The Alchemists

A Very Manly Man

A Very Manly Man

Aleksis did not expect that as the heir to the casino business in Singapore, Ian, was apparently very popular on campus, although not as popular as Terry and Nicolae, who were in their final year and had been idols at St. Mary University for longer. She realized that many girls tried to attract Ian's attention when class was over.     

But Ian was now uninterested in any girl except for Aleksis. He hurriedly chased after Aleksis who left the room as soon as Professor Chang went out.     

"Hey ... are you free tonight? I will host a big party at my father's hotel and I want you to come ..." he said quickly.     

Aleksis looked at Ian with narrowed eyes. Actually, her initial goal was to have many female friends, but aside from Mel, it felt like the people who were nice to her here on campus were all men. First Nicolae, and now Ian and several other boys.     

She must decide whether she preferred to have many male friends or none at all, because apparently she had to give up on her mission to get female friends.     

"Alright ..." said Aleksis finally. "But I want to invite a friend. May I?"     

Ian smiled happily, "Of course. Give me your phone number, I'll contact you to tell you the details."     

Aleksis shook her head. "Sorry, I can't share my phone number around. You can tell me the address and the time now, and I'll come later."     

For a moment Ian's face looked annoyed to hear that Aleksis did not want to give him her phone number, but he immediately relented, because he remembered that Aleksis' bodyguards looked so scary. This girl was apparently not just anyone's daughter.     

"All right ... tonight at 8 o'clock at the Mystica Hotel. That hotel is my father's ..." Ian said proudly. Mystica Hotel and Casino was one of the most luxurious hotels in Singapore and it was famous for its huge casinos and was the main destination for gamblers who want to try their luck in Asia.     

"See you tonight!" Aleksis smiled sweetly and soon took her leave.     

She intended to take Lauriel with her. They haven't had a great time together for a while now.     


Sophia arrived while Alaric was having breakfast and the girl casually invited herself to join her cousin whom she had just met yesterday. Alaric was rather surprised to see Sophia's carefree and relaxed attitude when with him.     

Yesterday, when he first met the girl, he thought that Sophia, who was very elegant and looked like a lady from a noble family, had a cold and rigid nature, but today, she prove him wrong by being really warm. She treated Alaric as if he was a member of her own family.     

This reminded Alaric of Claudia, her foster sister who died decades ago from cancer. Claudia was the last of his family member. They had a very close relationship in the past. His heart broke when he lost Claudia and until now he had never fully recovered.     

Last week he finally opened his heart to a girl, who was so charming and managed to make him fall in love. He fell so deep that he even married her after being together with her for only four days.     

When he decided to marry Aleksis, he had accepted the fact that he had to let her go after a few decades together, and thereafter he would be alone again, probably bearing the pain forever ...     

But now, when he looked at Sophia who sat sweetly across from him while sipping earl gray tea, his heart slowly became warm. He would not be alone anymore, because now he had a family who was just like him.     

Both Sophia and himself could live forever. Besides Sophia, he might also find more of his relatives that still existed in this world ...     

"Alaric, if I may ask ... was your life difficult?" Sophia asked, looking at Alaric, who looked pensive. The day had just begun and they had plenty of time to exchange news.     

Alaric nodded, but he did not want to answer further. Sophia quite understood and did not push him. She could guess how difficult the life of an orphan born in the midst of war in Eastern Europe could be, and for almost 100 years not knowing his true identity.     

"Do you have a family?" Sophia asked again, "I mean ... have you ever been married or had children during your time with ordinary human?"     

Alaric nodded, "I am married. I have several foster children who have been raised and trained as assassins. I have also had a foster sister who had passed away."     

"Hmm ... and your wife… is she still alive? Did she not notice anything strange about you?"     

"No. We haven't been together for a long time. She didn't have a chance to suspect anything ..." Alaric answered. He could guess where Sophia was going.     

"Hmm ... I can understand that you married an ordinary person because you didn't know who you were before ..." Sophia shook her head in concern, "But going forward, it will be difficult for you to enter our Alchemist clan. The problem is, we have an unwritten rule that our secrets should not be known to outsiders. I'm worried that you won't be able to hide something this important from your wife."     

Alaric frowned. "Why not? I could keep this secret forever."     

"Rules are rules, Alaric. Do you know Alexei, my brother? I cannot contact my biological brother after he was sentenced with Death. He is now living as a commoner in Switzerland." Sophia's voice sounded bitter. "Even I, a princess, didn't get special treatment. Ned and Portia can't do anything either."     

"Alexei ...? Sentenced to death? What does that mean?" Alaric asked in confusion. He was just about to inquire about Sophia's brother, who had once contracted Rhionen Assassins to kill someone.     

"Do you still remember Caspar from the Schneider family who was targeted by Alexei? My brother contracted Rhionen Assassin to kill Caspar?"     

Alaric nodded, "Of course."     

"Alexei was going to finish Caspar out for revenge because Caspar had killed his girlfriend, Famke ... You didn't know that Famke was my brother's girlfriend back then. You accepted the contract as well as to avenge Famke ..." Sophia bit her lip, "Caspar is the clan leader and, after escaping your grip, he punished my brother by giving him Death, so that Alexei became a regular human being. He is aging and spending the rest of his life alone in Basel, Switzerland. He doesn't even remember me, his own sister ..."     

Alaric finally understood what had happened.     

"So, since Alexei has become an ordinary human, you can't contact him anymore?"     

"Yes, that is the way our clan works." Sophia looked at Alaric in pity, "I'm sorry for you, I'm sure you must love that woman. The problem is, if you want to be part of our clan, if you want to come back to your real family, you can't be married to an ordinary human. I can tolerate your foster children, because they are your people, but ... I feel that sooner or later you will have to choose ... your extended family and the clan, or your ordinary human wife."     

Alaric's hand shook as he held his tea cup. He looked down and imagined Aleksis' beautiful face, the way she always looked at him lovingly ...     

His heart suddenly ached. Why was he made to choose like this?     

Sophia looked at Alaric who was filled with dilemma, and her pair of purple eyes flashed with satisfaction. She was surprised to hear that Alaric was married, but her intelligent brain quickly thought of ways to separate her cousin from that woman.     

Alaric knew nothing about the Alchemist clan and he would definitely believe Sophia's words, that Alchemists should not be married to ordinary humans.     

In fact, since last night when she first saw Alaric, she was fascinated by him and wanted to make this man hers.     

When she had an appointment to meet the owner of Rhinoen Industries, she thought she would be presented with an old man who had a disfigured face. She was really surprised when she was greeted by one of the most handsome men she had ever met.     

When she recognized Alaric as an Alchemist, Sophia considered it a good sign. This must be fate, she thought.     

The fact that Alaric was the founder of Rhionen Assassins made the man even more attractive in her eyes. She could imagine Alaric's strength and skills as the number one assassin in the world. What a very manly man!     

Sophia had never met a man this great before.     

And oh ... imagine the power that Alaric would have after the automation project was completed in ten years ... This was the man who would rule the earth in the future.     

Sophia immediately decided to have Alaric for herself.     

Although they were cousins, marriage between cousins was not unusual, especially in her family of purists. Ned and Portia were also cousins ​​and they finally married after being together for almost 200 years. This was a common practice among European royal families to maintain the purity of their lineage.     

Today, Sophia planned to bring Alaric to meet Ned and Portia, and convinced them to support him. She was sure that sooner or later Alaric would use his logic and understand that it would be better for him to choose his real family over his ordinary human wife, who would probably die in a few decades. Together, they would live as immortals and rule the world.      

Sophia stood up and patted Alaric's shoulder in sympathy, "You don't have to decide now. After breakfast I will bring you to meet Ned and Portia, so you can see for yourself what our family life is like ..."     

Alaric nodded, but he could not continue with his breakfast. His head was filled with images of Aleksis' face who always looked at him lovingly. His chest felt very tight.     

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