The Alchemists

My Annoying Brother

My Annoying Brother

Aleksis was the new queen bee and she was obviously challenging the old queen bee in school. People were all looking forward to the showdown.     

Mel still couldn't help but think about Aleksis' attitude. She was very surprised to find out that they were having lunch at a fancy dining table that seemed to have been specially brought for Aleksis. Even Anjali, whose father was a member of the school board and donated a lot of money, did not have such a fancy table on campus.     

She began to wonder who Aleksis really was.     

"Hey ... geez ... I heard some gossip about a very beautiful new student, so I hurriedly came here ..." Suddenly a voice could be heard from behind them. Mel was stunned and subconsciously held her breath when she saw Terry appear and patted on Aleksis' back while nagging at her. "Apparently by 'beautiful student', they meant you. I feel so wronged! You caused me came to campus early!"     

Aleksis did not protest when Terry slapped her back gently. She had seen Anjali and her cronies arriving at the cafeteria door. She immediately got up and burst into Terry's chest and embraced him very affectionately.     

"Ohhh ... Terry honey... why did it take you so long to come. I don't like to eat lunch alone ..." she said to Terry in a cutesy voice.     

Aleksis tried her best to hide her mischievous smile as she stared at Anjali's pale face. She pretended to show a longing expression and acted cutesy towards Terry who was shocked by Aleksis' strange behavior.     

At his table, Nicolae accidentally dropped the book he was reading when he saw Aleksis hugging Terry so intimately.     

Ugh … so, the girl he liked was already in a relationship with Terry, the man who had become his rival in everything, including the St. Mary University List of IDEAL HUSBAND CANDIDATES!     

He knew the poll was ridiculous and meaningless, but for some reason today he couldn't accept that Terry was leading the votes ...     

Terry knew his sister very well and so he knew that the girl had a plan by pretending to act like his girlfriend. Therefore, he just followed the game Aleksis was playing and rubbed the girl's head lovingly.     

"You want to pretend to be my girlfriend, huh? Then you owe me one," he whispered, kissing Aleksis' forehead. From far away they really looked like boyfriend and girlfriend..     

Aleksis pinched Terry's waist very hard and whispered, "I'll grant you one wish, as long as it is not too expensive."     

Then she exclaimed cheekily, "Oh, Terry ... sit down for lunch with me. I miss you so much ..."     

Terry then sat next to Aleksis, and muffled sighs could be heard from every corner of the cafeteria. Mel was still stunned and frozen in place. She still could not believe it, that the most popular senior on campus was currently sitting at their table and looked very friendly with Aleksis.     

Anjali, who had been horrified by the scene, suddenly seemed to wake up and hurriedly approached Terry and Aleksis' table.     

"Good afternoon, Terry ... do you want to announce your official girlfriend today?" she asked, smiling sweetly. Her cronies were beside her and they all looked at Terry attentively.     

"Why should I?" Terry asked.     

"Because if you have a girlfriend, we have to cross you off the IDEAL HUSBAND CANDIDATES list," Anjali said, glancing at Nicolae who pretended not to be interested in what was happening at the cafeteria. "That means that Nicolae is now in the top position."     

Ugh ... Terry forgot about the damn poll. He competed in everything with Nicolae, the final year student from the Information Management department, and their position was almost always a draw.     

If he went out of the list now, it meant that for the first time, he must admit defeat to Nicolae. He could not let that happen.     

It's a matter of pride ...     

"Do you have to be single to be voted into the list?" he asked with a nonchalant expression. Anjali nodded. Terry then turned to Aleksis, then glanced at Nicolae who pretended to read his book but seemed to smile triumphantly. Finally Terry laughed, "Hahahaha ... do you think I care about such votes?"     

"So, do you already have a girlfriend now?" Anjali asked again. The tone of her voice was a little disappointed. She looked at Aleksis with a hateful look.     

"I don't have a girlfriend," Terry said quickly. He brushed Aleksis' head aside quickly, "This is my sister."     

"You jerk," whispered Aleksis in disgust. She didn't expect Terry to betray her that fast, just to maintain his position in a stupid vote. Apparently, he took his competition with Nicolae very seriously.     

Meanwhile Nicolae put down his book and looked at them intently. He cannot help a soft laugh escaped his lips.     

Come to think of it, Aleksis and Terry did look rather similar. Although Terry was half Asian and Aleksis looked more white and more European with her pair of green blue eyes, the girl still had a few Asian features on her face.     

Ah, it's only fitting that they were very close ... Both of them were apparently siblings!     

A smile etched on Nicolae's face. He was very pleased to know that Terry did not have a romantic relationship with Aleksis. Apparently Aleksis just pretended to act like his girlfriend because she wanted to tease Terry's fans. When he realized that, Nicolae could only cough, to hold back his laughter. He thought this beautiful girl was very funny and she just made him more curious.     

Nicolae was determined to approach her. If he succeeded in getting Aleksis' heart, he would be happy to get out of the IDEAL HUSBAND CANDIDATE poll and all other votes, and hand over all the titles he contested with Terry to him. He did not mind at all.     

"Oh ... so she is your little sister? As far as I know, you're an only child." Anjali asked, she could not hide the happiness from her face.     

She, who had been investigating all the information about Terry for years, knew that Terry was an only child and his parents died 8 years ago, so there was no way that he could suddenly have a biological sister. It must mean that Aleksis was a younger cousin or distant relative. In the Asian culture, it was common to refer your younger relatives as your little sister.     

"That's the way it is ..." Terry said, still acting nonchalantly.     

"Ah ... okay. Then I won't disturb your lunch," Anjali said finally. She invited her cronies back to their table.     

"Eh ... are you guys really relatives?" Mel asked in amazement when Anjali and her ladies had left.     

Aleksis scowled and ate her lunch without replying. She threw several sharp glances at Terry, who pretended not to see her annoyed face. He drank his soft drink while opening his cell phone with a nonchalant attitude.     

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