what do I do? What would happen if Alaric misunderstood my relationship with Uncle Rory??     

"Wait a minute, Uncle. I have to make a call," Aleksis said suddenly. She walked away a little bit and signaled for Lauriel to wait for her.     

Lauriel looked at her in surprise. To his knowledge, Aleksis never kept anything from him. But maybe the situation now was different, because his goddaughter was now an adult. Maybe there were things she couldn't say in front of a man?     

Finally, he just nodded and waited.     

Aleksis hurriedly called Takeshi, "Where are you?"     

"We are in Terminal 1 at the Arrival gate," Takeshi's reply came from Aleksis' phone-watch.     

Ugh, as expected, they are still watching over me, thought Aleksis.     

Actually she was amazed because her two bodyguards managed to keep a good distance, did not attract any attention, but were always nearby, protecting her.     

"I just picked up my family member. He is also my father's best friend, so please don't make a fuss, I don't want my family to know that I'm married and my husband sent bodyguards to look after me ... Please, don't put me in a difficult situation ..."     

Takeshi sounded surprised, but he only replied shortly, "Alright."     

Aleksis then massaged her forehead. Gosh, she mentioned marriage and husband. Only the driver and Alaric's bodyguard witnessed their marriage.     

She did not know whether Takeshi and Mischa knew that last night she had married their boss. If they didn't know, of course knowing this from Aleksis must have shocked them.     

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