The Alchemists

Why is everyone investigating Rhionen Industries?

Why is everyone investigating Rhionen Industries?

Aleksis was right. The chef and sous chef of the Continental Hotel Restaurant were ready in the kitchen and waiting for orders. They chose to eat pasta and steak and the chefs immediately began working swiftly.     

"Uncle, please, can I use your cellphone ... I want to call Terry … he needs to come here with Little Prince Siegfried," Aleksis said, as she sat waiting for her food at the dining room. "I lost my phone this afternoon when Nico took me away."     

Lauriel threw his phone to Aleksis and the girl caught it expertly. She hurriedly called Terry.     

"Big brother, please bring my dog ​​here, okay. I decided to move back to the penthouse, so you don't need to take care of Little Prince Siegfried anymore." She then remembered something, "Oh, by the way, we are about to have dinner. If you can get here in 15 minutes, I will ask the chef to prepare food for you as well."     

Nicolae noticed that Aleksis was calling Terry and then he remembered that Aleksis and Terry had a familial relationship, but he didn't think they were that close.     

"Is that Terry Chan?" Nicolae asked after Aleksis hung up. "You asked him to come here?"     

"Yes. Why not? He's my brother," Aleksis answered. "I know you guys are competing against each other ... I deliberately didn't tell him that you were here ... Hihihi ... Terry must be very surprised ..."     

Lauriel was interested in hearing more about what Aleksis had said, "Nicolae and Terry are competing? Why do they compete?"     

Aleksis coughed and glanced at Nicolae, "They are currently competing to be the ideal husband, Uncle ..."     

"Uh ... no. That's just a stupid poll that doesn't mean anything," protested Nicolae. "I don't care about those useless polls. Terry and I compete competitively in serious matters, really. We fought over the chair of the senate last year. That's all ..."     

"Uhmm ... aren't you too old to compete with a childish student like Terry?" Aleksis asked teasingly. "You are almost a century old."     

Nicolae pursed his lips. He acknowledged that Aleksis was right. He was already too old for such things, but it was the girls on campus who put them on various ridiculous voting lists. He was actually not interested in competing with Terry, but his meeting with Terry for the first time last year upset him because Terry was very annoying.     

"I never took those polls seriously," he finally shook his head. "I'm just trying to be as natural as possible as a student. What really interests me is this important research I'm currently working on."     

Lauriel, who had taken a bottle of wine and three glasses, listened attentively to Nicolae. He felt that everything his son did and said was very interesting.     

"What research?" he asked as he poured a glass of wine and handed it over to each of the young people. "Medical research? Or what?"     

"Uhm ... yeah, something like that." Nicolae nodded. "Since I am currently surrounded by my own family, I can tell you what my real purpose is for living in Singapore ..."     

Aleksis also started to become interested in Nicolae's research. Nicolae, who always seemed relaxed on campus, was now suddenly very mysterious. He reminded her a little bit of Alaric.     

Nicolae took a sip of wine and then spoke in a half-whispered voice, "I'm investigating Rhionen Industries. Since they opened a new office in Singapore, I immediately came here so I could investigate them more closely."     

Aleksis almost choked on her own wine when she heard Nicolae's words.     

How strange ... It seemed that all the people she knew were investigating Rhionen Industries. Terry and his partner, and now Nicolae too ...     

"Why are you investigating Rhionen Industries?" Aleksis asked, trying to keep her expression flat. "They have offices in this building."     

"I know. When we met in front of the elevator some time ago, I was actually in the middle of an investigation, and so I crashed their office party at Sky Bar." Nicolae seemed to think for a moment. He did not know how to convey straightforwardly what he had been doing. He had only known Aleksis for a few days, and he met Lauriel only today. "I want to gather evidence to bring down Rhionen Industries."     

"What's wrong with them? Why are you so eager to take them down?" asked Aleksis. She actually already knew the answer because she had heard it from Terry and from Alaric himself, but she still wanted to hear Nicolae's reason.     

"Hmm ... it's rather difficult to explain," Nicolae said, shaking his head, "You probably don't know about Rhionen Assassins, but they are the people behind Rhionen Industries."     

Aleksis bit her lip fretfully. Why were so many people hostile to Alaric? Terry, her own brother, was after Alaric, and now Nicolae, Lauriel's son, too.     

Aleksis really couldn't wait for Alaric to return from London so she could talk to him     

"We know about Rhionen Assassins," Lauriel said quietly as he sipped his wine. His words made Nicolae somewhat surprised.     

"How do you know? The organization is very mysterious ..." he said in amazement.     

Lauriel smiled and shook his head, "There is no organization more mysterious and hidden than the Alchemists."     

"Oh ..." Nicolae realized that in his long life, he had never heard of these Alchemists. Lauriel was right when he said that the Alchemists were more mysterious than Rhionen Assassins. They lived in the shadows and were not known to outsiders. "I will tell you about my investigation, if you tell me about the Alchemists ... That way we can complement each other's information."     

"Of course ..." Lauriel nodded. He took another sip slowly and presented a brief history of the Alchemist clan and the order of their lives. However Nicolae must know, because he was now the heir of the Medici family.     

"Geez ... the clan is so amazing ..." Nicolae repeatedly chuckled as Lauriel told him about the history and events of the clan, and all the important members of the clan who ruled the world. "So, the British Empire is actually controlled by the Lewis and Baden family? No wonder ... Then, besides them, there are the Flamel, Meier, and Schneider Families ... hmm ... this is very interesting. Those are all very powerful families in our society."     

"That's right. Aleksis is Caspar Schneider's first child. Caspar is my best friend. She is the heir to the Schneider Family, and Caspar himself now serves as the clan leader." Lauriel looked at Aleksis and Nicolae alternately, and something occurred in his mind. "I have been avoiding worldly life for so long that the Medici Family has never interfered in clan affairs. But, if you want to meet Caspar, it might be better for you to use the name of the Medici Family."     

"Meet my father? What for?" Aleksis asked in confusion.     

Nicolae coughed and finished the wine in his glass in one gulp. Gosh ... His father, Lauriel, was so blunt, he thought.     

Apparently, in such a short time, Lauriel could see how much his son was crazy about Aleksis. He had been observing Nicolae's gestures; how the young man looked at Aleksis with sparkling eyes and how he followed all her movements with a dreamy look.     

Seeing Aleksis who was confused and Nicolae coughing, Lauriel only smiled faintly. He poured more wine back into his glass until it was full and took another sip. He looked at Aleksis and Nicolae lovingly and his chest was now full of warmth.     

He believed that meeting Finland and being there when Aleksis was born was his destiny. It gave him a reason to live, and so he canceled his plans to take Death. Who would have thought that at that time, his son was somewhere out there, still alive and well, waiting for the time when they could finally meet.     

Aleksis was the reason he wanted to live, and she was also the reason for his reunion with Nicolae. It would indeed be nice if Nicolae could marry Aleksis ... This would make the circle complete. Aleksis would not only be his goddaughter, but also his daughter in law.      

He looked at the handsome Nicolae and the beautiful Aleksis, and murmured to himself, how compatible the two were with each other.      

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