The Alchemists

Aleksis' Dillema

Aleksis' Dillema

Aleksis waited for a while but Alaric did not reply to her message nor did he call her. She assumed that Alaric was already sleeping, so she didn't want to disturb him. She then prepared to go to school. However, she was determined to teach those corny girls a lesson for bullying her two days ago.     

Aleksis decided to return to live in the penthouse and she ordered the Continental Hotel staff to bring her belongings which she had brought to the dormitory. Her relationship with Rosemary was bad, so she felt that there was no reason for her to stay there anymore.     

Besides, now there was Lauriel in the Penthouse. She certainly preferred to spend time with her godfather when she was not in school.     

Ah, that's right ... she had to introduce her two other bodyguards to Lauriel, so that Lauriel wouldn't become suspicious. Therefore, after breakfast, she called Carl and Sascha to come to the penthouse and meet her.     

"Uncle Rory, I would like to introduce some people to you. This is Carl and Sascha ... my two other bodyguards," Aleksis said as the two well-built, cold-looking men arrived. Inwardly, she hoped that Lauriel was not suspicious by the fact that the appearance of the second pair of bodyguards were completely different from her bodyguards yesterday. "Carl, Sascha ... he is my family. I call him Uncle Rory. You remember, right, that every time I go to live with Uncle Rory, you didn't need to escort me ...?"     

Carl and Sascha nodded. During their eight years of working with Aleksis, there were months when they were not needed, because Aleksis lived with her Uncle Rory and their employer assumed that Aleksis would be safe with him so she did not need Carl and Sascha to protect her.     

Both of them looked at the young man in front of them with respect. Lauriel did look young, but there was something in his appearance that commanded immediate respect; it was as if he had the soul and charisma of someone who was already very senior. They wondered who this man really was ...     

"All right ... Uncle Rory will stay with me here until ..." Aleksis turned to Lauriel, "Uncle, what are you planning to do here?"     

Lauriel shrugged, "I don't know yet."     

"All right ... as long as Uncle Rory is here, I don't need your protection. You can please go on vacation."     

Carl and Sascha looked at each other. They did not dare to go on vacation as ordered by Aleksis. Even if the girl did not need their protection, they should better stay in Singapore and be prepared, in case she ever needed them.     

"There's no need for a vacation. You can watch over her as usual," Lauriel said suddenly. "Don't let me interfere with your routine."     

"Eh ...?" Aleksis felt rather surprised because this was the first time she saw Lauriel behave like this. He usually did not want to be followed by bodyguards when he was with Aleksis. His attitude made Aleksis rather worried. She was afraid that Lauriel was suspicious of something.     

Ugh ... Alaric honey, please hurry home, let us face my family together ... she said to herself.     


Aleksis had two classes that day; at 10am and 2pm. After breakfast, she immediately prepared to leave for campus, escorted by Carl.     

On her way to the university she sent a message to Takeshi informing him that as long as Lauriel was in Singapore, she would stay at the Continental hotel and she would be picked up by a driver, so that Takeshi and Mischa would not be suspicious because she was with Carl or Sascha.     

Uff ... luckily she was Aleksis, a very smart girl. Playing cat and mouse between two pairs of bodyguards from Alaric and from her father, and Lauriel, was not difficult for her. Another girl would probably have given up and cried when she was in such a difficult situation.     

When Aleksis set foot on campus, this time in a very different appearance, she felt a significant change in the way people stared at her. The girls who yesterday looked at her with scornful eyes, now looked amazed. They did not recognize her as their common enemy, the girl who had lunch with Terry.     

"Hmm ... first class is at Building B," she murmured while reading the schedule.     

Aleksis looked so beautiful today in her very expensive clothes; she looked like a supermodel. Her steps were full of confidence, and she ignored the astonished looks of the many young men who stared at her passing with eyes full of admiration.     

The girls could only whisper to each other behind her back. They all wanted to know who this new student was. They had never seen her before. She must be a very rich girl.     

As they walked to Building B, several male students approached her and tried to offer help.     

"Good morning, beautiful! What class are you in?" asked one of them who looked like the leader of the student group. His clothes looked expensive and he kept dangling the keys to a Ferrari in his hand.     

Aleksis turned and smiled sweetly. These young men seemed interested in her. They had fun intentions, but they were not dangerous. She must be patient with them.     

If she looked upset and annoyed, she couldn't imagine what Carl or Takeshi and Mischa would do to these people. This morning Aleksis was not in the mood to see anyone beaten because of her.     

"I am heading for Building B, room 3.1. The Principle of Information Management."     

"Oh ... coincidentally, I also take the same class," the young man said quickly, "My name is Ian. What's your name?"     

"My name is Aleksis," Aleksis accepted Ian's helping hand and greeted him. "Good then. Let's go to class together."     

Aleksis didn't know and didn't care whether Ian really took the same class as her or not. What was clear was that she was happy because this time the classroom would not be as empty as it was yesterday. She did not like classrooms consisting of only four students. That way she couldn't talk and sleep because the professor would notice her easily ... he he.     

They chatted a bit on their way to their class and Aleksis soon learned that Ian was the son of a very wealthy casino businessman and he happened to be in the same department as her, though he rarely attended classes so he had to redo his second year.     

Ian was part of a group or gang on this campus whose work was to have fun. Other than that, they had no clear purpose in life. Aleksis was pleased to see that her presence motivated Ian to enter the classroom.     

As she entered, several other students, Ian's friends, joined them. Most of them were not from the Information Management Department, but they decided to have fun this time by attending the same class.     

By the time they arrived at the classroom, Aleksis' group had grown to nearly 20 people who casually entered the classroom and opened their books, ready to study. The old professor looked very surprised when he came in and saw so many students waiting for him.     

Aleksis' three classmates, who were already in the class, Dave, Kris and Mel, were also very surprised to see a very beautiful girl and many students they had never seen before.     

Aleksis just laughed at their expressions. She immediately took a seat next to Mel and whispered, "Hey ... it's me, Aleksis. Yesterday I skipped class, so I'll need to borrow your notes."     

Mel, Dave and Kris were stunned for almost a minute. After observing Aleksis for a long time, they finally believed this was indeed their classmate.     

As for the professor, an old man in his 50s, he was stunned to see so many students in his classroom today. He even took out his glasses and wore them again to make sure he wasn't dreaming.     

"Gosh ..." He narrowed his eyes and saw a very beautiful girl in the middle of the room, and immediately understood what was happening.     

These young people were indeed very easy to direct, especially if the person who directed them was a beautiful woman, he thought.     

"Hey ... Aleksis ... our class has become so full because with all these guys ..." whispered Mel who sat next to her. "Did you invite them?"     

"I did not invite them. They just wanted to follow me ..." replied Aleksis.     

She actually could not wait to go to the cafeteria for lunch. She hoped to meet Anjali or the other evil girls, to teach them a lesson.     

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