The Alchemists

SPOILER: Alaric Meets Aleksis

SPOILER: Alaric Meets Aleksis

This event will happen sometime in future. How far in the future? It's still a secret. I believe this is needed to give the readers peace of mind that there will be light at the end of the tunnel once Alaric and Aleksis' relationship takes a dark turn.     

Please respect the others who don't want to read spoiler by not discussing the contents of spoiler chapters in other (regular) chapters. =)     


The luxury car that brought Ned and Portia arrived soon after. Aleksis, who had heard about their arrival, hurriedly went out of the castle to greet them personally.     

"Welcome, Aunt Portia ... Uncle Ned ..." She bowed perfectly like a noble lady, and for a moment Portia was stunned to see her.     

Aleksis wore a red dress that wrapped perfectly around her beautiful body and showed off her long legs. Her beautiful face did not need any makeup at all, and it made her look so simple yet so charming.     

Her thick honey-colored hair extended beautifully on her back, and it framed her face perfectly. Even Portia, who was known as the most beautiful woman in the Alchemist clan, was impressed to see her.     

"Good evening," Portia smiled sweetly, staring at the beautiful woman with perfect manner in front of her. "What is your name?"     

"My name is Aleksis Schneider, I'm my father's daughter," Aleksis replied with a friendly smile. "Caspar Schneider."     

"Oh ..." Portia and Ned looked at one another in surprise.     

Right at that moment, the car carrying Alaric arrived in the yard and stopped right next to Ned's car. Alaric, who had seen his godparents standing at the entrance, immediately got out of the car to approach them.     

"Father, Mother ..." He greeted them. Portia and Ned turned toward him, and only then did Alaric see the girl who had been talking to his godparents.     

Instantly he stopped in his tracks and stood fixed in his place. His body froze and Alaric could not take his eyes from the girl.     

"My dear ... you came too," Portia smiled at him. "This is Aleksis Schneider, the bride. Lauriel's future daughter-in-law."     

For a brief moment, Alaric thought that he was in his Holodeck, because suddenly Aleksis was standing in front of him. His eyes instantly became foggy.     

Meanwhile, Aleksis had noticed the newly arrived man and she was immediately impressed.     

Was this the famous godson of Portia and Ned? she thought. She heard the man call them father and mother just now.     

"I will look for Uncle Rory so he can come and meet you. He will be very happy." Aleksis nodded kindly and invited her guests inside.     

Not only her face ... but her body ... and her voice too ... they all resembled Aleksis'.     

Alaric was so confused.     

"Please come in, Everyone. Uncle Rory is very sorry because he forgot to invite you to his party a few years ago. He is indeed not very good at throwing parties. Auntie Portia, I hope you would forgive him ..."     

Uncle Rory? Alaric's head instantly became heavy.     

Portia and Ned nodded and followed Aleksis into the castle. Their first impression of the girl was very pleasing and Portia's annoyance at Lauriel had diminished a little from hearing her explanation.     

Aleksis called for the waiter who immediately brought drinks and served it to the three guests before she excused herself. "I'll be right back. Please relax and enjoy the drinks. My father and mother are almost here too."     

When she disappeared behind the door, Alaric's consciousness returned, and tears started welling up in his brilliant purple eyes.     

His brain had stopped working, but his legs subconsciously ran after Aleksis' shadow, as if they had their own mind. The girl had disappeared behind the door.     

This was not a dream!     

This was not a fantasy feature on Holodeck!     

He was at the Medici Castle and he just saw Aleksis in flesh ...     

Aleksis who was going to call her Uncle Rory ...     

Uncle Rory was apparently Lauriel himself …     

And Lauriel was Alaric's biological father.     

"Hey, where are you going?" Portia asked, confused. However, Alaric didn't reply. He didn't even turn his head.     

His only focus was to look for Aleksis. He couldn't bear to lose her again!     

When he arrived outside, Alaric found himself in an empty alley. Aleksis had disappeared from his sight.     

"Where is Aleksis ...?" he asked urgently to a passing servant. The girl was surprised for a moment but quickly pointed towards a building across the garden. Alaric immediately ran that direction.     

"Uncle Rory ... Auntie Portia has arrived. Are you in the library?"     

Alaric heard Aleksis' voice calling for Lauriel when he arrived at the library door. He closed his eyes, absorbing her beautiful voice that he had been deeply missing for a long time.     

"Uncle Rory isn't here, apparently," murmured Aleksis. She placed her hands on her waist and tried to think about where Lauriel was now.     

"Aleksis ..." A hoarse voice suddenly came from behind her, calling Aleksis's name so solemnly, as if offering a prayer. "Are you Aleksis Makela ...?"     

Aleksis raised her face and turned toward the voice. Her forehead frowned, because she thought that for some reason this voice sounded very familiar.     

"Aleksis Makela? Are you Aleksis Makela?" asked the man once more in an urgent tone.     

Aleksis was stunned to see the young man in front of her looking at her emotionally. The man looked very impressive in his casual party dress custom made for him. His attire was adorned with various badges and emblems of noble families from the Lewis and Baden families, and other families unknown to Aleksis.     

Oh, wasn't this Ned and Portia's famous godson? Why did he chase me here? thought Aleksis, confused.     

She had only briefly caught a glimpse of him, because her mind had been distracted by party preparations and searching for Lauriel. Now that he was standing tall in front of her, and since Alaric was slowly closing the distance between them, Aleksis could observe him better.     

This person had a very unique appearance, Aleksis thought admiringly.     

The young man's hair was platinum blonde. It was kept a bit messy and it framed his very handsome face perfectly. His face was beautiful and had perfect symmetry lines. His pair of brilliant purple eyes looked closely at Aleksis, and it made the girl feel a little awkward.     

"Do I know you?" Aleksis asked in confusion. She had never met this man before, but there was something about him that felt familiar. "I don't think we've met before ..."     

"Is your name Aleksis Makela? I've been looking for you for a long time ..."     

"My name is Aleksis Schneider. Why are you looking for me? Do we know each other?" Aleksis asked. She narrowed her eyes, trying to see the man better. Since the young man did not answer her question, Aleksis finally nodded, "I ... have indeed used the name Aleksis Makela before."     

"Oh ..." The man was stunned; he was lost for words as Aleksis confirmed his question. He stared at Aleksis for a long time, and subconsciously a smile etched on his face. "You're so much more beautiful now."     

"Thank you ..." Aleksis began to feel very uncomfortable. She knew that she was beautiful, since she was young, her beauty had caused many problems. She had no intention of lingering with strangers who praised her for her beauty just as she was about to get married. "If there is nothing important to discuss, I must return to the reception room."     

She bowed slightly like a royal princess and walked past Alaric to get out of the library.     

"You can't marry that man ..." Suddenly the man's voice came from behind her again. There was an urgency in his tone. "You already have a husband."     

Aleksis stopped in her tracks. She turned around and looked at the man sharply. Only now did she notice that his purple eyes were very familiar.     

Did ... did this person have a family relationship with Alaric? How did he know that Aleksis was married?     

"Who are you, really?" Aleksis asked in a trembling voice. "My husband is dead."     

The man bit his lip to hold back his emotions, and shook his head slowly, "I'm sorry ..."     

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